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Stream Development

Stream Development. Stages of Stream Development. Young Streams:. -steep slope/gradient -high velocity -down cutting  erosion. Narrow and V-Shaped Valley. Rapids. As a stream gets closer to its base level, it slow down and begins its “mature stream” phase.

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Stream Development

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Stream Development

  2. Stages of Stream Development

  3. Young Streams: -steep slope/gradient -high velocity -down cutting erosion

  4. Narrow and V-Shaped Valley

  5. Rapids

  6. As a stream gets closer to its base level,it slow down and begins its “mature stream” phase

  7. This stream has cut downward over many years and is slowing… becoming more “mature”

  8. Mature stream characteristics: • Decreasing gradient (slope) • Less energy for downward erosion • More erosion at sides of stream channel

  9. Increased erosion at the sides of the stream begins which forms “meanders” or bends in a river.

  10. Mature and “meandering” river

  11. Erosion and Depositionalong a meander

  12. Mature Stream meandering In this diagram, where will the fastest current be, the inside or outside of the channel?

  13. Study this meander (bend) Why is the water deeper on the outside of the bend? Why is the water shallower on the inside of the bend?

  14. http://www.cleo.net.uk/resources/displayframe.php?src=309/consultants_resources%2F_files%2Fmeander4.swfhttp://www.cleo.net.uk/resources/displayframe.php?src=309/consultants_resources%2F_files%2Fmeander4.swf

  15. Over time, erosion and deposition cause increased... ? Meandering

  16. Increased meandering can lead to the formation of “oxbow” lakes. Can you spot an oxbow lake in the picture below?

  17. Oxbow lakes are formed when meanders are cut off

  18. Stages of a typical oxbow lake formation due to erosion and deposition

  19. Deposition • If velocity of a stream or river decreases, what will happen to the material load the stream carries? It can be deposited

  20. Horizontal Sorting • Horizontal sorting- As water slows gradually, smaller and smaller particles drop out causing • Gradual decrease in velocity Sorting Animation McDougal Sorting Animation

  21. Deposition Stream Deposition Occurs In Areas: • At widening rivers. Why? 2. On the inside of a curve of a meandering stream. 3. At the mouth of stream/river that flows into a larger body of water

  22. Delta- fan shaped deposit of sediments at the mouth of a river

  23. Alluvial fan = fan-shaped deposited at base of mountains composed mostly of sand and gravel.

  24. Rejuvenation of the Colorado River • “Rejuvenation” • To make young again • Downcutting • Wearing away of a major streambed until it reaches its _____ ________

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