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Organization Development

Organization Development. Harriet Pila. Plan for Week 1. Setting Expectations Review Syllabus Introduction to Organization Development Simulation 1.2 Choose Project Managers. Note Differences in Perspectives. Is there a right or wrong? Can we reach a compromise? Will everyone be happy?

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Organization Development

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  1. Organization Development Harriet Pila

  2. Plan for Week 1 • Setting Expectations • Review Syllabus • Introduction to Organization Development • Simulation 1.2 • Choose Project Managers

  3. Note Differences in Perspectives • Is there a right or wrong? • Can we reach a compromise? • Will everyone be happy? • Will each solution lead to engagement for each person? • Can you reach each person?

  4. Introduction to OD • What is OD? What is it not? • When is OD needed? • The concept of the action research model

  5. What is OD? • It is a systematic method for gathering data about how organizations function as social systems and an analysis of the meaning of those data. • The OD practitioners job is to search for causes and consequences of organizational functioning. • Process: Diagnosis/Discovery, Intervention/Implementation, Evaluation

  6. Purpose of OD • To design interventions to close the gaps between what is and what ought to be. So, it is the fit between individuals and organization; organizational and environment; among organization’s strategy, structure and processes.

  7. Important Components • OD must be supported by top management to improve an organization’s visioning(picture of desired future), empowerment, learning process (interactive listening and self-examining process), and problem-solving (diagnose situation, solve problems, make decisions, & take actions) through collaborative management (participation in creating and managing a culture), emphasizing interactive work teams (organization’s building blocks).

  8. 2 Main Goals • Improve individuals, teams, and organization functioning • Give members the skills and knowledge to continuously improve

  9. Where do the demands for change come from? • Outside the organization: government, customers, competitors, market, society. • Within the organization: strategies, profitability, diversity, new personnel, products/services

  10. What does OD focus on? • Culture: values, assumptions, beliefs, norms • Processes: how things get done; method for arriving at results • Structure: overall design of the organization; how individual work tasks are grouped • **The system is the target of change, individuals are the instruments of change

  11. OD is not… • Pair of hands/Expert • Doctor prescribing • IT IS A CONSULTATIVE PROCESS that values… • Humanism • Diplomacy • Optimism • Problem Solving • Thinking out of the box

  12. Case: TGIF (pp. 28-29) • Understanding Case Analysis Form (HWs) • Answer questions

  13. Questions to Ask Client • Organization’s structure. • Vision, mission, and objectives • Roles and Responsibilities of leadership • What’s going well? What’s not going well? • Who is perceived as the leader? • What are some successes and failures that people talk about? Why?

  14. Questions to Ask Client • Do the people feel pressured? Are people complaining about any psychological or physiological strains? Are people noticing any behavioral changes in others’ behaviors? • How are people’s performance evaluated? • How are people selected or terminated? • Are these procedures perceived as fair? • Are resources allocated equitably? • Have people learned about time management, but still required to drop everything to clean up a mess?

  15. Questions to Ask Client • Are people being “micromanaged? • How often do people meet and how productive are the meetings? • Does the management work to resolve problems (i.e., reactive) or does it take preventative steps (i.e., proactive) to care for them? • How aligned are the goals with the goals of the people working for the company and the community it serves? • Is there transparency? How much information is shared with employees and community that would motivate them to feel personally accountable for the company’swell-being? • Are any other consultants working with the company?

  16. Micro and Macro Environments

  17. Week 2 • OD values, assumptions, and beliefs. • Foundation of OD • Planned change models • Action research process and an overview of the types of interventions will be introduced.

  18. OD Values & Assumptions • Lecture on OD values and assumptions • Lecture on underpinnings, planned change and change models, overview of types of interventions

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