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13 th GEO ADC Full Committee meeting

13 th GEO ADC Full Committee meeting. Pretoria, 20 May 2010. 13 th ADC Full Committee - Agenda. Lessons Learned from Symposium. ….. from ADC perspective. ADC Full Committee meeting, Pretoria, May 20, 2010. Lessons Learned from Symposium from ADC perspective (1/2).

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13 th GEO ADC Full Committee meeting

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  1. 13th GEO ADC Full Committeemeeting Pretoria, 20 May 2010

  2. 13th ADC Full Committee - Agenda

  3. Lessons Learned from Symposium ….. from ADC perspective ADC Full Committee meeting, Pretoria, May 20, 2010

  4. Lessons Learned from Symposium from ADC perspective (1/2) • GEOSS is much more than GCI • ADC should address more & more the non-GCI GEOSS elements / matters • Limited reactions to Architecture & Data Strategies presentation • maybe need to refine, detail the Strategies and provide examples and then, to discuss again with GEO Committees • Majority of task reports did not explicitly address GCI. • No mention on how they interface the GCI (e.g. to CL) • No mention on components & services not registered yet.

  5. Lessons Learned from Symposium from ADC perspective (2/2) • Examples of Tasks that have mentioned a potential impact on GCI: • Data Sharing (information on data/products quality and on access conditions, GEOSS Data CORE) • GEOSS Quality Assurance Strategy (data/products quality) • Data, Metadata, and Products Harmonization, Geo-resources Services for Africa (Standards) • Some tasks addressing collection of User Requirements (User Req. Registry) e.g. Use of Satellites for Risk Management • Some tasks addressing collection of Best Practices (Best Practice Registry) • Some tasks mentioned registration of components (Component & Service Registry) e.g. Data Democracy

  6. Improve communication with clearer messages … Better Communication & Cooperation • Need to increase the awareness and understanding of both.. • the SBA tasks teams on what is GCI, GEOSS architecture and data concepts,… • and the usual ADC participants on the needs and implementations of all the GEO tasks

  7. Lessons Learned from Usability Testing • Fixing Problems on GEO Web Portals (GWPs) and Clearinghouse (CL) • Maintenance and operations • Availability of CL and GWPs to be improved • Better coordination between GCI providers is needed for the GCI components maintenance (and evolution) • Documentation of interfaces is needed. • Upgrade and Improvement • Collection of suggestions and requirements • Assessment: Resources and Prioritisation • Contribution from GEO Tasks

  8. The fully functional GEOSS as envisioned In GEOSS 10-y plan is still far !! Still several issues to solve … Nothing is impossible … There is a solution to any problem !!!

  9. Preparation of report to July 2010 ExCom meeting

  10. Report Content • ADC Response to ExCom action 18.4: “provide written suggestions on the Roles of, and relationship between, the Secretariat and the Committees” • ADC Issues (Doug N) • Low registration (+entry point only) • Lack of interoperability between non-GCI GEOSS component and large system Pilot Engagement with tasks regarding data, services and registration by • Architecture & Data Strategy (Ivan D) • WP Task Symposium (Ivan P) • Re-conduct task symposium every year • Consider format of the session • GEO-VI Plenary & Ministerial (George P) • E.g. support to showcases preparation, GCI live demo at booth, etc … • Showcases are not interoperable with GCI, ready to support… • GCI Sustained Operations (specific report from GCI-CT) • GCI Components assessment incl. Selection of single CL and single GWP

  11. 1. Recognition that we're all in this together, and the importance of clarifying who does what for more effective communication and operations; 2. Staff support to the Committees -- provided by the Committee Chairs, the Secretariat, or some combination; 3. Role and responsibilities of Secretariat staff, particularly given composition and technical expertise of staff; and 4. Reporting mechanisms for Committee activities to the Executive Committee. Alan: My understanding of the EXCOM discussions is exactly the same as Stuart's, i.e., that ExCom was asking the committees to discuss constructive ways the secretariat and the committees could work better together in the building of GEOSS. (E.g., things like better coordination, effective utilisation of experts, communication, arrangements for admin support, etc.). EXCOM certainly does not want the Committees to revisit the terms of reference, rules of procedure, etc. • Proposed changes to the GEO Secretariat's roles and responsibilities? • For #1 and #2 above, pay particular attention to potential overlapping and/or confusing roles and responsibilities between the Committees and the Secretariat.

  12. Recommendation • GEO Secretariat experts to focus on high level activities like facilitating liaison and communication and cross-fertilization between all relevant SBAs and ADC tasks. This refocus should not be achieved at the expense of the administrative support. • Improve communication by alerting relevant ADC and co-chairs and task leads on external but relevant high level issues e.g., inform the ADC of relevant matters discussed in meetings attended by GEO Sec. ->Discipline the approach to implementation process • Improve GEO Sec information system (e.g., better user interface on-line task sheet system, search function to the full GEO Sec website.) • Access to Powerpoint presentation (on line+ tasksheet)

  13. Next meetings

  14. Next meetings • ExCom July 15-16 • SIF 30 & 31st AM, August • ADC CC 31st PM, August, 3rd September (morning), Ankara, Turkey • ADC14 Full Committee, 1-2 September (full day), Ankara, Turkey • ADC CC at GEO-VII Plenary / Ministerial (Beijing, Nov. 2010, dates for ADC are TBC) • ADC CC + ADC15 Full Committee (location ? Feb. or Mar. 2011 ?)

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