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Douglas F. Williamson Earth Charter Global Learning Opportunity 3 November 23, 2010

Tutoring Session with e-GLO Graduates and Earth Charter Representatives Journalism, propaganda, ethics, documentary, and interview techniques. Douglas F. Williamson Earth Charter Global Learning Opportunity 3 November 23, 2010. Ethics.

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Douglas F. Williamson Earth Charter Global Learning Opportunity 3 November 23, 2010

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Tutoring Session with e-GLO Graduates and Earth Charter RepresentativesJournalism, propaganda, ethics, documentary, and interview techniques Douglas F. Williamson Earth Charter Global Learning Opportunity 3 November 23, 2010

  2. Ethics • We have the moral obligation to report and present information and news fairly • SPJ - Code of Ethics

  3. Journalism vs. Propaganda • Journalism is publishing what someone doesn't want us to know, the rest is propaganda. -Horacio Verbitsky, journalist (b. 1942) • Advocacy • Presenting opinion based information

  4. Interviewing - pre-interview • Getting the information you want in the way that you want it • Thinking about final products before beginning interviews • Preparing questions and follow-up questions before the interview • Preparing releases and getting rights • Know your equipment/media for recording

  5. The interview • Establishing trust and creating a cordial interview environment • Setting up your recording equipment and getting best quality • Helping interviewees answer how you want and need them to answer • Asking for repetition and rephrasing • Third-person interviews and the advantages of perceived impartiality

  6. Making a point with your material • Using interview material to support an argument, selective use • Promoting a specific social agenda with interview material • Being fair to interviewees • Editing, polishing, branding, marketing, distribution

  7. Examples • Feather Project, 1st person • A couple of interviews of mine, 3rd person

  8. Thanks! e-GLO people, you rule!

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