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School Wide Behavioral Plan

Opening Assembly. School Wide Behavioral Plan. Three School Rules. Respect Self, Others and Property. KYHFOOTY K eep Y our H ands, F eet & O ther O bjects T o Y ourself. Follow Directions the First Time. South Kearns TOP CATS. RAP. Follow Directions. RESPECT. KYHFOOTY. RAP.

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School Wide Behavioral Plan

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Opening Assembly School Wide Behavioral Plan

  2. Three School Rules Respect Self, Others and Property KYHFOOTY Keep Your Hands, Feet & Other Objects To Yourself Follow Directions the First Time

  3. South Kearns TOP CATS RAP Follow Directions RESPECT KYHFOOTY

  4. RAP We’re SK kids and we have a great school. We have 3 rules that help us stay cool. Respect Self, Others and Property. KYHFOOTY, KYHFOOTY. It is our duty. Follow directions the (clap) first time.

  5. Hallways Playground Bathrooms 7 Areas Cafeteria Computer Labs / Library Assemblies Office

  6. Hallway Rules Use whisper voices. Respect Self, Others and Property Walk appropriately with eyes forward.

  7. Hallway Rules Keep arms folded or to your sides. KYHFOOTY Keep Your Hands, Feet, & Other Objects To Yourself No touching others or objects.

  8. Hallway Rules Look, listen, and obey person in charge. Follow Directions the First Time

  9. Playground Rules Be kind, courteous, and use clean words. RespectSelf, Others and Property

  10. Playground Rules Use equipment in a safe and appropriate way. KYHFOOTY Keep Your Hands, Feet, & Other Objects To Yourself No chasing or touching others. No throwing snowballs, rocks, or other objects.

  11. Playground Rules Look, listen, and obey person in charge. Line up quickly when the bell rings. Follow Directions the First Time

  12. Bathroom Rules Be quick, quiet, and clean. Respect Self, Others and Property

  13. Bathroom Rules No touching others. KYHFOOTY Keep Your Hands, Feet, & Other Objects To Yourself Allow privacy in speech and actions.

  14. Bathroom Rules Leave classroom only with permission. Follow Directions the First Time Look, listen, and obey person in charge.

  15. Cafeteria Rules Use whisper voices. Respect Self, Others and Property Clean up after yourself.

  16. Cafeteria Rules Use table manners. KYHFOOTY Keep Your Hands, Feet, & Other Objects To Yourself No reaching or grabbing. No sharing food.

  17. Cafeteria Rules Take seats quickly. Follow Directions the First Time Keep food in lunchroom. Look, listen, and obey person in charge.

  18. Computer Lab and Library Rules Use whisper voices Respect Self, Others and Property Be considerate of others.

  19. Computer Lab and Library Rules Use equipment and books properly. KYHFOOTY Keep Your Hands, Feet, & Other Objects To Yourself Do your own work and share when appropriate.

  20. Computer Lab and Library Rules Enter and exit quietly. Follow Directions the First Time Look, listen, and obey person in charge.

  21. Assembly Rules Audience manners: • Voices off. • Clap when appropriate. • No whistling, yelling, or booing. • No walking in front of others. Respect Self, Others and Property

  22. Assembly Rules Keep hands in lap and sit flat. KYHFOOTY Keep Your Hands, Feet, & Other Objects To Yourself

  23. Assembly Rules Enter and exit quietly. Follow Directions the First Time Look, listen, and obey person in charge.

  24. Office Rules Use whisper voices. Respect Self, Others and Property Socialize in other places.

  25. Office Rules Use equipment and furniture properly. KYHFOOTY Keep Your Hands, Feet, & Other Objects To Yourself

  26. Office Rules Enter and exit quietly. Follow Directions the First Time Wait quietly for help. Look, listen, and obey person in charge.

  27. South Kearns TOP CATS RAP Follow Directions RESPECT KYHFOOTY

  28. RAP We’re SK kids and we have a great school. We have 3 rules that help us stay cool. Respect Self, Others and Property. KYHFOOTY, KYHFOOTY. It is our duty. Follow directions the (clap) first time.

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