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A*STAR Integrated Grant Management System (iGrants) Phase 2 User Briefing

A*STAR Integrated Grant Management System (iGrants) Phase 2 User Briefing. 23 Jun 2011 30 Jun 2011 Level 4, Matrix, Biopolis. Agenda. Part 1 Grants to be administered in iGrants User Roles and Features iGrants Layout and Navigation Grant Variation Submission Workflow

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A*STAR Integrated Grant Management System (iGrants) Phase 2 User Briefing

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  1. A*STARIntegrated Grant Management System (iGrants)Phase 2 User Briefing 23 Jun 2011 30 Jun 2011 Level 4, Matrix, Biopolis Confidential

  2. Agenda • Part 1 • Grants to be administered in iGrants • User Roles and Features • iGrants Layout and Navigation • Grant Variation Submission Workflow • Annual/Final Report Submission Workflow • Fund Requisition/ Final Statement of Account Submission Workflow • Blacklisting of PI • System Demo • Part 2 • RI Admin Functions • System Demo Confidential

  3. Part 1 Grants to be administered in iGrants iGrants Phase 2 will be rolled out on 1 July 2011. The grants to be administered in iGrants are shown in the table below: Confidential

  4. User Roles and Features Part 1 Confidential

  5. Part 1 User Roles and Features (Cont’d) Confidential

  6. Part 1 iGrants Layout and Navigation • This page will display all the tasks that are pending follow-up action by the user. • Click on the URL link to view the details and act on the task. • Once acted upon, the task will be removed from the user’s dashboard. Confidential

  7. Grant Variation Submission Flow Part 1 For BMRC & SERC Grants Host Institution (HI Admin) for verification Host Institution (HI ED) for endorsement/approval Submission of Grant Variation to A*STAR for review and approval Submission of Grant Variation by by PI Institution Admin (submitter’s institute admin) for verification Institution ED (submitter’s institute ED) for endorsement/approval Submission of Grant Variation to A*STAR for review and approval Submission of Grant Variation by Co-I PI of project for endorsement For JCO Grants Submission of Grant Variation to A*STAR for review and approval Submission of Grant Variation by grantee (e.g. PI) Project Director (PD) for endorsement/approval Confidential

  8. Part 1 Grant Variation • Grantees will be able to submit the following variation requests via iGrants: • Virement of Funds between Votes • Request for Additional Manpower • Change in Manpower • New/Change in Equipment • Request for Extension • Change in Manpower (People Involved) • Change in Scope • Change in Milestones • Change in KPI • Change in Scope • Change in HI/RI • Change in OOE • Request to Hire RA not within approved nationality • Screenshots for the submission and endorsement/approval of variation request for (a) – (e) are provided in the next few slides. Confidential

  9. Grant Variation – Screenshots Part 1 Submitting a Grant Variation Confidential

  10. Grant Variation – Screenshots Part 1 • Request for virement of funds between votes i) Submission of variation request Confidential

  11. Part 1 Grant Variation – Screenshots • Request for virement of funds between votes i) Submission of variation request (cont’d) Confidential

  12. Part 1 Grant Variation – Screenshots • Request for virement of funds between votes ii) Endorsement/Approval of variation request Confidential

  13. Grant Variation – Screenshots Part 1 b) Request for Additional Manpower i) Submission of variation request Confidential

  14. Grant Variation – Screenshots Part 1 • Request for Additional Manpower ii) Endorsement/Approval of variation request Confidential

  15. Grant Variation – Screenshots Part 1 • Request for Change in Manpower i) Submission of variation request Confidential

  16. Part 1 Grant Variation – Screenshots • Change in Manpower i) Submission of variation request (cont’d) Confidential

  17. Grant Variation – Screenshots Part 1 • Change in Manpower ii) Endorsement/Approval of variation request Confidential

  18. Grant Variation – Screenshots Part 1 • New/Change in Equipment i) Submission of variation request Confidential

  19. Grant Variation – Screenshots Part 1 • New/Change in Equipment i) Submission of variation request (cont’d) Confidential

  20. Grant Variation – Screenshots Part 1 • New/Change in Equipment ii) Endorsement/Approval of variation request Confidential

  21. Grant Variation – Screenshots Part 1 • Request for Extension i) Submission of variation request Confidential

  22. Part 1 Grant Variation – Screenshots • Request for Extension ii) Endorsement/Approval of variation request Confidential

  23. Part 1 Annual / Final Report Submission Workflow Submission of Annual/Final Reports by grantee (e.g. HI PI) Host Institution (HI Admin) for verification Host Institution (HI ED) for endorsement Submission of Annual/Final Report to A*STAR for review/approval Confidential

  24. Annual/Final Report – Screenshots Part 1 • Submission of Annual/Final Report i) Main Details tab Confidential

  25. Part 1 Annual/Final Report – Screenshots • Submission of Annual/Final Report ii) More Details tab Confidential

  26. Part 1 Annual/Final Report – Screenshots • Submission of Annual/Final Report iii) KPI tab Confidential

  27. Part 1 Annual/Final Report – Screenshots • Submission of Annual/Final Report iv) Milestone tab Confidential

  28. Part 1 Annual/Final Report – Screenshots • Submission of Annual/Final Report v) Publication tab Confidential

  29. Part 1 Annual/Final Report – Screenshots • Submission of Annual/Final Report v) Publication tab (cont’d) Confidential

  30. Part 1 Annual/Final Report – Screenshots • Submission of Annual/Final Report vi) Technology Disclosure tab Confidential

  31. Part 1 Annual/Final Report – Screenshots • Submission of Annual/Final Report vii) Patent tab Confidential

  32. Part 1 Annual/Final Report – Screenshots • Submission of Annual/Final Report viii) Presentation tab Confidential

  33. Part 1 Annual/Final Report – Screenshots • Submission of Annual/Final Report viii) Presentation tab (cont’d) Confidential

  34. Part 1 Annual/Final Report – Screenshots • Submission of Annual/Final Report ix) Awards tab Confidential

  35. Part 1 Annual/Final Report – Screenshots • Submission of Annual/Final Report x) Industrial Collaboration tab Confidential

  36. Part 1 Annual/Final Report – Screenshots • Submission of Annual/Final Report xi) Attachments Confidential

  37. Part 1 Annual/Final Report – Screenshots • Verification of Annual/Final Report Confidential

  38. Annual/Final Report – Screenshots Part 1 • Endorsement of Annual/Final Report Confidential

  39. Fund Requisition Submission Part 1 • Changes to current procedures: • The drawdown of indirect cost is changed from yearly to quarterly basis with effect from 1 July 2011 • No restriction on last quarter’s fund requisition, i.e. continue to draw down funds based on projection and cumulative exp incurred • Things to note: • No amendments/revisions to the fund requisition allowed once it is submitted to A*STAR Finance • Fund requisition must be submitted sequentially on a quarterly basis (even if amount requested is nil) • Adjustments List will reflect items that were disallowed and excluded for funding => Excluded items are shown as positive figures (If there are negative figures, they usually represent reclassification of expenditure items into that particular vote.) Confidential

  40. Part 1 Fund Requisition Submission Flow Submission of Fund Requisition by grantee (e.g. RI Finance) RI HR to input details for manpower listing PI to fill in projection and endorse Submission of Fund Requisition to A*STAR for review/approval Confidential

  41. Part 1 Fund Requisition/Final Statement of Account • Submission of Fund Requisition/Final Statement of Account i) Tab for the form Confidential

  42. Part 1 Fund Requisition/Final Statement of Account • Submission of Fund Requisition/Final Statement of Account • Tab for Expenditure and Commitment Listing for EOM, OOE, Overseas Travel and EQPT • format of the listing is shown below • in order for the expenditure/commitment to be presented in the format provided in iGrants, user is required to download the template to obtain the format • the template with the expenditure/commitment details is then uploaded to iGrants Confidential

  43. Part 1 Fund Requisition/Final Statement of Account • Submission of Fund Requisition/Final Statement of Account • Tab for Expenditure and Commitment Listing for EOM, OOE, Overseas Travel and EQPT (cont’d) - this is how it looks like after the expenditure/commitment template is uploaded to iGrants Confidential

  44. Part 1 Fund Requisition/Final Statement of Account • Submission of Fund Requisition/Final Statement of Account iii) Tab for Manpower Confidential

  45. Part 1 Fund Requisition/Final Statement of Account • Submission of Fund Requisition/Final Statement of Account iii) Tab for Manpower (cont’d) Confidential

  46. Part 1 Fund Requisition/Final Statement of Account • Endorsement of Fund Requisition/Final Statement of Account Confidential

  47. Part 1 Final Statement of Account Submission Flow Submission of Final Statement of Account by grantees(e.g. RI Finance) RI HR to input details for manpower listing PI to endorse Submission of Final Statement of Account to A*STAR for review/approval Final Disbursement to/ Refund from grantees Confidential

  48. Part 1 Final Statement of Account Refund of balance grants to A*STAR Confidential

  49. Part 1 Blacklisting of PI • PI will be blacklisted when one or both of the following are not submitted to A*STAR by the stipulated deadline: • Final Report • Final Statement of Account • Once the PI is blacklisted, he/she will not be able to perform the following functions: • Endorse fund requisition/final statement of account for other A*STAR projects • Submit proposals for open grant calls - The following message will be displayed if the PI tries to perform any of the above functions: Confidential

  50. Part 2 RI Admin Functions The functions which can be performed by RI Admin are: • Change RI ED /HOD (Organisation Role Profile) • Set up new department (Department Profile) • View Blacklisted PIs • Search and View Function Confidential

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