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Earth Radiation Budget from NISTAR

Learn how NISTAR sensor measures Earth's radiation budget and how correction models are developed to account for missing data and illumination geometry variations. Discover the applications and benefits of using correction factors for accurate measurements.

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Earth Radiation Budget from NISTAR

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  1. Earth Radiation Budget from NISTAR Patrick Minnis NASA Langley Research Center May 11, 2007 - With help from Dave Doelling & Rabi Palikonda, SSAI

  2. Why measure ERB from L1? • NISTAR is an active cavity sensor - absolute calibrations • New approach to an old problem that requires more stitching of data and interpolation, etc. • Minimizes correction for missing hours • DSCOVR albedo and daytime OLR can serve as constraints on CERES & serve as a calibration source - a complementary approach • CERES is out of balance by 6 Wm-2

  3. How do we measure ERB with DSCOVR? • • NISTAR measures TOT & SW radiances of entire disk, LW = SW-TOT • - Viewing & illumination geometry varies slowly over time within a narrow range of angles near the backscatter position • - Can only determine global albedo & daytime OLR • - Nocturnal OLR is an educated guess • • Radiance observations must be converted to irradiance (flux) • - Apply anisotropic directional models (ADMs) • Need cloud information • Other considerations

  4. Changing View of Earth With Season March 21, 1986, 15° east from L1 April 15, 1986, 15°E of L1

  5. CORRECTION MODELS SW albedo •  Small (2% to 8%) but variable sliver of sunlight is always out of view, depends on offset from L1 - Missing light correction • To determine albedo, a set of SW ADM correction models needed - Bidirectional reflectance correction OLR •Most of darkside Earth is never seen - Nightside correction • To determine OLR from LW radiance, a set of LW ADM correction models needed - Limb-darkening correction

  6. Development of Correction Models & Analysis Approach • Initial study used ERBE scanner data - monthly averages • Most recent (2002) used ISCCP & ERBE combined - 3 hr => 1 hr - developed simulated NISTAR radiances - constructed correction factors for range of DSCOVR views - determined variability & estimated error in albedo - developed correction models: seasonal & L1 dependence => set of algorithms that can utilize cloud information to compute correction factors for any time & L1

  7. DSCOVR Simulator • Construct hourly global radiation and cloud field - Convert 3-hr ISCCP GEO radiances to BB albedo (< 60° lat) - monthly NB-BB conversion ERBS/GEO - use ISCCP clouds to select ERBE ADM - normalize to ERBE (CERES TISA GEO method) - Use NOAA-9/10 ERBE data > 60° latitude - Interpolate to hourly using CERES TISA interpolations • Compute global ERB every hour • Use ISCCP clouds & regional albedos w/ ERBE ADMs to compute NISTAR radiances at specified UTC & L1 position, 1985-88 • Calculate correction factors for monthly mean radiance conversion

  8. Narrowband-broadband conversion

  9. Testing Interpolation • normalize to ERBS, compare to NOAA-9 ERBE fluxes • RMS error least for all categories, but CS

  10. Simulated albedo/reflectance field March 21, 1986, 15° east from L1

  11. Mean SW parameters as function of L1 orbit position, March 1986 BDR Factor Missing light factor

  12. Daily variability in missing light correction is small < 0.5%

  13. Variation of monthly mean missing light factor as function of L1, 00 UTC

  14. Mean LW parameters as function of L1 orbit position, March 1986 LD variability < 0.2% OLR (nightside) correction factor var < 1.1%

  15. Variation of monthly mean nightside OLR factor as function of L1, 00 UTC

  16. SUMMARY • Both diurnal and seasonal variability are significant for all DSCOVR correction parameters • Varibilities also sensitive to DSCOVR offset phase angle (from L1) • One year correction factors computed: • BRF1.1216 -- 1.1616SD0.0018 -- 0.0176 (1.5%) • MLCF1.0063 -- 1.0259SD0.0008 -- 0.0048 (0.5%) • LDC1.0354 -- 1.0519SD0.0002 -- 0.0012 (0.2%) • NSCF0.9448 -- 1.0083SD0.0021 -- 0.0106 (1.1%)

  17. APPLICATIONS • Correction factors can be used independently to correct NISTAR measurements • will not account for dramatic scene changes • Need updating with CERES data and models • Same analysis approach can be used if cloud data and narrowband radiances available (CERES TISA approach) • should yield same radiance as CERES, on average, bias would indicate differences in calibration • Cloud data from EPIC insufficient • Cloud data from GEO + MODIS best option

  18. Use Canned Correction Models • Perform fits to simulated data as function of month/day, L1 position, UTC, Fourier or EO fits • Apply to NISTAR observations • Unless drastic changes in scene distributions occur, monthly means should be extremely accurate • Night side? • ADM uncertainties?

  19. Global Albedo Correction Model This model is designed to predict the corrected global mean albedo for given GMT and day: aglobal (tg,td) = atriana (qL1,fL1,tg,td)·Fa(qL1,fL1,tg,td) wheretgis the GMT andtd is the day of the year. Fa(qL1,fL1,tg,td)is the missing light albedo correction function. Fa(qL1,fL1,tg,td)=mnTmn(tg,td)·qnL1fmL1 where m, n=0, 1, 2, 3 and Tmn(tg,td)= ijCijtjgtid where i, j=0, 1, 2, 3.

  20. Global OLR Correction Model This model is designed to predict the corrected global mean albedo for given GMT and day: OLRglobal (tg,td) = OLRtriana(qL1,fL1,tg,td)·FS(qL1,fL1,tg,td) wheretgis the GMT andtd is the day of the year. Folr (qL1,fL1,tg,td)is the OLR correction function. Folr(qL1,fL1,tg,td)=mnTmn(tg,td)·qnL1fmL1 where m, n=0, 1, 2, 3 and Tmn(tg,td)= ijCijtjgtid where i, j=0, 1, 2, 3.

  21. Modeled & observed night side correction factors1986

  22. Use External Cloud Data • CERES already performs a similar analysis, not real time - TISA algorithms the basis for simulation • CERES algorithms applied in real time GEO data subsets - global application only computer/manpower limited • Accounts for changes in climate, yields better daily values • Parallax problems? • ADM uncertainties?

  23. Using GEO-LEO Data • Intercalibrate all GEOs and LEO imagers to a single source - done & ongoing • Apply common cloud retrieval algorithm - ongoing for subsets • Fusion:GEO-LEO can provide cloud clearing for aerosol & surface property retrievals

  24. Cloud properties are derived every 30 minutes from GOES-11 & 12 over CONUS and merged - these include all of the same properties derived from MODIS for CERES Example: real-time cloud retrievals at 4 km resolution, 18 UTC, 7 Nov 2006 http://www-angler.larc.nasa.gov/satimage/products.html

  25. Example: real-time cloud retrievals from MTSAT, 02 UTC, 7 Nov 2006

  26. Example: full-disk cloud retrievals from Meteosat, 12 UTC, 26 April 2007

  27. Example: full-disk cloud retrievals from GOES, 8 May 2007 GOES-11 (W) GOES-12 (E)

  28. Parallax Problems: What size regions with VZA? Would we need to worry about this in making corrections? Will be a factor at all high VZA/SZA.

  29. Summary • Capability to monitor global albedo/ERB globally from NISTAR - Estimate night side OLR, not true climate monitor - Cannot get regional scale ERB • Corrections do not appear to be highly variable interannually • need more data + new CERES models • Explicit corrections can be made using GEO-LEO data • Is this approach too redundant with CERES? • Or is it the means to constrain/compare CERES? • Basic algorithms developed for either approach - Need to be refined, streamlined, & documented

  30. EPIC Notes • EPIC could be a good calibration reference - always has another imager with proper geometry • EPIC view angles, when matched with LEO/GEO imagers provide capability to estimate cloud particle habit/shape, aerosol & surface properties

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