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Homework-1, IT Convergence: IT + Vehicle or Automobile

Homework-1, IT Convergence: IT + Vehicle or Automobile. by Ikhsan Putra Kurniawan. HW/SW platform for a high efficiency green car and smart infrastructure – KAIST Project. Vehicle IT Convergence.

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Homework-1, IT Convergence: IT + Vehicle or Automobile

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  1. Homework-1, IT Convergence: IT + Vehicle or Automobile by Ikhsan Putra Kurniawan 운영체제특론(Advanced Operating System) - Spring 2012

  2. HW/SW platform for a high efficiency green car and smart infrastructure – KAIST Project 운영체제특론(Advanced Operating System) - Spring 2012

  3. Vehicle IT Convergence The connected vehicle technology for the integration of vehicle, sensor, and communication, the green vehicle IT technology including proactive idle stop, and the vehicle-infra convergence technology including vehicle S/W platform, automotive functional safety, automatic vehicle guidance, ubiquitous GIS, and seamless location positioning. 운영체제특론(Advanced Operating System) - Spring 2012

  4. 18th World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems Oct, ‘11 ITS and Sustainable Transport Next Generation Vehicles and Mobility Environments Cooperative Mobility Services and the Internet High-Speed Rail: Utilizing Technology to Create Clean and Safe Regional Transportation Advanced High-Speed Rail Technologies in Japan Installation and Future Developments of Driving Safety Support Systems Research and development of new practical use of next generation DSSS Application Proving Test for DSSS (Driving Safety Support Systems) Cooperative systems in The Netherlands The Connected Network & RSE For Safety 운영체제특론(Advanced Operating System) - Spring 2012

  5. LG Service IT Convergence Transport Operation and Information Service (TOPIS) Traffic Management System (TMS) BMS/BIS Automatic Fare Collection (AFC) Electric Vehicle (EV) & EV Charging Infra  운영체제특론(Advanced Operating System) - Spring 2012

  6. KIA IT Convergence Microsoft RoboChamps is a global IT competition to advance development of intelligent, autonomous driving technology. Innovative advertising mechanic to reach more than 10 million IT professionals worldwide. Five Kia models, new U.S. headquarters, dealer shops, outdoor advertisements and videos to promote Kia through an online virtual world. 운영체제특론(Advanced Operating System) - Spring 2012

  7. World WideComputer on Wheels • Audi, Hyundai, Toyota, BMW, Ford are participating in IT Convergence. • Old way: • engine performance, design and brands. • New way: • how much entertainment one can enjoy in a car. • Hyundai partnership with various smartphone -> to install tablet PC. • Smart Car Market. • SKTelekom + Renault Samsung • Mobile In-Vehicle system. • Control car through smartphone. 운영체제특론(Advanced Operating System) - Spring 2012

  8. Vehicle IT Convergence Association Multimedia - Spring 2012

  9. Multimedia - Spring 2012

  10. Standford’s self-drivngcar video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=86la64LQaH0 http://www.smartplanet.com/video/up-close-with-stanfords-self-driving-car/6200943 운영체제특론(Advanced Operating System) - Spring 2012

  11. Reference http://www.etri.re.kr/eng/res/res_0101020501.etri http://itswc.confex.com/itswc/WC2011/webprogram/Session1323.html http://itc.kaist.ac.kr/english/?mid=vehicle_construction http://www.lgcns.com/service/it-convergence/index.aspx http://www.kiamotors.com/about-kia/company/corporate-news-view.aspx?idx=408 http://www.koreaittimes.com/story/13951/it-convergence-technology-meets-vehicles http://www.vitcluster.kr/eng/about/about.php http://www.smartplanet.com/video/up-close-with-stanfords-self-driving-car/6200943 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=86la64LQaH0 운영체제특론(Advanced Operating System) - Spring 2012

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