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Safe Bat Removal Procedures

Safe Bat Removal Procedures. By: Chou Lor, Safety Coordinator.

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Safe Bat Removal Procedures

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  1. Safe Bat Removal Procedures Facilities Planning & Management UW-Eau Claire By: Chou Lor, Safety Coordinator
  2. Some UW-EC buildings have a reoccurring problem with bats entering and nesting. We are currently working to eliminate entrance points and to safely remove bats. The goal of this program is to train all personnel on safe handling of bats and bat residue. Facilities Planning & Management UW-Eau Claire
  3. Bats in campus buildings hallways, and/or classrooms To prevent bat access Screen all windows. Close all doors when not in use. Repair building envelopes to prevent access. Facilities Planning & Management UW-Eau Claire
  4. Training Objectives To Prevent Exposure to Bat Diseases Use of Personal Protective Equipment Use of Tools and Equipment Safe Bat Removal Procedure Proper Disposal of Bats Cleaning Contaminated Areas Summary Facilities Planning & Management UW-Eau Claire
  5. Potential Exposure to Disease Bats can carry Rabies. When a bat is rabid it may not show symptoms that are normally associated with rabies. It may not foam at the mouth like a dog would. It could be either on the ground, clinging to a wall, or on another surface and quiet. It may be active during daylight. Facilities Planning & Management UW-Eau Claire
  6. Prevent Exposure to Bat Disease Injuries in the field should be treated IMMEDIATELY. Thoroughly wash the area! Report bat bites, scratches or physical contact on the University’s Incident/Accident Report Form as it is considered a “dangerous occurrence”. Always have bat bites and scratches checked by a doctor. Small Brown bat bite Facilities Planning & Management UW-Eau Claire
  7. Personal Protective Equipment When attempting to capture, ALWAYS wear PPE to protect from bites, scratches or physical contact. Leather gloves Safety glasses, goggles or face shield Dust mask Vinyl or latex gloves for cleanup Bat roosts are often dark and cluttered. If entering roosting areas, it is advised to wear long sleeved shirts and pants with boots and carry a flashlight. Facilities Planning & Management UW-Eau Claire
  8. Tools and Equipment Remove bat(s) from building using proper tools and equipment. Glue board mouse trap taped to a long extension pole. Covered plastic container (Bat Coffin). Duct tape. Tennis racket(s). Equipment for capturing bats is kept in the following locations: Dorm Custodial Offices. Custodial Closets. Facilities Planning & Management UW-Eau Claire
  9. Campus School CS 110 Nursing NUR 115C Schofield Hall S105 Hibbard Humanities Hall HHH113, 225, 325 Phillips Science Hall P128D, 223, 325, 417 Human Sciences & Services HSS 201 Schneider Social Science Hall SSS 110K, 213B, 313B, 313G, 439B Library L2026 Haas Fine Arts HFA 119 Tool & Equipment Locations Facilities Planning & Management UW-Eau Claire
  10. Safe Bat Removal Avoid any physical contact and especially, avoid being bitten or scratched Follow one of these procedures: If the bat has landed within reach Place the plastic container over the bat. Slide flat cardboard under the container to remove bat from surface thus inside the container. Turn container with cardboard over, place cover on the cardboard, slide cardboard out and secure lid. Label container with employee’s name(s) who captured it, date and location. Facilities Planning & Management UW-Eau Claire
  11. If the bat is out of reach Use a glue board mouse trap taped to a long pole. Extend the pole so that it is long enough to reach the bat. Touch the bat to the glue board to capture the bat. Lay the glue board over the plastic container. Cut the tape to remove the board from the pole. Do not attempt to remove the bat from the glue board. Place the cover on the container. Label container with employee’s name(s) who captured it, date and location. Facilities Planning & Management UW-Eau Claire
  12. 3. If the bat will not land Use the tennis racket, approaching the bat from behind if possible. Once the bat is knocked down, place the container over the bat. Slide flat cardboard under the container to remove bat from surface thus inside the container. Turn container with cardboard over, place cover on the cardboard, slide cardboard out and secure lid. Label container with employee’s name(s) who captured it, date and location. Facilities Planning & Management UW-Eau Claire
  13. Dispose of Bats DO NOTdispose of dead bats in dumpster, garbage can or flush down toilet. Contact your supervisor to collect labeled container. Supervisors will take labeled container with the bat to the designated collection point and place in freezer. Supervisors - After bat is frozen (24 hours) place in zip-lock bag, re-label and return to freezer. Freezer is located in the custodial storage area in the MCS111. All bats collected for incineration must be kept at the collection point for a minimum of two (2) weeks. All bats collected for testing will be sent to the Eau Claire Health Department. All collected bats will be incinerated in the Power Plant. Facilities Planning & Management UW-Eau Claire
  14. Before Cleaning Wear dust musk N-100 and latex gloves. Spray the contaminated area with a weak mist of water to reduce dust. DO NOT use high pressure or concentrated steam since it may scatter the waste. When bat droppings are present, use the Wet Cleaning Method only Facilities Planning & Management UW-Eau Claire
  15. Cleaning Scrape contaminated waste material into a plastic bag. Scrub area with a 10% bleach solution and rinse thoroughly. Place contaminated gloves in the plastic bag, seal and dispose of bag in regular trash. Facilities Planning & Management UW-Eau Claire
  16. After Cleaning Wash mop, sponge, rag and other tools in a 10% bleach solution and rinse. Tools like the tennis rackets and leather gloves can be put in the sun for 4 hours to kill any potentially harmful germs. Wash hands with soap and warm water, even after wearing gloves. Facilities Planning & Management UW-Eau Claire
  17. Cleaning Contamination Surfaces Surfaces that have had direct bat contact or possible body fluid contamination. Wash surface with 10% bleach solution. Let solution stand approximately 30 minutes. Dispose of solution down floor drain. Facilities Planning & Management UW-Eau Claire
  18. Summary Only trained employees may remove a bat from a campus building. Remove bat(s) from building using proper procedures wearing proper PPE. Remove bat droppings and clean surfaces where there is contamination using proper procedures. Facilities Planning & Management UW-Eau Claire
  19. Any Questions ?? Please visit FP&M Website (www.uwec.edu/facmgt./index.htm) for additional information. Facilities Planning & Management UW-Eau Claire
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