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Training teachers and instructors to teach in prison/detention centres may 2010 malta

Training teachers and instructors to teach in prison/detention centres may 2010 malta. DAIANA CĂLIN. ROMANIA-my country. CRAIOVA. ROMANIAN EDUCATION SYSTEM Basic principles. Education is a national priority Education is based on democratic values

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Training teachers and instructors to teach in prison/detention centres may 2010 malta

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  1. Training teachers and instructors to teach in prison/detention centresmay 2010malta


  3. ROMANIA-my country CRAIOVA

  4. ROMANIAN EDUCATION SYSTEMBasic principles • Education is a national priority • Education is based on democratic values • Romania endorse the principle of equal chances in education regardless of gender, individual characteristics – physical or mental impairments, cultural or socio-economic background, mother tongue, ethnic origin, religion etc. • Minorities have the right of education in their own language • Public education is tax free

  5. Romanian Education System - Description The Romanian educational structure consists on a vertical system of schooling. Five main components represent the fundamental pillars of this system: • Pre-school education, • Compulsory education, • Upper secondary education, • Vocational education and training, • Tertiary education. A synthetic table of Romanian education system:

  6. Curriculum The curricular framework includes: • The core curriculum (common core and differentiated curriculum), containing the compulsory subjects and the number of allocated hours, designed and approved at national level The syllabus • for the core curriculum subjects, the syllabus is elaborated by commissions of specialists and approved by the minister of education Text books • The ministry approves the textbooks which can be used in schools • The teachers have the right to choose the appropriate textbook, from the approved list

  7. MY SCHOOL – SCOALA DE ARTE SI MESERII CRAIOVA • My school is a vocational and technical school for pupils with special needs. • Its location is inside of a Juvenile and Youth Penitentiary in Craiova.

  8. Special education system aims to educate, recover, integrate social and professional the pupils with special educational needs.

  9. Special education is a subsystem of the Romanian education system. It is a viable, open, flexible, efficient and, also, an able system to adapt to the demands of the contemporary society, regarding any period of the pupils development.

  10. Special education is part of public education. It brigs two different things: another kind of student and another way of management learning, of rehabilitation, compensation, integration, socialization and recovery.

  11. In order to achieve the goals for special education in our country, there is a collaboration between institutions, stat or nongovernmental organizations, agencies or associations that deal with children in needs.

  12. THE SPECIAL EDUCATION PRINCIPLES • Equal rights • Equalization of opportunities • Access to any form of education • Early intervention • Cooperation and partnership • Ensuring community support services

  13. On the other hand, Penitentiary is material and socio-cultural context where a person serve a punishment deprivation of liberty. There are provided conditions to form a correct attitude towards work, the legal order and rules of social life. • Penitentiary institution has two basic functions: safe supervision of persons who must carry a sentence of deprivation of liberty and stimulating the prisoners to participate in programs that enable social reintegration and rehabilitation as citizens who respect the laws of the country they live in.

  14. Many of those incarcerated have big educational deficiencies, both school and moral, civic education. Many deprived of liberty persons in our country don’t know how to read and write, they don’t know the basic concepts on civilized behavior in society and not aware of obligations and rights of citizens. • Formal and non-formal education in prisons try to fill knowledge gaps left by individual family situation, or belonging to a disadvantaged group, gaps left by the indifference of some teachers or lack of educational alternatives for those who left school at one time and want to resume school, but they don’t know how and were.

  15. Education is the most important mean to limit negative consequences and the isolation from comunity of juvenile and youth persons. We can encourage those who wish to change their behavior by conferring utility for the time spent in detention, identifying and stimulating positiv potential and helping them to realize new possibilities that they can benefit.

  16. 1. School activity • Our school is integrated into the national education system so the pupiles can continue their studies without difficulties after liberation. • It is considered special school because of the specific activities performed with students. • This year the school has about 200 (two hundred) students, juvenile and young, aged between 15 (fifteen) and 23 (twenty-three) years old. They are of different ethnic groups (Romanian, Gipsy, Hungarians) • School classes are held on the following levels of education: • primary education (I-IV) • secondary education (V-VIII) • vocationary level (IX-XII) • School building is located inside the prison. Courses are held in two shifts, morning and afternoon. Students have access to classrooms, computer lab, physics laboratory, sport and gym, library, workshops, festivities hall and a room for occupational therapy.

  17. 2. Training courses for IX-XII classes Wood worker Mechanical Electromechanical

  18. 3. Optional courses • Skills for everyday life and society (wearing and maintaining clothes, good fit and politeness, entrepreneurship education, conflict management), general culture (physics, Romanian language) Literary shop and drawing studio

  19. Teachers on our school develops personalized intervention programs (PIP) and curriculum adaptation for students with learning difficulties.

  20. 4. Extracuricular activities (artistic, cultural, sports and recreation activities) Performance of music, poetry, dance, painting, graphic and design exhibitions,sports competitions (football and basketball)

  21. 5. In the community activities • Performances of music and poetry • Visites at significance cultural and historical targets • Participation at religious services in the community

  22. 6. Educational and institutional partnerships signed with various institutions, NGOs, humanitarian foundations with role in the informal and formal education of young people: • The foundation ,,That building word“, Counseling and fight against drugs Center, University of Craiova, District Library, local newspapers, Association ,,Europe Always”, Environmental Protection Agency and others


  24. MY WORK • I am a special education teacher and I teach at V to IX classes counseling, school and professional guidance.My work involves the application of psychological test for students, literacy, student counseling and guidance, developing customized interventions plans.

  25. As programs and educational projects coordinator, I propose and coordinate the deployment of educational activities, educational partnerships and the partnerships with the community that aim at non-formal education needs pupils.

  26. As European information multipliers, I inform my colleagues on training programs and opportunities for achieving international partnerships with European financing.

  27. THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION!http://www.pmtcraiova.ro/penitenciar/servlet/portal

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