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SOUTH KOREA. Map of South Korea. Facts And Statistics. Location :Eastern Asia ,southern half of the Korean Peninsula bordering the East Sea and the Yellow Sea. Capital City: Seoul National anthem: Aegukga Nationality :Korean Currency :WON. Language.

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  2. Map of South Korea

  3. Facts And Statistics • Location :Eastern Asia ,southern half of the Korean Peninsula bordering the East Sea and the Yellow Sea. • Capital City: Seoul • National anthem: Aegukga • Nationality :Korean • Currency :WON

  4. Language Korean language structure grammar and vocabulary are similar to Japanese. Dialects are regional differing mainly in accent ,but are so similar that comprehension for speakers ,or listeners ,is not an issue . Key difference in dialect are also attributed to social statues . Korea has one of the highest literacy rates in the world due to the phonetic nature of the written language which was invented in the mid fifteenth century to give one language to Koreans.

  5. Religion and Beliefs South Korea supports religious freedom. Confucianism ,Buddhism and Christianity are main formal religions. Many Koreans believe in the ancestral spirit and observe Confucian rituals. Confucianism is a political and social philosophy that pervades KOREAN culture . SonggwangsaTemple in Suncheon ,South Korea.

  6. Korean Families Korean families unit is integral part of customs and life in South Korea. Arranged marriages are common. Marriage is regarded as a rite of passage. Divorce was rare but has become more common in recent years.

  7. South Korean Currency (WON)

  8. Korean Food • Korean cuisine is based on rice ,vegetables and meant. • “Kimchi” is the national dish and is eaten with most meals. • Kimchi is made from variety of vegetables which are then fermented and can be stored for long periods of time . • Korean people cook Kimchi especially at weddings ,birthday and to honour ancestors.

  9. Korean Traditional Dress(Hanbok)

  10. Arts, Humanities and popular Culture • Historically ,Chinese and Japanese influences were seen in South Korean art ; aesthetic concepts and motifs were shared. • Korean music and arts were linked to natural cycles and religion, giving rise to folk culture in rural areas that are still considered popular. • “Gangnam Style “ by PSY a South Korean musician achieved worldwide fame in 2012.The songs refers to the Gangnam District of Seoul , a trendy ,classy ,area ,equated with London ,Paris or Hollywood.

  11. Meeting and greeting • Bowing is the traditional way to greet in South Korea . • Handshakes often accompany the bow among men. • Your left hand should support your right forearm when shaking hands . • Always bow to individuals when departing.

  12. Comunication Style in South Korea • Communication can be complicated in South Korea due to an inherent dislike of saying “No”as it considered poor etiquette. • Discussion can be prolonged due to the avoidance of declining or refusing. • Do not use excessive or overt body language . • Use two hands ,or support your right arm with your left, when passing on business card ,gifts ,or when receiving an items .

  13. Taboos in South Korean Culture • Do not wear your shoes in places of worship or people’s homes! • Do not put your feet on furniture! • Do not eat or drink in public places while walking! • Do not place your thumb between your middle and index finger while making a first as this an obscene gesture! • Do not stand too close to people you are meeting for the first time ,keep an arms length between you !

  14. Outline Republic of Korea Presidential system National Assembly Judiciary Parties and elections Democratic People’s Republic of Korea authoritarian party-state

  15. President of ROK Directly elected by all voters 5-year term (no 2nd term) Head of state Chief executive Commander-in-chief of the armed forces power to declare war Office and residence: Cheong Wa Dae

  16. Presidential Power Appoint Prime Minister, subject to approval by the National Assembly Propose legislation Appoint the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, subject to approval by the National Assembly

  17. National Assembly Unicameral legislature with 300 members, who serve four-year terms 246 directly elected from districts 54 appointed by political parties proportional to vote share law-making approve national budget impeach President

  18. Local Government Three levels: Central government Higher-level local governments 8 municipality governments 9 do (province) governments Lower-level local governments cities, counties, districts

  19. Evolution of Party System 1950s: Liberal Party, Progressive Party, ... 1961, Park dissolved all political parties, abolished local elections & local councils 1980, General Chun banned political activities by party members 1987, presidential election 1988, National Assembly election

  20. The Six-Party Talks since 2003

  21. Choson dynasty (prior to 1910) - Chinese style legal system heavily influenced by Confucianism - civil service exam Japanese occupation (1910 – 1945) - civil law system (German model) Post Korean War (1950 – 1953) - adopt some American style law History of Legal System

  22. Judiciary Supreme Court Five High (Appellate) Courts District Courts Constitutional Court

  23. Statutory provisions oriented No binding effects of precedents Judges don’t make the law, but interpret nuances of law Judges are free to fact-finding, less restricted by pleadings and rules of evidence Civil Law System

  24. Bureaus in police headquarters 100,000 sworn police officers, 50,000 auxiliary riot control personnel, 5,400 civilian employees Only 2% of female officers Police

  25. College entrance exam Four-year law college SNU College of Law Bar exam 700 of 9,000 law graduates go into legal profession annually To Become a Lawyer

  26. Korea Economy • Fourth largest economy in Asia and the 11th largest in the world • Economy rise from one of the poorest countries in the world to a developed, high-income country in just one generation. • High-tech industries, Shipbuilding, Automobile.

  27. Korea GDP From 1910 to 2010

  28. South Korea Technology • 1. Samsung now is the world's best manufacturer of Smartphones and Smart TVs. • 2. LG is the Second largest T.V. maker after Samsung. • 3. Hyundai-Kia group is the world's fourth largest automaker after General Motors, Volkswagen Group, and Toyota.

  29. South Korea Technology • 4. Korea has one of the best air defenses. • 5. Korea ranks 1st or 2nd in Top 10 countries that have fastest internet speed.

  30. South Korea Environment • South Korea is the ninth largest emitter of carbon dioxide. • South Korea ranked 173rd out of 180 countries in terms of air quality.

  31. South Korea Environment • More than 50 percent of the populations in South Korea exposed to dangerous levels of fine dust. • South Korea’s biggest air quality problem is dust blown from expanding deserts in China.

  32. Reference • https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economy_of_South_Korea • http://www.heritage.org/index/country/southkorea • https://www.thetoptens.com/high-tech-countries/south-korea-108915.asp • https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_science_and_technology_in_Korea • http://www.azocleantech.com/article.aspx?ArticleID=552 • https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Environment_of_South_Korea


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