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Highlights of Chinese Civilization and Local Culture

Highlights of Chinese Civilization and Local Culture. 中国地方文化英语导读 00041010 School of Foreign Languages Suzhou University. 第六章 科学( Science ). 教学内容 了解中国古代四大发明及其对世界文明的贡献,传统中医理论与诊治以及古代中国在天文、数学、水利、农业方面的成就。 (1). 中国古代四大发明:造纸术、火药、指南针和活字印刷 (2). 中国传统中医理论与诊治等 (3). 中国古代在天文、数学、水利、农业等方面的领先成就

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Highlights of Chinese Civilization and Local Culture

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  1. Highlights of Chinese Civilization and Local Culture 中国地方文化英语导读 00041010 School of Foreign Languages Suzhou University

  2. 第六章 科学(Science) • 教学内容 • 了解中国古代四大发明及其对世界文明的贡献,传统中医理论与诊治以及古代中国在天文、数学、水利、农业方面的成就。 • (1). 中国古代四大发明:造纸术、火药、指南针和活字印刷 • (2). 中国传统中医理论与诊治等 • (3). 中国古代在天文、数学、水利、农业等方面的领先成就 • 教学要点 • 重点掌握中国古代重大发明,传统中医理论与诊治以及古代中国在天文、数学、水利、农业方面的成就。

  3. Four Great Inventions • Traditional Medicine • World-leading Achievement

  4. Four Great Inventions • Powder • Compass • Paper making • Typography

  5. Brief Intro According to the Chronicle of the Natural Science published in 1975, there were approximately 300 inventions and significant scientific accomplishments before the Ming Dynasty, of which about 175 (57%) were made in China. Next

  6. Famous Line “Powder, compass and typography shadowed capitalism. Powder blasted the Knight, and compass inaugurated international market while typography became the instrument of Protestantism. In a word, these inventions were tools for scientific revival and great levers for spiritual development.” --- Karl Marx

  7. “火药、指南针、印刷术——这是预告资产阶级社会到来的三大发明。火药把骑士阶层炸得粉碎,指南针打开了世界市场并建立了殖民地,而印刷术则变成了新教的工具,总的来说变成了科学复兴的手段,变成对精神发展创造必要前提的最强大的杠杆。”

  8. Who Said It? “Printing, gunpowder and the compass ... whence have followed innumerable changes, in so much that no empire, no sect, no star seems to have exerted greater power and influence in human affairs than these mechanical discoveries.” (“这三种发明已经在世界范围内把事物的全部面貌和情况都改变了:第一种是在学术方面,第二种是在战事方面,第三种是在航行方面;并由此又引起难以数计的变化来:竟至任何教派、任何帝国、任何星辰对人类事务的影响都无过于这些机械性的发现了。” )

  9. Full name Francis Bacon Born 22 January 1561 London, England Died 9 April 1626 Highgate, England School/tradition Empiricism

  10. Powder • In Tang Dynasty, Powder was firstly mentioned in the book Summary of Zhenyuan Fine Techniques (《真元妙道要略》)and was used in military during late Tang Dynasty. • In the Northern Song Dynasty, powder was widely used in military. A war industry was set up to make powder and firearms. The summary of main principles of war and military (《武经总要》)compiled in Songrenzong period recorded many methods of making firearms. • In the Southern Song period, assault rifle (突火枪) was invented. The appearance of metal tube firearm marked new phase of military history. • In Jin period, firearm industry was fully developed. Arms with great power like thunder crash (震天雷) and fire arrow (飞火枪)were produced. • Gun powder was introduced to Arabia in the mid-13th century, and further to Europe via Arabia.

  11. Compass • In the Warring State Period, people found the characteristics of magnet, and then invented the first South Pointer (司南). • People in the Song Dynasty invented tortoise-shaped compass and then made compass by putting magnetic needle on a plate. • During the Southern Song Dynasty, compass was spread to India, Arabia and Persia, which provided the most important precondition for exploring new sea-routes and carrying out the practice of round-the-world navigation.

  12. Model of a Han Dynasty (206 BC–220 AD) south-indicating ladle or sinan.

  13. Diagram of a Ming Dynasty mariner’s compass

  14. Papermaking • Flock paper and ramie fiber paper (絮纸和麻纤维纸 ) appeared during the Western Han Dynasty. The paper with maps on, unearthed in Fangmatan, Tianshui in Gansu province, was the earliest paper known in the world. (放马滩纸是一幅麻纸地图。) • Cai Lun, a eunuch in the Eastern Han Dynasty initiated existing papermaking techniques, which extended the resources, lowered the costs of papermaking, and improved the quality of the paper. • Chinese papermaking techniques were firstly introduced to Vietnam during the third century, to Korea in the fourth century, to Japan in the fifth century, to India in the seventh century, to Arabia in the eighth century and to Europe in the 12th century.

  15. 放马滩纸

  16. 世界最早的木板地图——天水放马滩地图

  17. Typography • The typography was invented in the Sui Dynasty. The existing earliest engraving presswork Diamond Sutra (《金刚经》) printed in China in 868. • In Song Dynasty, engraving typography achieved full development. Neat typeface and fine bookbinding were characteristics of books printed by engraving typography. In the middle of 11th century, Bi Sheng invented type typography in the Northern Song Dynasty 400 years earlier than European people. • Tin, wood and cuprum types appeared in Yuan Dynasty, followed by cuprum type lead types. • Type typography was spread to Japan (8 th) and Korea, Egypt and Europe (14 th), which changed the social status that only clergies enjoyed the right of reading and receiving education.

  18. The intricate frontispiece of the Diamond Sutra from Tang Dynasty China, AD 868 (British Museum)

  19. Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM ) • Theory and Principle • Diagnose and Treatment

  20. Inner Canon of the Yellow Emperor《黄帝内经 》 --- lay a foundation for the Chinese medical theory • Shen Nong’s Pharmacopoeia《神农本草经 》--- summarize the knowledge of medicament • Treatise on Cold Damage & Various Illnesses 《伤寒杂病论》 byZhang Zhongjing --- the first book on prescription • the A-B Classics of Acupuncture and Moxibustion by Huang Fumi魏晋· 皇甫谧《针灸甲乙经》 --- the earliest existing book on acupuncture

  21. Treatise on the Origins & Symptoms of Disease by Chao Yuanfang 隋·巢元方《诸病源候论》 --- the earliest existing monograph on pathogeny and pathology (第一部中医病因证候学专著) • Revised Materia Medica of Tang Dynasty 《唐本草》/ 《新修本草》 --- the first pharmacopoeia issued by the government (第一部由国家颁布的药典) • Essential Prescriptions Worth a Thousand Gold Pieces For Emergencies《备急千金要方》, Supplementary Prescriptions Worth a Thousand Gold Pieces《千金翼方》 • Systematic Materia Medica by Li Shizhen 《本草纲目 》 [mə'tiəriə'medikə] • Damp-Heat Syndrome by Ye Gui《温热论》清· 叶桂

  22. Relative Properties - Yin and Yang • Wu Xing • Four Methods of Diagnosis(observation, auscultation ['ɔ:skəl'teiʃən] and olfaction, interrogation, pulse and palpation taking) • Acupuncture (Operations with Needles , Operations with Fire/Cupping) • Massage • Scraping therapy (Guasha)

  23. Traditional Chinese medicine is largely based on the philosophical concept that the human body is a small universe with a set of complete and sophisticated interconnected systems, and that those systems usually work in balance to maintain the healthy function of the human body. The balance of yin and yang is considered with respect to qi (“breath”, “life force”, or “spiritual energy”), blood, jing (“kidney essence”, including “semen”), other bodily fluids, the Wu Xing, emotions, and the soul or spirit (shen). TCM has a unique model of the body, notably concerned with the meridian system. Unlike the Western anatomical model which divides the physical body into parts, the Chinese model is more concerned with function. Thus, the TCM spleen is not a specific piece of flesh, but an aspect of function related to transformation and transportation within the body, and of the mental functions of thinking and studying.

  24. World-leading Achievement 1. Astronomy • Xiaxiaozheng《夏小正》, a chronometer of that time (Xia Dynasty) • Ganzhi干支 (Shang Dynasty) • record of Halley’s Comet, chronometer with its own fixed system of 7 leap years among 19 years (the Spring and Autumn Period). • Gan Shi Star Classics《甘石星经》(the Warring State Dynasty) • Tai Chu Li 太初历, the earliest macula (黑子) in the world (the Western Han Dynasty) • Zhang Heng invented armillary sphere and seismograph 浑天仪和地动仪 (the Eastern Han) • Huang Ji Calendar compiled by Liu Chao 刘焯《皇极历》, (the Sui Dynasty) • Seng Yixing compiled Da Yan Li 《大衍历》(the Tang Dynasty ) • The Season Greeting Calendar compiled by Guo Shoujing 《授时历》 (the Yuan Dynasty )

  25. 28 Chinese Constellations (asterisms)

  26. 2. Mathematics • Pythagorean theorem(勾股定理 ) in Zhoubi Mathematics 《周髀算经》(Western Zhou Dynasty) • multiplication table (Spring and Autumn Period) • The Nine Chapters on the Mathematical Art 《九章算术》 (Eastern Han) • Zu Chongzhi---the ratio of circumference was between 3.1415926 and 3.1415927 (the Southern Dynasty)/Liu Xin, 3.1547, the Western Han Dynasty/Liu Hui, 3.1416,the Three Kingdom Period

  27. Wang Xiaotong--- methods of solving the problem of cube root in Qi Gu Suan Jing王孝通《缉古算经》(the Tang Dynasty) • Cheng Dawei --- the Systematic Treatise on Arithmetic which laid foundations for the later abacus calculation 程大位《直指算法统宗》(the Ming Dynasty) • Ming Antu --- nine circle subdivision methods in Circle Subdivision Method 明安图 《割圆密率捷法》(the Qing Dynasty)

  28. 周髀算经

  29. 3. Geography • Zhou Yi --- the conception of geography • Shanhai Jin --- A Chinese Bestiary (the Warring States Period) • Pei Xiu---Yugong Diyu Tu, the earliest map in ancient China (the Western Jin Dynasty) 裴秀《禹贡地域图》 • Li Daoyuan---Shui Jing Zhu, an integrated geographic book (the Northern Wei Period)郦道元 • Xu Hongzu---Xu Xiake Travel Track, a geographical magnum opus (the Ming Dynasty)

  30. 4. Agriculture • Qimin Yaoshu by Jia Sixie ( Northern Wei) • Sketchbook of Dream Brook 《梦溪笔谈》 by Shen Kuo ( the Northern Song)“12 Qi Calendar” • Complete Treatise on Agriculture 《农政全书》 by Xu Guangqi (the Ming Dynasty) • The Exploitation of the Works of Nature 《天工开物》 by Song Yingxing atthe turn of Ming and Qing Dynasties

  31. 《天工开物》 宋应星

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