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Establishment phase – ‘are we there yet?’ Out-there driven idealists start to become annoying.

Planning and Execution necessitate Foresight and Expectations ( which ironically limit our planning & execution) .

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Establishment phase – ‘are we there yet?’ Out-there driven idealists start to become annoying.

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  1. Planning and Executionnecessitate Foresight and Expectations(which ironically limit our planning & execution)

  2. Why plan?- was always the first Q and the usual textbook reasons included “Failing to plan = planning to fail” and “ If you don’t plan to hit anything, you won’t hit anything”. “How will you know you have succeeded? – must be able to measure it so that…”

  3. Pioneering phase = ‘mission ad hoc’, goal is near and outcomes physical (apparent). Get the job done! Adrenalin present.

  4. Establishment phase – ‘are we there yet?’ Out-there driven idealists start to become annoying. Tension arises between Establishment and Pioneering. (anybody need a picture or examples of this?)

  5. We can become easily Mesmerised by Form.vortex, beauty (we are into beauty & don’t like to harm it), harmony, routine, comfort, laziness. We’ve always done it this way – or a common variant, rigidity, death by boredom. Opposed by a tendency to become Addicted to Chaos.pioneering- it got us here, the next new big idea, keeping us alive, Planning- why fix it if it is not broken?, band aid approach, lots to do – I’m so busy, no time / waste of time to review & plan, adrenalin rush, disagreements, conflicting goals, unhappy parents….

  6. When to restir; when to restore?

  7. Form & Chaos are equally important. Consciousness raising. SP and execution is about us learning better and better to work together: empathy, antipathy, listening, seeing, humbling the ego to open opportunities for self and others. It is our work at this time and we are allowed to pass or fail.

  8. Is not a failure to plan simply failure to Associate with genuine intent. Planning is one important part of the success formula and more importantly it is an important exercise in itself for us, now.

  9. PS: Provocative questions – What is Anthroposophy? What form describes it? We do not have spiritual / religious text, commandments, rules. RS gave indications and asked us to do prescribed exercises. If RS had continued till today do we think he may have said something new or different from what he gave to us up to his passing over? Or would he have had no more to say? What form in the entire universe has ever remained unchanged? Is the 3 fold social order the only perfect form ever to have been developed? Why did RS develop it?

  10. If it is the nature of our universe / existence to be ever changing, ever evolving, what will determine how long my school lasts? • Why did RS give us the exercises? • Are not the exercises our work? • In what context did Dr Steiner develop the concept of a 3 fold social order and are we ready for it? • If not, how could we become ready? Can we find ways to meet with genuine intent?

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