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Puerto Rico Briefing National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program

This briefing provides an overview of the Puerto Rico Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program and its accomplishments in outreach, education, support, mapping, modeling, infrastructure, and TsunamiReady activities.

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Puerto Rico Briefing National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program

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  1. Puerto Rico BriefingNational Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program November 19, 2008 Washington D. C.

  2. PR Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program Team • Prof. Christa G. von Hillebrandt-Andrade-PRSN, UPRM • Ms. Barbara Medina, Mitigation Program, PRSEMA • Prof. Aurelio Mercado-Dept. Marine Sciences, UPRM • Dr. Victor Huerfano-PRSN, UPRM • Dr. Walter Diaz-Dept. Social Sciences, UPRM • Dr. Jose Martinez Cruzado-Dept. Civil Engineering, UPRM • Mr. Rafael Mojica-WCM, SJFO, NWS, NOAA • Eng. Carlos Rodriguez-Vernix Corporation • Mrs. Marie Gonzalez-FEMA, Puerto Rico office • Mrs. Jeanette Lopez, PRSN, UPRM • Graduate Student Wildaomaris Gonzalez PR Component of NTHMP Briefing, Nov. 2008

  3. Puerto RicoFunding (Sept. 2007-Sept. 2008) • Funding Received • $156,147 – NTHMP • $42,533 – Tsunami Ready • $198,680.00 – TOTAL • Balance as of Nov. 10, 2008: $36,444 • Extension until Sept. 2009 PR Component of NTHMP Briefing, Nov. 2008

  4. Puerto RicoAccomplishmentsOctober 2007-October 2008 PR Component of NTHMP Briefing, Nov. 2008

  5. Outreach/Education • Talks at schools, government offices, medical facilities, emergency management authorities: 4,000 people • Technical and scientific presentations-GSA, SSA, AGU • Traveling Earthquake and Tsunamis exhibit at 5 Malls with Puerto Rico State Emergency Management Agency with documentary on Tsunamis in Puerto Rico: 50,000 visitors • TsunamiReady Workshops-Lajas, Carolina-355 participants • Earth Science Open House focusing on Tsunamis 2007 and 2008: 4000 PK-12 students and teachers • Media: 135 radio/TV/written media Interviews PR Component of NTHMP Briefing, Nov. 2008

  6. Support as requested IOC (Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO), IOCARIBE (IOC Sub-Commission for the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions), ICG/CARIBE-EWS (Intergovernmental Co-ordination Group for the Tsunami and other Coastal Hazards Warning System for the Caribbean Sea and Adjacent Regions) • December 2007-ICG III Prep Meetings, C. von Hillebrandt and A. Mercado elected WG1 and 2 Chairs, respectively • March 2008, ICG III Meeting, B. Medina, C. von Hillebrandt and A. Mercado • August 2008, Y. Soto participation in ICG Meeting on Tsunami Preparedness PR Component of NTHMP Briefing, Nov. 2008

  7. Development, reproduction and distribution of education and outreach materials • Spanish Tsunami Brochure • Tsunami Children's Booklet • PR Tsunami DVD • Pens, Pencils, Stickers • Prepare and distribute a bilingual (English/Spanish) brochure for tourists and visitors. • Available in tourist racks throughout the island PR Component of NTHMP Briefing, Nov. 2008

  8. Support of NTHMP meetings • NTHMP Annual meeting in Hawaii • NTHMP CC meeting in Portland • NTHMP Strategic Planning Committee, Palmer • Tsunami Ready Workshop, Portland • PR Tsunami Technical Review Committee • Meeting held in Sept. 2008 PR Component of NTHMP Briefing, Nov. 2008

  9. Mapping and Modeling • Select and perform runs using the TIME, with which the 2003 PR Tsunami inundation maps were prepared, and MOST (used for SIFT) for critical sites in Puerto Rico. • A. Mercado and V. Huerfano Participation in NTHMP Mapping and Modeling workshop • In progress, graduate student has been hired. PR Component of NTHMP Briefing, Nov. 2008

  10. Tsunami Notification Infrastructure • Participating and performing communications tests of the Warning Centers • PRSN, PRSEMA participate in WCATWC monthly tests • Evaluate the feasibility and/or effectiveness of using cellular phone services, reverse 911 and 211 and NOAA Weather Radio. • Work in progress. NOAA Weather radios have been distributed to schools • Work in progress PR Component of NTHMP Briefing, Nov. 2008

  11. Establish and test protocol for the first AHAB radio to be installed in Puerto Rico in Mayagüez. • AHAB purchased with 50-50 FEMA and Municipal government of Mayagüez funds • Protocol established • December 2008 a community wide drill was held PR Component of NTHMP Briefing, Nov. 2008

  12. TsunamiReady Activities • Three new communities, Carolina, Lajas and Dorado • Bilingual Tsunami Evacaution Maps • Vulnerability profiles • Emergency Response Plans • Workshops and community presentations • Pending • Rincon • Tsunami Ready Recognition of these four communities and Anasco. PR Component of NTHMP Briefing, Nov. 2008

  13. Test the strength of fiberglass signs in the laboratories of Civil Engineering, UPRM and prepare a report. • Done. Final report in progress. • Install fiberglass signs and track the installation of to see if they are also affected by vandalism as is the case with the aluminum signs. • Pending. PR Component of NTHMP Briefing, Nov. 2008

  14. Writing and submitting an article on the Puerto Rico tsunami program to a professional journal. • In progress • Maintaining and updating the Tsunami section of the Puerto Rico Seismic Network website (http://redsismica.uprm.edu) PR Component of NTHMP Briefing, Nov. 2008

  15. Synergistic Activities • NSF TSUNAMOS Project. Tsunami modeling in the U. Oregon wave basin and outreach focusing on ports authorities • NSF, Sea Grant, UPRM Puerto Rico Disaster Decision Support tool with Tsunami Module • FEMA for Kids project, hands on workshop with 4th grade children, 1 of 7 stations on tsunamis • NOAA support for strengthening the operations of the PRSN and the Caribbean Tsunami Warning System • NOAA TsunamiReady-develop questionnaire on tsunami preparedness (done) • PRSEMA support for the PRSN to operate 24 x 7 and strengthen outreach and education program PR Component of NTHMP Briefing, Nov. 2008

  16. Challenges • Overextended local emergency management personnel-hurricanes, flooding, terrorism, day to day emergencies/situations • Lack of 24 x 7 reception and dissemination capabilities in communities • Elections and substantial change of government in Puerto Rico at the state and local level • Economic situation of Puerto Rico and the US PR Component of NTHMP Briefing, Nov. 2008

  17. Puerto RicoFY 09 Funding Request PR Component of NTHMP Briefing, Nov. 2008

  18. Puerto RicoFY 09 Funding Request PR Component of NTHMP Briefing, Nov. 2008

  19. Puerto RicoFY 09 Funding Request PR Component of NTHMP Briefing, Nov. 2008

  20. Puerto RicoFY 09 Funding Request PR Component of NTHMP Briefing, Nov. 2008

  21. Puerto Rico FY 09 Funding Request

  22. Thank you PR Component of NTHMP Briefing, Nov. 2008

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