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Adjective placement

Adjective placement. Signora Albanese. Adjective placement. Descriptive adjectives usually follow the noun that they modify. una porta segreta : a secret door i capelli lunghi : long hair degli amici generosi : some generous friends. Adj. placement.

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Adjective placement

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  1. Adjective placement Signora Albanese

  2. Adjective placement • Descriptive adjectives usually follow the noun that they modify. • unaportasegreta: a secret door • icapellilunghi: long hair • degli amici generosi: some generous friends

  3. Adj. placement • A few short descriptive adjectives precede the noun that the modify: • Bello/brutto caro • Buono/cattivo stesso • Altro nuovo • Bravo • Giovane/vecchio “4B double G CVNP” • Grande/piccolo

  4. Gliesempi • Ti daideibuoniconsigli. You give some good advice. • Abitiancoraallostessoindirizzo? • Do you still live at the same address? • La bruttaBefanavolasulla scopa. • The ugly Befana flies on the broom.

  5. Adj. placement • Nota bene: When the above adjectives are modified by MOLTO, they follow the noun. • Tudaideiconsiglimoltibuoni. • You give very good advice. • La strega molto bruttavolasuuna scopa. • The very ugly witch flies on a broom.

  6. Adj. placement • Some adjectives have different meanings depending on their position. In the normal position after the noun, the meaning tends to be literal. Before the noun, the meaning changes. • unastoffacara: an expensive material • Un caroamico: a dear (cherised) friend • Un autorecattivo: a spiteful (wicked) author • Un cattivoragazzo: a bad (naughty) boy

  7. Adj. placement • Libri diversi: different books • Diversi libri: several books • Un uomo grande: a large/tall man • Un grand’uomo: a great man • Una macchina nuova: a newly purchased car • Una nuova amica: a new friend • Le famiglie povere: the poor families (without money • Le povere famiglie: the unfortunate families

  8. Adj. placement • Un uomosolo: a man alone, a single man (by himself) • Un solouomo: the only man • Un amicovecchio: an old friend (age) • Un vecchioamico: an old (longtime) friend

  9. Adj. placement • Adjectives of quantity, possession, and demonstrative adjectives usually precede the noun. • Trecravatte: three ties • Menosoldi: less money • Mia cugina: my cousin • Quelragazzo: that boy

  10. Adj. placement • Other adjectives that precede a noun are: • Alcuni: some, any qualsiasi: any • Altro: other tutto: all, whole, every • Certo: certain ultimo: last • Ogni: each • Parecchio: several • Primo: first • Qualche: some

  11. Adj. placement • When more than one adjective describes a noun, each adjective is placed in its normal position. Two adjectives in the same position are joined by “and.” • Un caro e bravo ragazzo: a dear, good boy • Una grande stanza soleggiata: a large, sunny room • Una ragazza intelligente e simpatica: a nice, intelligent girl

  12. Bello e Buono • The adjectives bello e buono can either follow the noun they modify or precede it. • If bello o buono precede the noun then they are modified.

  13. Bello imitates the definite article • il divano bel divano • l’appartamento bell’appartamento • lo scaffale bello scaffale • la casa bella casa • l’amica bell’amica • i divani bei divani • gli appartamenti begli appartamenti • gli scaffale begli scaffali • le case belle case • le amiche belle amiche

  14. Buono imitates the indefinite article for singular forms. For plural it can only be buoni or buone. • un divano buon divano • un appartamento buon appartamento • uno scaffale buono scaffale • una casa buona casa • un’amica buon’amica • divani buoni divani • appartamenti buoni appartamenti • scaffali buoni scaffali • case buone case • amiche buone amiche

  15. Grande • When the adjective grande precedes the noun, it may become grand’ before a singular noun beginning with a vowel or gran before a singular noun beginning with a consonant (except z and s + consonant). In the plural, only the form grandi is used. Un grand’amico una gran pittrice (female painter) Un gran pittore Una grand’amica

  16. Grandi • Dei grandi amici e dellegrandiamiche: some great friends ( males/females) • Dei grandipittori/ dellegrandipittrici: some great painters (male/female) • * When grande follows a noun, the regular forms grande and grandi are used. • Vorrei un appartamentogrande. • I would like a big apartment.

  17. Questo e Quello • This and These have the t’s, That and Those don’t • Questo – this/these • Quello – that/those

  18. The adjective Quello imitates the definite article • il divano quel divano • l’appartamento quell’appartamento • lo scaffale quello scaffale • la casa quella casa • l’amica quell’amica • i divani quei divani • gli appartamenti quegli appartamenti • gli scaffale quegli scaffali • le case quelle case • le amiche quelle amiche

  19. The adjective Questo • questo divano questi divani • quest’appartamento questi appartamenti • questo scaffale questi scaffali • questa casa queste case • quest’amica queste amiche

  20. Questo and Quello as pronouns • A pronoun replaces a noun. • When used as a pronoun questo and quello have the following forms. • Questo: questo, questi, questa, queste • Quello: quello, quelli, quella, quelle • Mi piacciono queste. I like these. • Non mi piacciono quelli. I don’t like those.

  21. Translate… • That nice guy is tall. • Do you like this university? • This house is beautiful. • Does your sister like these couches? • Do your parents watch those Italian movies?

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