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Explore the study of how organisms interact within their natural environment and the impact of ecological factors on endangered species. Learn about abiotic and biotic factors, stewardship, and the threats faced by vulnerable populations.

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  1. Ecology

  2. ECOLOGY - a term coined by a German biologist Ernst Haeckel, 1866 - From the greek: oikos = the place where one lives logos = study of Ecology then, is the study of how organisms interact with each other within their natural setting/ environment

  3. ABIOTIC and BIOTIC factors Abiotic = non-living factors e.g. sunlight, temperature, wind direction and strength Biotic = factors caused by the presence or role of other living things e.g. interaction of plants with insects in their environment

  4. Non-living parts of your community (Abiotic) • Buildings • Roads • Bodies of water • Land • Wind • Sunlight

  5. Abiotic factors affect distribution of species •                         Abiotic factors of interest include: • - Temperature (range from 0 to 45 C) • - Water • - Sunlight • - Wind (increases heat & water loss) • Rocks and soil • Amount of oxygen in the water

  6. Stewardship Acting in a way that involves taking personal responsibility for the management and care of something Issue A problem or concern facing the earth’s climate, environment, resources, etc

  7. Sustainability • living organisms like plants, animals, bacteria, insects and other living things that can interact and reproduce indefinitely • For ex: Long-lived and healthy wetlands and forests are examples of sustainable biological systems.

  8. SILENCE OF THE FROGS ACTIVITY http://www.pbs.org/wnet/nature/episodes/frogs-the-thin-green-line/video-agricultures-effect-on-frogs/4848/ What are Endangered Species? An endangered species is a POPULATION of organisms which are AT RISK of becoming EXTINCT because it is either few in numbers, or threatened by various factors. Some of the factors are: • Loss of species habitat due to accommodating for growing human population • Pesticide use • Hunting and trading • Pollution


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