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Safe Communities and the World Health Organization

Safe Communities and the World Health Organization. Alexander Butchart Coordinator, Prevention of Violence Violence and Injury Prevention and Disability World Health Organization. Two organizations.

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Safe Communities and the World Health Organization

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  1. Safe Communities and the World Health Organization Alexander Butchart Coordinator, Prevention of Violence Violence and Injury Prevention and Disability World Health Organization

  2. Two organizations • Safe Communities is a movement/network accountable to the Karolinska Institutet's WHO Collaborating centre on Community Safety Promotion • WHO is a United Nations technical agency, accountable to its Member States • Safe Communities ≠ WHO • Safe Communities and WHO can help each other

  3. Shared goals, different methods • Safe Communities and WHO share common goals • Reduce the frequency and severity of injuries due to intentional and unintentional causes by • Reducing risk factors • Strengthening protective factors • Enhance safety • Safe Communities and WHO use different methods • WHO mainly works top-down • Safe Communities mainly work bottom-up • WHO focuses on prevention • Safe Communities focuses on promotion

  4. WHO Strategy Political support (WHA, UN GA, etc) Model region/ country programs Funding World report Consultative process Advocacy Technical support (guidelines, best practices) Regional/ country programs

  5. Inter - personal violence Road traffic Suicide Burns Drowning Falls War Health Trans port Police Interior Health Health Health Health Health Health Health Diplo macy Trans port Welfare Police Justice Defence Welfare Police Interior Police Police Police Interior Interior Welfare Interior

  6. Safe Communities can serve as delivery mechanisms for evidence-based interventions Safe Communities can work as test-beds for selected interventions Safe Communities can provide entry points for top-down interventions Safe Communities can disseminate information WHO provides policy levers for national and local advocacy WHO provides evidence-based guidance WHO lobbies for increased donor investment Opportunities for cooperation

  7. WHO is supportive of Safe Communities, BUT, need to see: Clear and transparent leadership and decisions-making structures Explicit commitment to increase evidence-based and evidence-generating work Clearly identified focal agency for liaison with WHO Opportunities for cooperation

  8. Safety 2010World Conference 10thWORLD CONFERENCE ON INJURY PREVENTION & SAFETY PROMOTION 21-24 September 2010 Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre, London, UK www.safety2010.org.uk

  9. Thank you !

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