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900-MHz MRI Probe for In Vivo Rats+: flexibility. anesthesia. detachable RF coils. Bite bar. respiratory monitor. vacuum exhaust. safety belts. detachable animal cradle. In vivo MRI of rodent heads Fits up to 350-g rat Animal is stabilized with bite bar and body restraints
900-MHz MRI Probe for In Vivo Rats+: flexibility anesthesia detachable RF coils Bite bar respiratory monitor vacuum exhaust safety belts detachable animal cradle • In vivo MRI of rodent heads • Fits up to 350-g rat • Animal is stabilized with bite bar and body restraints • Gaseous anesthesia & vacuum exhaust • Precise climate control • Respiration monitor • Rectal thermometer • ECG monitor • Detachable probe heads • Single or double resonance Detachable RF probe heads View of the rat cradle and RF coil
In vivo Adult Rat Images with 900-MHz Rat MRI Probe In vivo1H 2D Multi-slice FLASH (GRE). TE = 4 ms, TR = 500 ms, NEX = 4, Acq time = 8.5 min, Resolution = 234x469x500 μm, Fat Suppression. In vivo 1H 2D Multi-slice RARE at 21.1 T. Large 350-g rat. Top row: No fat suppression; Bottom row: Fat suppressed. Eff TE = 31 ms, TR = 3.5 s, NEX = 4, RARE factor = 4, Acq time = 15 min, Resolution = 117x117x500 μm. Dr. Jeong-Su Kim, Department of Nutrition, Food and Exercise Sciences, FSU Aim: Evaluate an aged rat model to muscle and neurological disease of aging.
Ex vivo Adult Rat Head Images with 900-MHz Rat MRI Probe 1H 3D GRE of ex vivo rat head. TE = 7.5 ms, TR = 150 ms, NEX = 2, Acq time = 12.5 h Isotropic resolution = 80 μm. 23Na 3D GRE at 21.1 T (ex vivo). TE = 2.5 ms, TR = 50 ms, NEX = 10, Acq time = 34 min, Iso. resolution = 500 μm. Dr. Peter Thanos, Stony Brook University and Brookhaven National Laboratory Aim: To correlate morphological changes in neuroanatomy with function PET during chronic exposure to mephamphetamines.
Chemotherapeutic Efficacy: Implanted 9L Glioma with BCNU (2x) treatment Drs. Victor Schepkin (NHMFL), Tom Chenevert & Brian Ross (U. Michigan) In vivo ADC maps Before Therapy 4 Days after Therapy Aim: Utilize ADC and 23Na imaging as biomarkers for initial cancer screening, as well as quantification of therapeutic response & prediction of therapeutic efficacy.
Chemotherapeutic Efficacy: Implanted 9L Glioma with BCNU (2x) treatment Drs. Victor Schepkin (NHMFL), Tom Chenevert & Brian Ross (U. Michigan) In vivo23Na Images Before Therapy 4 Days after Therapy Aim: Utilize ADC and 23Na imaging as biomarkers for initial cancer screening, as well as quantification of therapeutic response & prediction of therapeutic efficacy.
Traumatic Brain Injury Drs. Cathy Levinson (FSU College of Medicine) and Victor Schepkin (NHMFL) in vivo Rat 1H MRI in vivo Rat 21Na MRI TBI 2D RARE: TR = 2 s; TE = 25 ms Resolution = 0.1x0.1x0.5 mm Time = 8 min 3D BP: TR = 100 ms; TE = 1 ms Resolution = 0.75x0.75x0.75 mm Time = 57 min Aim: Utilize ADC and 23Na imaging to categorize the severity of injury and the impact of hormonal and dietary regulation in promoting TBI recovery.
Traumatic Brain Injury Drs. Cathy Levinson (FSU College of Medicine) and Victor Schepkin (NHMFL) ADC Map RARE MRI Aim: Utilize ADC and 23Na imaging to categorize the severity of injury and the impact of hormonal and dietary regulation in promoting TBI recovery.
High Resolution 1H MRI of NeurodegenerationK. Schweitzer, P. Foroutan, D. Dickson, D. Broderick, U. Klose, D. Berg, Z. Wszolek, S. GrantMayo Clinic-Florida, FSU and NHMFL AIM: Utilize the SNR and contrast unique to high magnetic fields to examine postmortem human tissue representing different neurodegenerative diseases. Demonstrating the first high resolution MR images of human hippocampal brain sections acquired at 21.1 T (900 MHz), this comparison presents hippocampal sections: a control (a) versus hippocampal sclerosis (b). Control images display strong cell layer delineation, with hippocampal regions (CA 1-3) clearly visible. Sclerotic images lack hippocampal definition and displays significantly reduced volume and cell layer compression.
High Resolution 1H MRI of NeurodegenerationK. Schweitzer, P. Foroutan, D. Dickson, D. Broderick, U. Klose, D. Berg, Z. Wszolek, S. GrantMayo Clinic-Florida, FSU and NHMFL AIM: Utilize the SNR and contrast unique to high magnetic fields to examine postmortem human tissue and neurodegenerative diseases. Early Alzheimer’s Disease Argyrophilic grain disease & Cortico-basal degeneration
The development of a novel sliding ring coil for 900 MHz C. Qian, I. Masad, S. Grant and P. Gorkov National Institutes of Health, Chemical & Biomedical Engineering, The National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, The Florida State University Sliding Ring design 1H Birdcage Coil (sliding ring) for rat head imaging at 21.1 T Standard design Aim: To improve B1 uniformity over a range of potential user samples for high field imaging applications
Sliding Ring Volume Coil for 21 T MRI 1H 1H 23Na Single resonance Double resonance 1H/23Na • Broadband homogeneous tuning • Different loads – birds to rat heads • Symmetric tuning with sliding ring • Fixed field of view • Single & double resonant prototypes • Good isolation without using baluns Single resonance 1H rat head SR coil
4.76 mm radius 28 mm height 14 mm Dielectric Resonators for MR Microscopy at 21.1 T • User Collaborative Group Project (UCGP) • SC Grant, Chemical & Biomedical Eng, FSU • AG Webb, Bioengineering, Penn State U. • Dielectric resonators (DRs), which are compact magnetic field storage devices that typically operate in the GHz range, are a promising new approach for high-field MR applications. In fact, the higher the frequency, the more compact the DR and easier the manufacturing. The use of high permittivity, low loss materials yields DRs with Q values much greater than 1000, which translate to higher signal-to-noise ratios for MR applications. • AIM: Test DRs versus similarly sized copper coils for MR applications at 900 MHz (21.1 T) with respect to sensitivity & RF homogeneity. DR resonance is tuned using permittivity & dimensions 21.1-T CaTiO3 DR 30-mm 3D MR images of excised mouse spinal cord (L) & rat muscle
Dielectric Resonators for MR Microscopy at 21.1 T B1 Maps Graduate students Kristina Haines (PSU) & Jose Muñiz (FSU) and their work are supported by the UCGP & NHMFL Based on 21.1 T results, DRs will be extended to the 25-T Keck resistive and SCH magnets. Dielectric AG LG
Adult Fly Larva Late-stage pupa Dielectric Resonators: Science Enabled Fly Samples: B. Null, Stanford DR: A. Webb, H. Haines, M Lanagan, PSU J. Muniz, S. Grant, FSU • 3D FLASH acquired with 900-MHz • CaTiO3 dielectric resonator • 30-micron isotropic resolution • temp = 4 C • Acquisition time ~ 1 hr • <= 3D rendering of adult fly
Bimodal Intracellular In/P Quantum Dots for MRIJ. Rosenberg, J. Kogot, D. Lovingood, G. Strouse, S. Grant, FSU and NHMFL • Multimodal, bio-compatible contrast agents for high magnetic field applications represent a new class of nanomaterials with significant potential for tracking of fluorescence and MR contrast in vitro and invivo. • AIM: Optimized for high field MRI, this nanoparticle capitalizes on the improved performance of chelated Dy3+ with increasing magnetic field coupled to a non-cytotoxic InP/ZnS quantum dot • fluorescence detection • MR responsiveness • payload delivery
Intracellular MRI Contrast by SPIOs at 11.75 and 21.1 T J.T. Rosenberg1,2, J. Kogot3, C. Ridel3, G. Strouse3and S.C. Grant1,2 1Chemical & Biomedical Engineering, The Florida State University 2The National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, 3Chemistry & Biochemistry, The Florida State University Aim: To assess the sensitivity of SPIO agents as a function of field strength Quantitative relaxation measurements were made on SPIO loaded Bv2 rat neuroglia cells, varying either the agent used to dose the cells or the number of cells immobilized in agarose. Cell-Dosing 11.75T 21.1T