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第 3 版 Mini-world 万花筒

第 3 版 Mini-world 万花筒. 养猫养狗大不同 ——. Dog People vs. Cat People. ★ Dog people are likely to be outgoing. ● Cat people are likely to be quiet and shy. ★ Dog people take an active part in sports. ● Cat people don’t like sports very much.

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第 3 版 Mini-world 万花筒

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  1. 第3版 Mini-world 万花筒

  2. 养猫养狗大不同—— Dog People vs. Cat People ★ Dog people are likely to be outgoing. ● Cat people are likely to be quiet and shy. ★ Dog people take an active part in sports. ● Cat people don’t like sports very much.

  3. ★ Dog people like to meet new people. They like to talk to new people at a party. ● Cat people like to meet and talk to new people, too. But they may cling to their friends at a party. ★ Dog people like to play tricks on others. ● Cat people like to laugh at others. ★ Dog people think they are fashionable. ● Cat people think they are fashion.

  4. in the long run Meaning: later in the future 从长远来看 Story: 这个词组出自赛马运动。其实,真正的良驹宝马在比赛刚开始时并不一定领先,但却往往是最后的胜利者,正所谓“路遥知马力”。久而久之,in the long run 就演变成了“从长远来看”的意思,与之相对应的词组是 in the short run (从短期来看)。 Example: Moving to the USA will be good for you in the long run. 从长远来看,搬到美国对你有好处。

  5. Word Bank 超纲词汇 versus /'v+:s=s/ prep. 对抗, 与……相比 (缩写vs.) outgoing /'aUt;G=UI9/ adj. 外向的,开朗的 shy /5aI/ adj.羞怯的,胆小的 active /'7ktIv/ adj. 积极的,活跃的 other /'28=/ pron.其他的人(或物) fashionable /'f75=n=bl/ adj.时尚的,流行的 fashion /'f75=n/ n. 时尚

  6. be likely to ... 有(做)……的可能 take (an active) part in (积极)参加 cling to ... 粘着…… play tricks on ... 捉弄…… laugh at ... 嘲笑……

  7. 第4-5版 Super Classroom 超级课堂

  8. Word Bank 核心词汇 nod /n^d/ v.点(头) life /laIf/ n.性命,life 的复数形式为 lives

  9. 让我们听从指令,一起来玩反应小游戏吧! Let’s Do It! 小游戏: 请按照示例在横线上填入指令。一人念指令,其他人按照指令作出相应的动作,比比看谁的反应最快哦!你可以选择方框内给出的指令,也可以自己设定其它指令。

  10. stand up, sit down, close the door, open your book, turn around, clap your hands, nod your head, close your eyes Go to the window! No, no, no! Open the door! No, no, no! Jump up and down! Yes, let’s do it! Let’s all jump up and down!

  11. 学校附近在整修道路,所以托尼今天要绕远路上学啦。学校附近在整修道路,所以托尼今天要绕远路上学啦。 他该怎么走呢? A Long Way to School 考考你: 请根据文章内容在地图上画出托尼上学的路线。

  12. Tony usually goes to school by underground. Then he walks to school for about twenty minutes. But now the roads near his school are under repair. So he has to choose another route to school. At seven o’clock in the morning, Tony comes out of the station. Then he calls a taxi and gets out at a hospital. There is a river near the hospital. Tony goes along the river by boat, and stops at a bridge. He rents a bike in front of the library and rides it to school. On his way, he crosses two zebra crossings and passes by a supermarket.

  13. Tony arrives at school at 7:45. Luckily, he isn’t late for school. But what a long way it is!

  14. 猜一猜,他们都是干什么的呢? What’s His Job? 考考你: 请根据文字介绍将相应的职业名称填在横线上。

  15. ★ He wears a white coat and a white hat. He can make nice food. He is a _____. ★ He can write on the blackboard. He can write in our exercise books too. He is a _________. ★ He can sing and dance very well. He can hold a concert. He is a _____. ★ He can put out a big fire. He can save people’s lives. He is a __________. cook teacher singer firefighter

  16. 讲学指导 情态动词can的用法 动词can, could, may, might等都属于情态动词。我们已在课文中学习了can在表示能力时的用法,其实它还可以表示其他语境,让我们来了解一下吧。 一、 表示能力 例:She can dance very well. 她舞跳得很好。 二、 表示客观可能性 例:We cannot live without air. 没有空气,我们无法生存。 三、 表示许可(多用于口语) 例:Can I go now? 我可以走了吗?

  17. 四、 表示请求:在这种语境下,使用could比用can语气更显 委婉客气。could此时和can没有时间上的差别,它主要 用于疑问句,不用于肯定句,因此回答时改用can。 例:A: Could he come along too? B: Yes, he can. A: 他明天可以一起来吗? B: 是的,他可以。 五、 表示惊讶、怀疑、不相信(主要用于否定句、疑问句或 感叹句) 例:How can/could you be so careless?   你怎么这么粗心!

  18. 周周练 下列句子中的情态动词can各表示什么语境?请将字母编号填入对应的括号内。 A. 表示能力 B. 表示客观可能性 C. 表示许可 D. 表示请求 E. 表示惊讶、怀疑、不相信 ( ) Anybody (任何人) can make mistakes (错误). ( ) You can sit here. ( ) My mother can speak English. ( ) Can/Could this be true? ( ) Could I have a cup of water, please? B C A E D

  19. Word Bank 超纲词汇 clap /kl7p/ v.拍(手) minute /'mInIt/ n. 分钟 choose /t5u:z/ v.选择 another /='n28=/ adj.另一的 route /ru:t/ n. 路线 bridge /brId3/ n.桥 rent /rent/ v. 租用

  20. luckily /'l2kIlI/ adv.幸运地,幸好 blackboard /'bl7kb6:d/ n.黑板 life/laIf/ n.性命,life的复数形式为lives singer /'sI9=/ n. 歌唱家 turn around 转身 be under repair 在整修中 call a taxi 叫计程车 get out 下(小型车) go along 沿着……前进

  21. pass by 经过 exercise book 练习本 hold a concert 举办音乐会 put out 熄灭(火)

  22. 第6版 Playground 英语操练场

  23. Word Bank 核心词汇 sure /5U=/ adj.肯定的,确信的

  24. 要是生病了,你知道怎么去医院挂号吗? How to Register at the Hospital Brian: Is this the registration office? Doctor: Yes, it is. Which department do you want to register with? Brian: I don’t know exactly. Doctor: What’s your problem then? Brian: I’ve got a sore throat, a runny nose and a headache.

  25. Doctor: Okay. I will register you with medical department. Brian: Medical department? Are you sure? Doctor: Yes. Just go there. Brian: Where is it? Doctor: It’s on the third floor. Have you got your medical records? Brian: Yes. Here you are. Doctor: Okay. Here is your registration card. Brian: Thank you.

  26. Two Little Eyes Two little eyes to look around. Two little ears to hear each sound. One little nose to smell what’s sweet. One little mouth that likes to eat.

  27. 考考你: 文中有两对押韵的单词,你能找出来吗? 答案: around, sound; sweet, eat

  28. I’m feeling under the weather. 乍看之下这句话好像和天气有关,其实不然。实际上它表示“我觉得不太舒服”或者“我心情不太好”的意思。当你觉得自己身体不适、心情低落,却又讲不清是哪里出了问题时,你就可以说 “I’m feeling under the weather.”了。 Daniel: Hey, what’s wrong with you? You look so tired. Lucy: I’m feeling under the weather.

  29. Word Bank 超纲词汇 register /'red3Ist=/ v.登记,此处特指在 医院挂号 department /dI'p1:tm=nt/ n. 部门,科室 exactly /IG'z7ktlI/ adv.确切地,精确地 problem /'pr^bl=m/ n.问题 headache /‘hedeIk/ n. 头痛 just /d32st/ adv.仅仅,只(要) each /i:t5/ adj. 每,每个

  30. registration office 挂号处 have got=have (美式)有,患有 sore throat 喉咙痛 runny nose 流鼻涕 medical department 内科 medical record 病历 registration card 登记卡,此处特指挂号单 look around 环视,四处张望

  31. 第7版 Story Zone 故事地带

  32. Word Bank 核心词汇 cry /kraI/ v. 叫,喊,动词cry还可以表示 “哭”的意思

  33. 托比为娜娜熊画了张Lottie-Dot的卡片,并用报纸小心翼翼地包起来。托比为娜娜熊画了张Lottie-Dot的卡片,并用报纸小心翼翼地包起来。 With Lots of Love (III)

  34. At home, Toby drew a lovely picture of Lottie-Dot. He made Nana Bear a special card. He made it with lots of care and love. After the card was finished, Toby found a piece of newspaper and wrapped up the card. He hurried to Nana Bear’s house and gave it to her.

  35. “Oh! How beautiful it is!” Nana Bear cried. She smiled and hugged Toby. She put the card on the stove. Then she began to fold up the newspaper. Suddenly, Nana Bear gasped and her eyes became larger and larger.

  36. Word Bank 超纲词汇 special /'spe5=l/ adj.特别的,特殊的 care /ke=/ n.用心,努力 finish /'fInI5/ v. 完成 hug /h2G/ v. 拥抱 stove /st=Uv/ n. 火炉,暖炉 suddenly /'s2dnlI/ adv.突然,忽然 gasp /G1:sp/ v.(因惊讶等)倒抽一口气

  37. a piece of 一张(片、块等) wrap up 包起来,裹起来 hurry to 匆忙赶往 fold up 折叠

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