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Variable Word Width Computation for Low Power

Variable Word Width Computation for Low Power. By Bret Victor Sayf Alalusi. Motivation. 32 bit architecture required for most general purpose computing However, many applications don’t need a full 32 bit data word: Video: 24 bit Audio: 16 bit Text: 8 bit Logic: 1 bit

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Variable Word Width Computation for Low Power

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  1. Variable Word Width Computation for Low Power By Bret Victor Sayf Alalusi

  2. Motivation • 32 bit architecture required for most general purpose computing • However, many applications don’t need a full 32 bit data word: • Video: 24 bit • Audio: 16 bit • Text: 8 bit • Logic: 1 bit • How can we exploit this to save power?

  3. Possibilities • Architecture that supports 32, 24, 16, 8, and 1 bit operations? Or some subset? • Switch processor between modes, or specify width for each instruction? Global or distributed control? • Gated clocks? Don’t drive unused outputs? Power down unused blocks?

  4. Implementation • Based on MIPS architecture and ISA • Two widths: 16 bit and 32 bit • Width chosen on instruction-by-instruction basis. • Flag bit in instruction word selects width • Modified ISA: • arithmetic: add16, add32; mul16, mul32 • logical: and16, and32 • memory: lw16, lw32; sw16, sw32 • branch compare: beq16, beq32

  5. Energy • Energy consumption occurs when a node transitions, and is proportional to the capacitance at that node. • Prevent nodes from transitioning unnecessarily. • Energy savings can be calculated by adding all the capacitance that is switching.

  6. Where We Save Energy • Our design saves energy over a traditional processor in three main areas: • Clock and control line energy • HWTE (High Word Transition Energy) • Memory control energy • We will see these three areas as we step through the pipeline.

  7. = + srcA srcB dest data outA outB MUX addr wr data rd data Pipeline Overview branch address: 32 MUX PC + 4: 32 immed: 16 32 32 branch offset +4 dest reg: 5 5 32 I$ 5 PC 32 32 32 5 32 IF/ID ID/EX reg A MUX ALU fwd from MEM ALU result: 32 32 32 fwd from WB 32 32 32 32 32 reg B MUX 32 32 fwd from MEM fwd from WB immed data for SW: 32 dest reg: 5 5 dest reg: 5 EX/MEM MEM/WB

  8. IF Stage branch address: 32 MUX PC + 4: 32 32 +4 32 I$ PC 32 32 IF/ID • Instruction words and addresses must be 32 bits. • Can’t modify much.

  9. + = srcA srcB dest data outA outB ID Stage branch address: 32 • We can: • gate the clocks of the pipeline register • only drive high words out of register file if 32 bit operation PC + 4: 32 immed: 16 32 branch offset dest reg: 5 5 32 5 32 5 32 IF/ID ID/EX

  10. Pipeline Register (ID) WidthGatedClock UngatedClock • Fit gating into clock distribution network. • Little energy overhead and helps control skew. • On ID stage, gating reduces clock energy by: • 56% on 16-bit operations • 19% on 32-bit non-immediate operations reg A: high 16 Clock UngatedClock reg A: low 16 reg B: high 16 reg B: low 16 C WidthGatedClock Q Width D destReg: 5 ImmedGatedClock (from instruction word) immed: 16

  11. Register File Read Port (ID) • Decoder selects register to drive output bus. • We add one AND gate per register. • Switching capacitance dominated by output bus. • 16 bit operation takes 50% less energy than 32 bit operation.... • Not necessarily savings! D E C O D E R Width 16 N Reg 0: high 16 16 N Reg 0: low 16 Width 16 N Reg 1: high 16 16 N Reg 1: low 16

  12. EX Stage reg A • Modify the ALU to perform 16 bit operations. • Prevent the high word output of the MUXes from changing on 16 bit operations. • Gate the clock of the pipeline register: • Only latch high word of ALU result on 32 bit operations • Only latch reg B on “store word” operations MUX ALU fwd from MEM 32 fwd from WB 32 reg B MUX 32 fwd from MEM fwd from WB immed data for SW: 32 dest reg: 5

  13. Logical Inst.’s (EX) X0 ------- Y0 ------- e.g. X AND Y • Just don’t let the unused bits (high 16) transition • If they don’t transition, they will not drive the next stage either. • 50% less energy X1 ------- Y1 ------- X31 ------ Y31 ------

  14. Adder (EX) 0 . . 3 A0 B0 … … An Bn 16 . . 19 • The 4CLA blocks just get replicated for the number of bits, but the upper level CLA structure will grow with the number of bits. • 16 bits: 58% less energy Upper Level CLA Generation 4 . . 7 20 . . 23 8 . . 11 24 . . 27 S0 Sn 12 . . 15 28 . . 31

  15. Multiplier (EX) 32 x 32bit adds 32 x 32bit reg. writes 32 shifts In 32 cycles Vs. 16 x 16bit adds 16 x 16bit reg. writes 16 shifts In 16 cycles • Multiply complexity grows as N2, so a 16 bit multiply takes 77% less energy. • Even if upper 16 bits = 0, a 32 bit multiply does 16 extra shifts.

  16. HWTE • Two types of data in 16 bit application: • Computational data (16-bit): high word = 0 • Pointers and addresses (32-bit): high word = C • Assume C “mostly constant” (memory accesses mostly in 64K block) • Traditional processor only consumes more datapath energy than our processor when transitioning between these data types. • HWTE = High Word Transition Energy

  17. HWTE • With such a model, our processor effectively only excecutes “16 bit operations”. • Traditional processor excecutes “32 bit operations” only when transitioning between data types. • E32 = energy of 32 bit operation • E16 = energy of 16 bit operation • N = average number of consecutive instructions that use the same data type • HWTE = ( E32 - E16 ) / N

  18. Barrel Shifter (EX) A3 B3 • Big win will come from not driving the control lines to the upper 16 bits. • Save about 50% in energy A2 B2 A1 B1 A0 B0 SH0 SH1 SH2 SH3

  19. addr wr data rd data MEM Stage • This is a big, regular memory (SRAM) structure that can easily be segmented into blocks. • Exploit this fact ALU result: 32 32 32 32 dest reg: 5

  20. DCache (MEM) • 2-way set associative, write-back • Blocks are 2 x 32b or 4 x 16b, i.e. the 16b data values are aligned on 16b boundaries, 32 on 32b. Width Block # Only drive the word line that you need!

  21. DCache (MEM) • Only drive the word lines that are needed. • Need a little bit of logic to figure out what the correct lines are, but large capacitance of WL dominates. • Block size is larger for 16 bit values, better exploits spatial locality • Associativity does not change from 16 bit to 32 bit word lengths • Energy savings: 50% • Control Line Savings, no HWTE!

  22. srcA srcB dest data outA outB MUX WB Stage Dest reg: 5 • On a 16 bit operation, we can: • Only drive the low word out of the MUX • Capacitive load on register write port is large • Driving 16 bits out of the MUX consumes 50% less energy than driving 32 bits… HWTE formula applies. • Only latch the low word into the register? Mem data: 32 5 ALU result: 32 32 MEM/WB

  23. Reg. File Write Port (WB) Write HiWrite • We can add one AND gate for each register. • But 16 bit write uses same amount of clock energy as 32 bit write without modifications. • Little savings from not writing into the register, because the high word would not change in a 16 bit application. • Not worth it! Width D E C O D E R HiWrite C Reg 0: high 16 D 16 Write C Reg 0: low 16 D 16 HiWrite C Reg 1: high 16 D 16 Write C Reg 1: low 16 D 16

  24. Summary • Typical power distribution in core (non-memory): • ALU: 34% x 66% • I-decode: 23% x 100% • Register file: 13% x 66% • Clock: 10% x 50% • Shifter: 11% x 50% • Pipeline: 9% x 74% • Core energy reduced by 29%.

  25. Summary • Typical power distribution in memory: • Instruction cache 60% x 100% • Data cache 40% x 50% • Cache energy reduced by 20%. • Total processor power consumption: • Cache 66% x 80% • Core 33% x 71% • Total energy reduced by 24% when executing a 16 bit application.

  26. Conclusions • Primary drawback is modification of ISA. • Energy savings are reasonable. • Our modifications are fairly easy to implement, and can be fit into existing processor designs with minimal area increase.

  27. Where do we go from here? • More accurate capacitance models and SPICE simulation • More accurate models of instruction mix

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