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Welcome to Joli Ann Leichtag Elementary!. Go, Jaguars!. Get to know us!. Mr. Lu. Mrs. Gomez. Mrs. Costanzo. Mrs. Casarez. Mrs. Walker. First Things First. Here is some information that will help you be a successful Jaguar TODAY! Day 1.
Welcome to Joli Ann Leichtag Elementary! Go, Jaguars!
Get to know us! Mr. Lu Mrs. Gomez Mrs. Costanzo Mrs. Casarez Mrs. Walker
First Things First Here is some information that will help you be a successful Jaguar TODAY! Day 1
What are the main school rules? • Keep hands, feet and objects to yourself. • Follow directions from all school adults the first time they are given • Stay in the assigned areas. • Be kind in actions (things you do) and in words (things you say).
What about restrooms? • Treat the school restroom like it was in your home. • No playing inside or in front of restrooms. • No climbing on stalls. • No water play • Be sure to flush • Wash your hands • Do not waste soap or tissue • Your teacher will explain the restroom procedures for your class.
What about snacks at recess? • If you bring a snack from home, it should be a healthy snack (fruit, cheese & crackers…). Do not bring soda or candy to school. • All food should be eaten in the outdoor lunch area sitting at a table, not while walking. • Eat your snack before you go play. • To be excused (1)Raise your hand (2) WAIT to be excused, (3) Pick up & throw your trash away, then (4)Go play!
What can I do on the playground? • You can climb on the play equipment • You can play tetherball, four square, hop scotch, handball, basketball, soccer or kickball. • You can use hula hoops and jumpropes • You can run laps for exercise!
What activities and actions are not allowed? • Tag (chasing others) & football are not allowed (except in P.E. where it is closely supervised) • Do not walk through planters; use sidewalks • Do not play in hallways or by classrooms. Students in class are always working and learning. • Do not throw rocks at people or things. • No pens, crayons, pencils or other school supplies may be on the playground or in the restrooms. • No cartwheels or tumbling ~ our ground is too hard! • Do not climb on or hide behind the backpack racks. Please stay away from these.
What areas are out of bounds during recess? • Parking lot side of 300 building • Field side of 400 building Between Kindergarten and the 300 building (primary classes) If your classroom door is in one of these walkways, once you leave your classroom you may not go back. Use the tub provided for anything you need to take back later.
My class is on the side that is out of bounds. Where can I put my lunch box or jacket during recess? • Each class on the back side of the 300 building will have a tub with the room number on it. Put your items inside the tub for your room. There will be one tub at each end of the sidewalk to the 400s.
New Bells Grades 1, 2 and 3 have two bells at recess. The first means that recess is almost over. Go use the restroom, get a drink, and return borrowed equipment to the ball cart. At lunch, the first two bells are for Grades 1 & 2; a warning and a final, just like morning recess. Grade 3 needs to listen for the third bell. It has a different sound. This bell signals the end of recess.
What do I do when the bell rings? • Stop playing immediately and FREEZE in place. • Hold any balls. • Listen for the Supervisor’s whistle • After the whistle, walk toward your classroom • Be sure to return equipment you may have borrowed. • Make an orderly line in the spot your teacher shows you.
Your teacher will have your class line up and walk you to the side of the cafeteria Sit with legs crossed, facing the building Use quiet voices and keep your hands to yourself Hold on to your lunch card and do not bend it A school adult will invite your class in when it is your turn What do we do at lunch time? Tip: A well-behaved class may earn the FAST PASS!
Walk in the line with your lunch card or money ready Pick up your fork packet Pick up one milk Give the cashier your card or your money Go to the lunch window and get your 2 fruits or vegetables and a main dish Be polite, smile and say, “Thank you.” Select some healthy fruits and vegetables from the salad bar Walk to the outdoor eating area with 2 hands on your tray. How do I get my cafeteria lunch?
What happens at the lunch tables? • Sit down at a table • Eat your lunch • Use good manners When you have finished and your mouth is empty • Raise your hand • WAIT to be excused • Throw your trash away • Walk to the playground
Let’s review that again…. When you are finished eating: • Raise your hand • Wait for a supervisor to excuse you • Throw your trash away • Walk to the playground
Be respectful • Many people have allergies. • An allergy may be to a bee sting, a smell, an animal, a medicine or a food. • Some tables are marked as, “PEANUT FREE.” • If you have anything with peanuts or peanut butter, please do not sit there. • Items with peanuts may include trail mix, granola bars, cookies, snacks, or sandwiches. • Do not ruin the signs that identify our special Peanut Free tables.
We are almost done! Here’s how to have a safe dismissal at the end of the day.
The end of the day • If you brought a backpack, a lunchbox or a jacket to school, be sure to take it home. • Our school library is not open after school • You may not play on the playground after school • Walk when you are dismissed
Please do not climb or stand on the landscape rocks. Do not climb or stand on our dedication plaque.
What about JAG P.M.? • Students must be officially enrolled in JAG P.M. to attend the program. (There is probably a ‘waiting list’). • Students in JAG P.M. need to stay inside the school fence and go directly to the cafeteria where you will get a card and “scan in.” • JAG P.M. staff will explain procedures that you need to know.
What if I walk home? • Try to walk with a family member, a neighbor or a buddy • Leave school right away • Use school crossings & follow directions from the Crossing Guard. • Use sidewalks and be a good citizen; don’t throw rocks, don’t use bad words, don’t tease or pet dogs, don’t‘ pick flowers, etc. • You represent our school---show proper JAGUAR Pride.
Can I ride my bike? • Students in grades 3– 5 may ride bikes. Students must wear a helmet. • Scooters, skates, skateboards, and “heelie shoes” are NOT allowed at school.
That’s it for today! We are glad you are here! Have a successful school year.
The Successful JaguarDay 2 We hope you are meeting many teachers and students at our school. Here are some more details on how to be a SUCCESS . . .
When can I arrive at school? • The playground opens at 8:15. Anyone arriving before that time must wait in front of the cafeteria. • The gate at the west end of the playground is for pre-school families only.
When does breakfast begin? • The cafeteria opens for breakfast at • 8:15 for Grades 1 – 5 • 8:00 for Kindergarten
Let’s review rules for the eating area • Walk • Sit down to eat • Use good manners & kind words • Raise your hand to be excused by a school adult • Throw your trash away AFTER you are excused
Walk! Go down the slide on your bottom. One person on the slide at a time. Do not sit or play under the platforms Travel on monkey bars goes in one direction Use two hands on the bars No pushing No “Tag” or chasing others Follow all directions from the supervisor. What are the rules in the equipment area?
Tetherball Basics • All tetherball games have the same rules. You may not make up new rules. • You may not touch the rope. • You may not grab the pole. • You must stay on your side of the divided circle. • All play immediately stops when the bell rings.
You can bring a backpack You can bring some school supplies (Ask your teacher). You can bring a healthy snack You may bring your own lunch What things can I bring to school?
Do not bring toys to school. Do not bring candy, gum or soda. Sidewalk chalk is not allowed at school. No footballs. If you are not sure if it is okay to bring something, ask a school adult before you bring it. Do not bring cameras, iPods, MP3 players, video game players, etc. Do not bring sharp items, “poppers”, toy guns, or items that might hurt someone or scare them. What things should not be brought to school?
Dress at School Hats, caps and mittens may not be worn inside school buildings. Any writing or pictures on clothing should be appropriate for school. • Clothing should be comfortable and modest. (No strappy tops or bare tummies). Always look your best! Baseball caps must be worn with the bill in the front.
What if I am sick or hurt? • We have a health office at school. • Students must have a pass to go to the health office • Only the person with the pass should enter the office; friends need to stay on the playground.
What happens in P.E.? • Coach Brown is our P.E. teacher! • Your teacher will walk your class to the spot you will meet the P.E. teacher. • You may be divided into groups to learn skills or play games • Listen, be a good sport, follow directions, have fun! • After P.E. you will be dismissed to walk back to the place you will meet your teacher. • Remember to wear appropriate shoes for P.E.!
Can you hear me now? If you have a cell phone it must be turned off during school hours and kept in a backpack or a safe spot your teacher designates in your classroom. Cell phones may not be on the playground before school, during recess or during P.E. No texting at school. You may not take photos at school using your cell phone. Keep your cell phone in a safe place.
The Successful JaguarDay 3 Follow the GOLDEN RULE Treat others the way you want to be treated.
Treat others the way you want to be treated. • Compliment someone ---“I like your shirt” ---“That’s a cool back pack.” ---”You look nice today” ---”Your art project is really great.” • Be helpful • Be kind • Be supportive • Use good manners • Say, “Please” and “Thank you” • Be friendly & smile.
No Bullying! Actions that are unkind that MAY be Bullying • Harassment • Pushing / Hitting / Kicking • Leaving people out • Teasing • Verbal threats of harm • Name Calling • Saying mean things • Cyber Bullying (Use of computers, texting, or Internet)
BE AGAINST BULLYING • RESPECT DIFFERENCES • TELL AN ADULT,TEACHER OR PARENT • DON’T REACT – TRY TO IGNORE OR WALK AWAY • BE WITH OTHER KIDS RATHER THAN ALONE • TRY TO TALK TO THE BULLY • (For example, “It makes me feel upset when • you do that. Please stop.” • IF YOU SEE SOMEONE BEING • BULLIED, SPEAK UP. (For example, • Stop saying mean things. None • of us like to hear it. Please stop.)
Safari Tickets Citizen of the Week Student of the Month Principal’s Signature Jag Tags Lunch Fast Pass for your class Breakfast of Champions Feeling proud! What are some of the GOOD things I might earn at school?
Phone call home “Time out” Loss of recesses Loss of privilege (field trip, assembly, special event) Referral In-School Supervision Out of School Suspension What are the consequences for not following the rules?
We are all individuals. We all have feelings. Every one has different abilities. Every one looks different. CELEBRATE DIVERSITY! Name calling based on how a person looks, a person’s color or a person’s abilities is not tolerated.
Let’s review. . .Whisper to your neighbor • Keep ____, ____ and ____ to ______ • Follow directions from all __________ the _____ time. • Be kind in ______ and ______ • To leave the lunch table I need to (1)R___(2) W____(3) T____ (4)W____.
Self Check with theFour Way Test • Is it KIND? • Is it SAFE • Is it HONEST? • Is it something I would want someone to SAY or DO to me? If you answer “No” to any of these questions, you should not be doing it at school.
Expect SUCCESS Be your BEST