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Sit with your group today Topic #10 The Global Energy Balance

Explore the components of Earth's energy balance and how they contribute to global weather and climate. Discover the laws and processes that govern this balance. Enhance your understanding of climate science and its personal relevance.

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Sit with your group today Topic #10 The Global Energy Balance

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  1. Tuesday Oct 19 Sit with your group today Topic #10 The Global Energy Balance • ANNOUNCEMENTS • RQ-5 REMINDER: Cutoff is this THURSDAY Oct 21st, 30-minutes before class begins. • ASSIGNMENT I-3 is due IN CLASS a week from TODAY (Oct 26th) . The directions are posted in D2L. Please bring your WORKSHEET to class ALREADY STAPLED! (The Written Part of the assignment should be deposited in the Dropbox) • The EXAMS are being graded this week. You should have them back early next week. I-1 & 1-2 grades are slowly coming out . . .

  2. I-3 DUE ON TUESDAYOCT 26th 2 THINGS TO SUBMIT: Yournotes --Worksheet is worth 5 pts (you will turn in the stapledhard copyin class) Your write-up --Write-up isworth 15 pts. (you will depositit in the D2L Dropbox before midnight)

  3. To get the I-3 grade you want: • Please do NOT wait until the night before to do this assignment . . . This invariably shows in the final product! • Please follow the GRADING RUBRIC & crosscheck your paper with it before you submit to be sure you’ve addressed all that’s required • DO NOT PLAGIARIZE from the web or elsewhere – TURNITIN will be activated. • Please submit properly – esp. Mac users (we’ve been having some problems reading I-1 & I-2 submissions) • Put in some effort, creativity and passion when you do Part D: “Express Yourself” This is your chance to do something tailored more to your curiosity and interests

  4. CLICKER UPDATE: -- This week clicker input will be for participation only . . . (% correct will not be tallied yet) -- Midterm clicker points will be revealed in D2L later this week-- Looks like ALMOST everyone IS registered, but I have some clicker data with no names attached – plus not all of you have properly entered your UA NetID (this is needed for linking up with D2L)

  5. GOAL: Enhanced Understanding Of Global Change Science, How It Operates, & What It Means To Me Personally Climate Science Literacy I decide! Future projections Building on my attained knowledge as semester progresses What we can know & whatis still uncertain “Thinking deeply” about course material as semester progresses MODELS Possible solutions Past & PresentOBSERVATIONS GC-Savvy Consumer & other assignments “Hands on”assignments  Essential Principles # 1- 7 Understanding Climate Science  Global Climate Change processes Personal awareness On being a scientist Sustainability Segments Physical Science foundation (matter& energy, electromagnetism, thermodynamics, laws of motion) How it linksto my life How science is done The Science of Global Change

  6. Remember to always review the WEEKLY D2L CHECKLIST for what you should be doing . . . . NOTE: We’ll be reading more in the Dire Predictions text in upcoming weeks – see Checklist for the specific pages.

  7. GLOBAL CHANGE in the News! http://green.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/10/18/lake-mead-hits-record-low-level/?hp

  8. GLOBAL CHANGE in the News! http://www.noaanews.noaa.gov/stories2010/20101015_globalstats.html

  9. But some positive news about possible solutions too! http://azstarnet.com/business/local/article_429f06a4-f33b-54b5-b541-6cd45e170c57.html

  10. http://azstarnet.com/news/science/environment/article_79fe7daf-d135-578f-af64-6e03b1728bb4.html?mode=storyhttp://azstarnet.com/news/science/environment/article_79fe7daf-d135-578f-af64-6e03b1728bb4.html?mode=story

  11. Topic # 10THE EARTH’S GLOBAL ENERGY BALANCE Applying the laws, etc. to understand how processes all work together to create global weather & climate!!  BOOKMARK pp 49 & 122 in Class Notes now for lecture today

  12. Today’s Quote: A Different Sort of “ENERGY BALANCE”: Look at life as an energy economy game. Each day, ask yourself, Are my energy expenditures (actions, reactions, thoughts, and feelings) productive or nonproductive? During the course of my day, have I accumulated more stress or more peace? ~ Doc Childre and Howard Martin

  13. Review: Absorption curve for the “Whole Atmosphere” Outgoing LW Incoming SW UV Visible NIR Far IR OVERALLBALANCE: Incoming = Outgoing thru UV / Vis atmospheric window thru IR atmospheric window Review

  14. Typical Energy Balance Diagram mesoscale.agron.iastate.edu/agron206/animations/10_AtmoEbal.html Similar to p 49in Class Notes From SGC-I Chapter 3, p 50, Fig 3-19

  15. Energy Balance Equation: Rnet = (Q + q) - a - Lu + Ld = H + LE + G (one of several ways this equation can be written) 

  16. Let’s try to find an easy way to understand and remember all the components of the Earth’s Energy Balance We’ll use “cartoon symbols” . . . 

  17. “CARTOON” SYMBOLS: To represent the Earth’s surface: Go to p 122

  18. “CARTOON” SYMBOLS: To represent the atmosphere – composed of both invisible gases, aerosols, dust and other particulate matter: p 122

  19. “CARTOON” SYMBOLS: To represent CLOUDS p 122

  20. “CARTOON” SYMBOLS: To represent SOLAR (shortwave) radiation coming in DIRECTLY. (aka Direct shortwave radiation) p 122

  21. Direct SW radiation easily casts well-defined shadows when blocked Take notes

  22. “CARTOON” SYMBOLS: To represent SOLAR (shortwave) radiation coming in as DIFFUSE shortwave radiation, i.e. scattered by gases, clouds, and particles in the atmosphere. p 122

  23. Scattered, but still transmitted! Diffuse SW radiation is less likely to cast a well-defined shadow! Take notes

  24. Different sized dust particles, water droplets, aerosols,(even gas molecules themselves) Scattering of visible light review

  25. An “aerosol-laden” atmosphere scatters the longer (red) wavelengths more readily “Clear” atmosphere composed primarily of fine particles, water droplets, gas molecules “Dirty” (aerosol-laden) atmosphere composed of fine particles, gases, & H2O -- PLUS larger dust particles, aerosols,pollution, etc. 

  26. ALSO: The angle at which direct SW radiation is intercepted by a surface makes a difference!! From Figure on p 37 in SGC-I, Ch 3

  27. Scenario 1: NOON at Point A Scenario 2: Late afternoon at Point A A Q1: which scenario will deliver MORE INTENSE radiation to Point A? 1 = Scenario 1 2 = Scenario 2 

  28. Scenario 1: NOON at Point A Scenario 2: Late afternoon at Point A A Q1: which scenario will deliver MORE INTENSE radiation to Point A? 1 = Scenario 1 2 = Scenario 2 

  29. BOTH #2 & #3 are applicable! (Not a clicker question) WHY is the intensity of the SW radiation at Point A not as strong in the late afternoon as it is at noon? 1 = because as the Sun goes down close to sunset time, it gives off less radiation 2 = because the SW radiation is coming in at an angle in the late afternoon, and is not directly overhead (perpendicular) like it is at noon. 3 = because the SW radiation is being transmitted through a thicker atmosphere & hence scattered more 

  30. “CARTOON” SYMBOLS: To represent SOLAR (shortwave) radiation that is REFLECTED (or scattered) BACK TO SPACE by: atmosphere, clouds, Earth’s surface, etc. p 122

  31. Key term: ALBEDO = reflectivity of a surface “symbol” = a Represented as: a decimal from 0 to 1.0or % from 0 – 100 % (perfect reflectivity) Hence, amount ABSORBED = (1 – albedo)  Flip back to p 49

  32. YIKES! ABSORBS REFLECTS If a surface’s albedo is HIGH, absorption by the surface is LOW  COOLER surface If a surface’s albedo is LOW absorption by the surface is HIGH => HOTTER surface! 

  33. Low albedo High albedo  CLOUDS: 0.44 (high, thin clouds) - 0.90 (low, thick clouds) AVERAGE PLANET EARTH = ~ 0.30 p 49

  34. CLICKERS! Q2: What will happen to incoming SW over the Amazon Rain Forest if parts of it are deforested? 1 = more SW will be absorbed 2 = less SW will be absorbed Before After 

  35. Q2: What will happen to incoming SW over the Amazon Rain Forest if parts of it are deforested? 1 = more SW will be absorbed 2 = less SW will be absorbed Before After 

  36. “CARTOON” SYMBOLS: To represent TERRESTRIAL (longwave IR) radiation emitted upward by the Earth’s surface or the atmosphere Return to p 122

  37. “CARTOON” SYMBOLS: To represent TERRESTRIAL (longwave IR) re-radiation emitted downward by the Earth’s ATMOSPHERE p 122

  38. PUTTING IT TOGETHER: Can you place + and – signs where they ought to go in the equation? RNET = + - - + RNET= (Q + q ) - a - Lu + Ld p 123

  39. Now we’ll look at the energy pathways in a bit more detail by combining the cartoon symbols in various ways . . . See top p 49

  40. First, what if . . . . . . The Earth didn’t have an atmosphere, and therefore didn’t have a greenhouse effect?? What would the energy pathways in the Earth-Sun system look like? 

  41. No re-radiation of infrared by GHG’s No scattering by atmosphere Which terms are not involved? 

  42. To describe the real Earth-Atmosphere system, more detail is needed in our simple representation . . . . . We’ll use our symbols to build an energy balance “model” p 123


  44. SW REFLECTED BACK TO SPACE: By clouds By Earth’s surface This is determined by the ALBEDO of the clouds or surface p 123


  46. SW SCATTERED DOWN TO EARTH’s SURFACE where it is absorbed p 123

  47. IncomingUV SW absorbed by O3, O2 IncomingVisible SW absorbed by dust, O3, O2 SW ABSORBED IN ATMOSPHERE BY GASES, DUST, etc. (including Ozone absorbing shortwave UV) p 123

  48. Absorption curve for water vapor SW ABSORBED In ATMOSPHERE BY CLOUDS & H2O vapor: (NOTE: clouds are made up of tiny droplets of water surrounded by lots of water vapor) IncomingVisible & Near IR SW absorbed by water vapor & clouds p 124

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