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Jonathan Schull, Associate Professor, Information Technology, Rochester Institute of Technology

Predicting the evolution of digital rights, digital objects, and digital rights management languages. Jonathan Schull, Associate Professor, Information Technology, Rochester Institute of Technology. When worlds collide. Biologization the ability to reproduce, spread, and evolve.

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Jonathan Schull, Associate Professor, Information Technology, Rochester Institute of Technology

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  1. Predicting the evolution of digital rights, digital objects, and digital rights management languages. Jonathan Schull, Associate Professor, Information Technology, Rochester Institute of Technology

  2. When worlds collide Biologizationthe ability to reproduce, spread, and evolve. Virtualization representation in purely disembodied bits. DigitalRightsManagement

  3. The Virtualization of Money

  4. Fee for Service predates Exchange

  5. Barter: exchange of things for things

  6. Evolution of Money Negotiable Scarce Commodities … Weighable Scarce Commodities Authenticatable and therefore Countable

  7. From Silver Certificates …

  8. …to Good Faith

  9. The Virtualization of Money: no problem! (If you can count on the constant vigilance and full force of the most powerful political and military forces in the history of mankind.)

  10. Digital Rights Management (for money) is a done deal. Increasingly, it’s digital documents for digital documents

  11. The Virtualization of Information ProductsA similar story.

  12. On the other hand… What about biology?

  13. Two Meanings of Publishing 1. Dissemination of Information Processes: the economy of ecologyand the wealth of notions 2. Manufacturing of Information Products:the economy of thingsand the wealth of nations

  14. Self-propagating information media • Self-reproducing machines • Digital Media • Writing • Speech • Memes • Nervous Systems and Imitation • Viruses and Cells • DNA • RNA • Protocells

  15. Information is not a thing. • Some patterns don't just move from place to place. • They reproduce • They spread • They evolve.

  16. Digital Media and Me

  17. Superdistribution: the Early Days 1990(Specialized Hardware) 1992(All Software) 1994(Metered Usage)

  18. Context-sensitivity

  19. Future of Superdistribution:More Virtual • Non-currency remuneration (OMA tokens?)

  20. Tracking Redistribution: Why?

  21. Future of Superdistribution:More Viral: Tracking and compensating re-distribution • Compensation for Redistribution • Can ODRL specify rights for re-distributors?

  22. Future of SuperdistributionMore Viral: Tracking and compensating re-distribution

  23. Tracking Redistribution: How?

  24. Anonymized,Temporalized Consumer #12345.678 Mark Marketer ? ! Dear 12345, … Sincerely, Mark Marketer Mark Marketer Dear Connie, … Sincerely, Mark Marketer Connie Consumer Dear Mark, … Sincerely, Connie Dear Mark, … Sincerely, 12345 Personal Information Trust • Privacy Problem • Tracking data are personal data • Privacy rights are weakly defined • Solution? • Help subjects of tracking data • exploit value, • preserve privacy

  25. Personal Information Trust • Because Value of Personal Information is synergistic: • Each bit is more valuable with other bits • Because only the consumer can combine bits… …consumer controls usage, reaps benefits • The PIT and consumer can profit… …by purchasing data from 3rd parties. • 3rd parties would get better prices from the PIT than from spammers. • Marketers would get more value from the PIT than from black market data mongers.

  26. Privacy Challenges Can we assert rights over.. • Tracking data? • Where? • In the transferred objects? • Via the transaction system? • Both? • Tracking data will often of most value to the content creator • Data generated by information transactions • between and among individuals and marketers? • Conditions under which contact is welcome • Conditions under which tracking data can be used

  27. Adaptation by Natural Selection • Reproduction • Mutation • Inheritance • Differential Reproduction • Functional Mutations! • Price • Color Scheme • Trial Durations • Rights Conditions? Central Server can ensure that differential reproduction promotes “vendor fitness” not just “viral reproduction”

  28. Challenge Is it possible to assert rights over • documents that are intended to change… • randomly ? • In a directed fashion?

  29. Thank You!

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