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Foreign Language Assistance Program FLAP 2004-2007

Purpose Foreign language programs for K-12 students.. Competitive PriorityK-8 Russian, Chinese or ArabicLink non-native English speakers with schools Effective technologyInnovative activities. Award. United States Department of Education awarded FLAP Grant to HLPUSD for 2004-2007$521,376. Ra

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Foreign Language Assistance Program FLAP 2004-2007

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    1. Foreign Language Assistance Program FLAP 2004-2007 Superintendent’s Report to The Board of Education September 16, 2004

    2. Purpose Foreign language programs for K-12 students. Competitive Priority K-8 Russian, Chinese or Arabic Link non-native English speakers with schools Effective technology Innovative activities

    3. Award United States Department of Education awarded FLAP Grant to HLPUSD for 2004-2007 $521,376

    4. Rationale Foreign Language Study: Helps students academically. Improves understanding of student’s first language. Enhances academic achievement in other content areas. Begins in elementary school in Asia and Europe Prepares students for international job market. Builds multicultural understanding.

    5. Program Description following grant requirements Monday & Wednesday – 90 minutes - Chinese Language Instruction – after school. Tuesday and Thursday – 1 hour - Teacher Preparation – after school. Friday- Chinese Culture/Art schoolwide; presented by Guest Artists – during school day. National Foreign Language Content Standards California Foreign Language Framework. Language, Culture and History.

    6. Daily Activities Monday and Wednesday Class: Language Instruction Computers: email pen pals in China Computers: Chinese practice lessons Chinese Internet websites Chinese language games Tuesday and Thursday Teacher Planning Time: Teachers plan instruction and discuss student progress

    7. Daily Activities Continued Friday Programs: During the Day Schoolwide assemblies and classroom activities. Chinese music. Chinese crafts and drawing. Chinese dances. Chinese history. Reading: Chinese children’s literature. Chinese artists. Community Volunteers: story telling and dialogue in Chinese. Visiting Artists: Schoolwide performances and demonstrations.

    8. Three Year Program Year One: Grades two, three and four. Beginning and Intermediate Classes. Two classes at each school. Maximum 20 students per class. Eight teachers. Eight instructional aides. Expected enrollment 40 students per school.

    9. Three Year Program Continued Year Two: Grades two, three, four and five. Beginning, Intermediate, Advanced Classes. Ten teachers. Ten instructional aides. Maximum 20 students per class. Expected enrollment 40-60 students per school.

    10. Three Year Program Continued Year Three: Grades one, two, three, four and five. Beginning, Intermediate, Advanced Classes. Maximum 20 students per class. 12 teachers. 12 instructional aides. Expected enrollment 40-80 students per school.

    11. Eligibility Students who attend Los Altos Elementary, Los Molinos Elementary, Mesa Robles, and Grazide. Feeder program to high school Chinese Language classes Selected grade levels participate as the program increases capacity each year.

    12. Activities Completed Award acceptance-Board Meeting 8/19/04. Submitted required Addendum to U.S. Dept. of Education. Measure program success Dissemination of program successes Teacher qualifications Alignment with Standards Draft Addendum #2 - program modifications Schedule, staff, enrollment, parent committee, materials. Budget submitted to HLPUSD Business Services. Principal Meetings 6/25, 7/1, 7/8, 7/15, 7/19, 8/2, 8/30 Discussed implementation, time, location, materials, teacher recruitment, hiring, qualifications and substitute teacher needs.

    13. Activities Completed Continued Discussed hiring with Human Resources. Contacted possible teachers and aides for the program. FLAP Website development with ROP teacher and students. Textbooks: Contacted state, other districts, and publishers. High School Chinese Language Teachers evaluated textbooks. Principals reviewed textbooks. Principals and teachers selected textbooks.

    14. Program Opening October 2004 Next Steps Order textbooks. Hire teachers. Advertise in school newsletters and local newspapers. Enrollment/Registration Process open for two weeks. Student/Parent Behavior Contracts to be signed. Parent meeting to be scheduled.

    15. Professional Development $20,000 per year budgeted. Expand teacher knowledge. UCLA Asian Studies Summer Institute. Instruction in Chinese history, art, music, culture, literature and language.

    16. Parent Involvement Parent Committee will be formed. Site Council Presidents to nominate members. Two parents to be nominated from each school.

    17. Personnel Highly Qualified Teachers. Community volunteers (adult, high school and college students). Guest Artists and Performers.

    18. Personnel Continued Program Facilitator Responsibilities: Set instructional goals Staffing Budget Meet with the teachers weekly Monitor instruction Coordinate volunteers Facilitate parent meetings Continuous program improvement Ongoing program evaluation

    19. Budget-Federal Funds

    20. In Kind – Matching Funds Commitment from HLPUSD

    21. Matching Funds Explanation Personnel: Dr. Nakaoka, Dr. Maupin, Business Services, principals, volunteers. Supplies: Local business contributions and district purchase of materials. Contractual: Guest speaker, artist, and cultural expert services.

    22. Success Measures How will the district measure success of the program? Design & administer periodic language assessments. Maintain records: student participation, volunteer & parent involvement. Use SMART/IDMS systems to measure impact of FLAP program on academic achievement of enrolled students. Report to School Board. Maintain attendance records. Surveys and evaluations.

    23. Next Steps Explore further funding to expand foreign language instruction Additional languages More elementary schools Include middle schools Explore possibility of integrating foreign language study into regular school day at elementary and middle school Establish Elementary Foreign Language Committee to develop new programs

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