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Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD)

Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD). Today’s Class. Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) SGD Recap Regression vs Classification Generalization / Overfitting / Underfitting Regularization Momentum Updates / ADAM Updates. Our function L(w). Our function L(w).

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Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD)

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD)

  2. Today’s Class • Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) • SGD Recap • Regression vs Classification • Generalization / Overfitting / Underfitting • Regularization • Momentum Updates / ADAM Updates

  3. Our function L(w)

  4. Our function L(w) Easy way to find minimum (and max): Find where This is zero when:

  5. Our function L(w) But this is not easy for complex functions: L

  6. Our function L(w) Or even for simpler functions: How do you find x?

  7. Gradient Descent (GD) (idea) 1. Start with a random value of w (e.g. w = 12) 2. Compute the gradient (derivative) of L(w) at point w = 12. (e.g. dL/dw = 6) 3. Recompute w as: w = w – lambda * (dL / dw) w=12

  8. Gradient Descent (GD) (idea) 2. Compute the gradient (derivative) of L(w) at point w = 12. (e.g. dL/dw = 6) 3. Recompute w as: w = w – lambda * (dL / dw) w=10

  9. Gradient Descent (GD) (idea) 2. Compute the gradient (derivative) of L(w) at point w = 12. (e.g. dL/dw = 6) 3. Recompute w as: w = w – lambda * (dL / dw) w=8

  10. Gradient Descent (GD) Initialize w and b randomly for e = 0, num_epochsdo Compute: and Update w: Update b: // Useful to see if this is becoming smaller or not. Print: end

  11. Gradient Descent (GD) expensive Initialize w and b randomly for e = 0, num_epochsdo Compute: and Update w: Update b: // Useful to see if this is becoming smaller or not. Print: end

  12. (mini-batch) Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) Initialize w and b randomly for e = 0, num_epochsdo for b = 0, num_batchesdo Compute: and Update w: Update b: // Useful to see if this is becoming smaller or not. Print: end end

  13. (mini-batch) Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) Initialize w and b randomly for e = 0, num_epochsdo for b = 0, num_batchesdo Compute: and for |B| = 1 Update w: Update b: // Useful to see if this is becoming smaller or not. Print: end end

  14. Regression vs Classification • Regression • Labels are continuous variables – e.g. distance. • Losses: Distance-based losses, e.g. sum of distances to true values. • Evaluation: Mean distances, correlation coefficients, etc. • Classification • Labels are discrete variables (1 out of K categories) • Losses: Cross-entropy loss, margin losses, logistic regression (binary cross entropy) • Evaluation: Classification accuracy, etc.

  15. Linear Regression – 1 output, 1 input

  16. Linear Regression – 1 output, 1 input Model:

  17. Linear Regression – 1 output, 1 input Model:

  18. Linear Regression – 1 output, 1 input Loss: Model:

  19. Quadratic Regression Loss: Model:

  20. n-polynomial Regression Model: Loss:

  21. Overfitting is a polynomial of degree 9 is linear is cubic is high is low is zero! Overfitting Underfitting Christopher M. Bishop – Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning High Bias High Variance Credit: C. Bishop. Pattern Recognition and Mach. Learning.

  22. Regularization • Large weights lead to large variance. i.e. model fits to the training data too strongly. • Solution: Minimize the loss but also try to keep the weight values small by doing the following: minimize Credit: C. Bishop. Pattern Recognition and Mach. Learning.

  23. Regularization • Large weights lead to large variance. i.e. model fits to the training data too strongly. • Solution: Minimize the loss but also try to keep the weight values small by doing the following: minimize Regularizer term e.g. L2- regularizer Credit: C. Bishop. Pattern Recognition and Mach. Learning.

  24. SGD with Regularization (L-2) Initialize w and b randomly for e = 0, num_epochsdo for b = 0, num_batchesdo Compute: and Update w: Update b: // Useful to see if this is becoming smaller or not. Print: end end

  25. Revisiting Another Problem with SGD Initialize w and b randomly for e = 0, num_epochsdo These are only approximations to the true gradient with respect to for b = 0, num_batchesdo Compute: and Update w: Update b: // Useful to see if this is becoming smaller or not. Print: end end

  26. Revisiting Another Problem with SGD Initialize w and b randomly for e = 0, num_epochsdo This could lead to “un-learning” what has been learned in some previous steps of training. for b = 0, num_batchesdo Compute: and Update w: Update b: // Useful to see if this is becoming smaller or not. Print: end end

  27. Solution: Momentum Updates Initialize w and b randomly for e = 0, num_epochsdo Keep track of previous gradients in an accumulator variable! and use a weighted average with current gradient. for b = 0, num_batchesdo Compute: and Update w: Update b: // Useful to see if this is becoming smaller or not. Print: end end

  28. Solution: Momentum Updates Initialize w and b randomly global for e = 0, num_epochsdo Keep track of previous gradients in an accumulator variable! and use a weighted average with current gradient. for b = 0, num_batchesdo Compute: Compute: Update w: // Useful to see if this is becoming smaller or not. Print: end end

  29. More on Momentum https://distill.pub/2017/momentum/

  30. Questions?

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