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EA ARC. Ken Tatematsu East-Asian ARC Manager. ARC organization. Enhanced User Services. Difference between ARCS: NA: concentrated in Charlottesville Europe: distributed in different ARC nodes. East Asia: concentrated in Mitaka. Taiwan and Korea nodes. EU ARC nodes. NAASC. EU ARC (ESO).
EA ARC Ken Tatematsu East-Asian ARC Manager
ARC organization Enhanced User Services Difference between ARCS: • NA: concentrated in Charlottesville • Europe: distributed in different ARC nodes. • East Asia: concentrated in Mitaka. Taiwan and Korea nodes EU ARC nodes NAASC EU ARC (ESO) NA ARC Joint ALMA Observatory EA ARC NAOJ
ARC Core Functionalities • Support of Observation Proposal • Support of Observing Script for successful proposal • Manual data reduction instead of PI and Quality AssuranceAutomatic pipeline data reduction • ALMA for non radio astronomers, even biochemists can use it! • ALMA is the first radio telescope, quality assured • Data delivery to PI • Data Archive and support of Archive Astronomy
East Asian ARC EA-ARC non-core functionalities: • Science operation of ASTE and Mopra telescopes • Data filler to CASA (Nobeyama 45m, ASTE) • Development of joint archive of ALMA, Nobeyama 45m, ASTE • Laboratory molecular line database (Toyama), • http://www.sci.u-toyama.ac.jp/phys/4ken/atlas/ • VO—collaboration with JVO group (NAOJ) • Portal for FITS images of ALMA Public data, SV data • 3D FITS image viewer “Vissage” http://jvo.nao.ac.jp/download/Vissage/ • Located in Mitaka (at NAOJ) • Partnership with Taiwan and South Korea
ATLAS Line Catalog • Dr. Kaori Kobayashi (U. Toyama) • http://www.sci.u-toyama.ac.jp/phys/4ken/atlas/
ALMA archive • Official Archive (Andreas Vicenec et al.) • Data size 200 tar ball of raw data (ms) and images (Cycle 0) • From Cycle 1, ASDM • Professional radio astronomer can re-reduce the data as they wish • East Asian Efforts • Japanese Virtual Observatory (M.. Ohishi, Shirasaki) • Just images (FITS) also for non-radio astronomers • Vissage 3-D (x-y-frequency) FITS image viewer (W. Kawasaki)
Japanese Virtual ObservatoryNational Astronomical Observatory of Japan
Current Network Routes-R&E networks- • NAOJ (Mitaka, Japan) • SINET (Japan) ― • Internet2 (US) ― • RedCLARA (US-Chile) ― • REUNA (Chile, 75 Mbps now, 155 Mbps near future) ― • ALMA Observatory (Chile) • Typically overnight (8 hr) transfer from Chile to Japan for 1 data set in Cycle 0 • This network is originated from AccessNova collaboration (2000-) between Uchile, NAOJ, and NTT for ASTE telescope (Chile) remote operation from Japan
www.alma.info The Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA), an international astronomy facility, is a partnership among Europe, Japan and North America, in cooperation with the Republic of Chile. ALMA is funded in Europe by the European Organization for Astronomical Research in the Southern Hemisphere, in Japan by the National Institutes of Natural Sciences (NINS) in cooperation with the Academia Sinica in Taiwan and in North America by the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) in cooperation with the National Research Council of Canada (NRC). ALMA construction and operations are led on behalf of Europe by ESO, on behalf of Japan by the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ) and on behalf of North America by the National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO), which is managed by Associated Universities, Inc. (AUI).
ALMAData Rate • Data from 66 parabola antennas are synthesized by “correlator” (special purpose supercomputer) at 5000m site. Digital output from each antenna is 96 Gbps, and a total of 6 Tbps enters the correlator. In correlator, correlation among antennas and Fourier transform are made, and the output data rate is 4 Gbps. • Archive at ALMA Regional Centers and network between Chile and ARCs are expensive. As compromise, we average along time and along frequency to achieve 500 Mbps (peak) and 50 Mbps (average) • Possibility of broader network bandwidth, x3? • Possibility of ARCs/JAO collaboration on network