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California Tsunami Preparedness and Hazard Mitigation Program

California Tsunami Preparedness and Hazard Mitigation Program. Jim Goltz, California Emergency Management Agency Rick Wilson, California Geological Survey National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program Meeting Portland, February 1-3, 2011. Presentation will Address.

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California Tsunami Preparedness and Hazard Mitigation Program

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  1. California Tsunami Preparedness and Hazard Mitigation Program Jim Goltz, California Emergency Management Agency Rick Wilson, California Geological Survey National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program Meeting Portland, February 1-3, 2011

  2. Presentation will Address • Carryover work from FY 2008-09 • Accomplishments in FY 2009-10 • California Plans for FY 2010-11

  3. California: FY-08 GrantPeriod of Performance Extended to 7-31-10 • Total Funding Received: $284,546 • Tsunami public education program for Crescent City • Conduct a baseline survey to assess planning, mitigation and preparedness • Print 200,000 copies of Living on Shaky Ground: How to Survive Earthquakes and Tsunamis in Northern California • Incorporate 2nd generation tsunami inundation maps into My Hazards and develop outreach for new software • Provide funding for tsunami signs to assist communities achieve TR status • Purchase tsunami education kiosks for beach parks in CA • User friendly report documenting modeling and mapping (in progress) • Issues: 1) Furloughs 3-days per month reducing work time by 15%; 2) Delays with subcontracts and purchases

  4. California FY 2009-10 • Total Funding Received: $1.12 Million • NTHMP ($944,026) • Completed 2nd generation maps, assuring conformity w/established methodologies • Initiated incorporation of tsunami hazard into land-use planning and construction decisions • Began work on marine off-shore safe zone and guidance materials for maritime communities • Provided planning and technical assistance to coastal communities (workshops, exercises, plan review) • Developed guidance materials for local tsunami planning and mitigation (e.g. geotechnical guide for evacuation planning) • Disseminated recently developed education materials for Tsunami Awareness and Preparedness Week • Evaluated impacts (local and California) from Sept. 29, 2009 and Feb. 27, 2010 tsunamis • Continued work on the baseline survey for the NTHMP • Completed Crescent City Educational Pilot Project • Convened the California Tsunami Steering Committee (2 meetings per year) and fully participated in the NTHMP • Conducted “Live Code” Tsunami Communications Test in northern California in March • Participated in other tests conducted by NOAA and maintain and update internal protocols and procedures for tsunami response including siren tests

  5. California FY 2009-10Total Funding Received: $1.12 Million • Tsunami Ready ($177,727) • Provided planning and technical assistance to local jurisdictions pursuing TsunamiReady recognition • Will request modification of task on tsunami advocacy groups in coastal California modeled on the Redwood Coast tsunami Work Group • Provided funding for tsunami signage to promote the TsunamiReady Program • Work with the California State Parks Department to assist 122 coastal and beach parks become TsunamiReady • Issues: 1) Furloughs 3-days per month reducing work time by 15%; 2) Delays with subcontracts and purchases; 3) Has been difficult to organize advocacy groups at the local level –top down approach flawed; 4) Lost high level contact within Parks Department, parks likely to be a target for budget cutting

  6. California FY 2010-11Total Funding Received: NTHMP and TsunamiReady $1.04 Million (plus $30K for Pre-Tsunami Field Team) • Continue work begun in 2009 [nearly all were multi-year tasks] • Develop and populate tsunami sources database and peer review of sources for CA 2nd generation inundation maps • Transfer of all project files to NTHMP repository • Convene a workshop and form a working group to develop a methodology for creating tsunami hazard mitigation products for land-use planning • Strategic plan for implementing products from maritime safe zone work done in 2009-10 • Expand “Live Code” testing to additional California Counties • Translation of children’s video to Spanish • Collaborate with USGS Multi-Hazard Project and FEMA Cascadia Cat-Plan • Disseminate guidance documents for planning, policy and geotechnical evaluation of evacuation plans • In place of tsunami preparedness advocacy groups, will encourage and support locally initiated public education and outreach efforts • Development of pre- and post-tsunami field team and information clearinghouse

  7. 2010 Chile Tsunami in California • Moderate tidal fluctuations • Strong currents in harbors • Damage – several million dollars • Erosion and scour • Tsunami activity lasts for extended time • Lessons learned? Shelter Island in San Diego Ventura Harbor Seal Beach – next morning 2/28/10

  8. Evacuation/Emergency response planning High-resolution modeling comparison Tsunami deposit and source databases “Guidance for Evacuation Planning from Local Event” Land-use planning Probabilistic workshop Coordination URS/Caltrans Maritime planning Offshore safety zones In-harbor hazard maps (FEMA) Guidance Tsunami Hazard Mapping Activities

  9. Before event (2010-11) Establish network Determine field locations Local coordination During event Clearinghouse to CalEMA Collect real-time information After event Collect perishable data Report Pre-/Post-Tsunami Field Team and Information Clearinghouse

  10. Public Outreach and Education • After 2010 Chile Tsunami, held more than a dozen workshops • Coordinated outreach activities including Tsunami Awareness and Preparedness Week • Distributed thousands of pamphlets, videos, and posters • Living on Shaky Ground • Printed and distributed 300,000 copies • High demand following January 9, 2010 Eureka Earthquake • Produced/Distributed tsunami lesson plan/worksheet for schools

  11. Tsunami Signs and Beach Kiosks for TsunamiReady • Extension of sign purchase program; assist with sign placement plans • Also supports the parks TsunamiReady project • To date, approximately 2000 signs purchased for 20 jurisdictions • Funded construction of 6-8 kiosks where tsunami information will be posted

  12. Tsunami Live Code Warning Communications Test

  13. TsunamiReady • Califonia has18TsunamiReadycommunities: • the largest city (San Francisco) • the smallest community (Big Lagoon, pop. 56) • the only University (UC Santa Barbara) Recertified • Current efforts: • Next 6 months: Ventura Co., Monterey Co. • Considering: LA City, El Segundo, Goleta, Oxnard, Malibu, Santa Cruz Co. • Pursuing State Parks TsunamiReady initiative

  14. Questions on the California Program?(Jim’s Last CC meeting)

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