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Our Fantastic Trip To Paris, France!

Our Fantastic Trip To Paris, France!.

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Our Fantastic Trip To Paris, France!

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  1. Our Fantastic Trip To Paris, France! http://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&frm=1&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&docid=jMdv7xMZlCNlEM&tbnid=yOyjeNGSoJobnM:&ved=0CAQQjB0&url=http%3A%2F%2Fspectacularplaces.org%2F2013%2F05%2Fnight-view-eiffel-tower-paris-france.html&ei=phsmUsmoEdWosQSerYDgBg&bvm=bv.51495398,d.cWc&psig=AFQjCNHHDhibgji989Sqjjbyn22iBhdPMQ&ust=1378315549179051

  2. All About Paris…

  3. Eiffel tower

  4. History Known as Lutetia (Lutece) in ancient times, Paris was conquered by Julius Caesar in 52 BC, and existed as a regional center under the Romans and in the early Middle Ages. In 987, HUGH CAPET, Count of Paris, became king of France, and under his successors, the CAPETIANS, the city's position as the nation's capital became established. Often characterized as spirited and rebellious, the people of Paris first declared themselves an independent commune under the leadership of Etienne Marcel in 1355-58. The storming of the Bastille in 1789 was the first of a series of key actions by the Parisian people during the FRENCH REVOLUTION. Paris also played a major role in the revolutions of 1830 and 1848. In 1871, during the FRANCO-PRUSSIAN WAR , the city was besieged for four months until France surrendered.

  5. Map

  6. Flag

  7. Women Clothing

  8. French renaissance dress

  9. Men clothes

  10. Food

  11. Animals Of France…

  12. Duckies…

  13. Lion

  14. Hahaha!

  15. Thank You!

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