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General symptomatology psychopathology of psychiatric disorder

General symptomatology

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General symptomatology psychopathology of psychiatric disorder

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    2. General symptomatology & psychopathology of psychiatric disorder

    3. Objectives: At the end of the session the student will be able to : Explain general symptomatology of psychiatric disorder.

    4. Component of mind.( disorders of thought –disorder of emotion-disorder of behavior ) Type of disorder: 1-Thought disorder 2-Disturbance in perception. 3- Unreality states. 4- Disorder of memory. 5- Orientation , disorientation. 6- Judgment. 7- Insight. 8- Attention and concentration. 9- Disorder of consciousness. 10- Disorder of affect. 11- Disorder of behavior.

    6. 1-Concrete thinking: when the patient use literal thinking with out understanding the implicit meaning behind sentence &it is verse abstract

    7. 2-autistic thinking: thinking that gratifies unfulfilled desire but has no regard for reality, egocentric (self -centred) fantasy.

    8. 1-tangentiality: Occur when The speaker goes off the topic and dos not return to the it.

    9. 2-circumstantially: Before getting the point or answering the question the patient gets caught up in countless details and explanation.

    10. 3-loseness of association: Thinking haphazard , illogical and confused, connection of thought is interrupted appear mostly in schizophrenic disorder.

    11. 4-flight of idea: Rapid jumping from one idea to another, the connection b\t idea is through stimuli from last idea or external stimuli.

    12. 6-incoherence or word salad: mixture of word and phrases that have no meaning.

    13. 8-poverty of speech: the speech is brief and uncommunicate.

    14. 10-Blocking: Sudden cessation of thought in the middle of sentence & person is unable to continue bis train of thought.

    15. 12-pallilalia: pathological repetition of the last word said. ??

    16. 14-Irrelevant answer: answer hat is not in harmony with question asked.

    17. C-disorder of content of thought: It is include: 1-delusion. 2-obsession. 3-peroccuption. 4-suicidal ideation.

    18. Definition It is false fixed belief not consist with patient educational and cultural back ground that cannot be corrected by logic or reasons. Delusion divide into: *Systematized : when they form a coherent system and appear to be logical ,e.g.: paranoid delusion. *un systematized delusion: group of delusion that not related to each other or in a haphazard relation. Another category of delusion: 1-paranoid delusion. 2-delusion of influence. 3-depressive delusion. 4-hypochondriacal delusion 1-Delusion

    19. 1-paranod delusion: it is an intense and strongly defended irrational suspicious belief. It include: A-Delusion of grandeur: false belief that one is a very powerful and important person. B-Delusion of persecution: false belief that one is chased by other. C-Delusion of reference: false belief that the behavior of other refers to one self (people in street, radio, news paper are referring to him) .

    20. D-Erotic delusion: false belief that there is a love story between one self and famous person. E-delusion of jealousy: conviction that the spouse has some definite relation with someone else. f-delusion of infidelity: false belief derives from pathological jealousy that one lover is unfaithful (it is an extreme of the jealousy delusion) g-litigious delusion: patient write complaint and sends them to responsible person.

    21. 2-delusion of influence (delusion of control) false belief that one is being controlled by other or agencies.

    22. 3-deprssive delusion: A-delusion of self-blame, guilt or sin: in which the patient that he is wicked, full of sins and unfit to live with other people (unworthiness). B-delusion of poverty: false belief that he lost everything in life. C-Nihilistic delusion: false belief that a part of this body doesn't exist or he doesn't exist(dead)

    23. 4-hypochondriacal delusion: Patient has false belief that he has physical disease e.g. cancer stomach that is not based on real organic pathology.

    24. 2-obsessive of thought: Are intrusive of thought invading the conscious awareness against the resistance of the person in an involuntary way that if fully aware that they un necessary and absurd. If the patient 's resistance succeeds to temporarily or partially control this intrusion, tension accumulates until it reaches an intolerance degree that completes the individual to yield and act out the obsessive behavior.

    25. 3-preoccupation: Centring of thought content around a particular idea associated with strong affective tone.


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