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SWPB Action Planning for District Leadership

SWPB Action Planning for District Leadership. George Sugai & Susan Barrettt OSEP Center on PBIS University of Connecticut February 14, 2008 www.pbis.org George.sugai@uconn.edu. Outcomes. Rationale for approach to behavior that is positive, systemic, & continuous

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SWPB Action Planning for District Leadership

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  1. SWPB Action Planning for District Leadership George Sugai & Susan Barrettt OSEP Center on PBIS University of Connecticut February 14, 2008 www.pbis.org George.sugai@uconn.edu

  2. Outcomes • Rationale for approach to behavior that is positive, systemic, & continuous • Features of school-wide positive behavior support (practices & systems) • Role/importance of district leadership, coordination, & capacity

  3. Main Messages Student Achievement Good Teaching Behavior Management Increasing District & State Competency and Capacity Investing in Outcomes, Data, Practices, and Systems


  5. SW-PBS Logic! Successful individual student behavior support is linked to host environments or school climates that are effective, efficient, relevant, & durable (Zins & Ponti, 1990)

  6. Main Messages • Student Achievement = Good Teaching + Behavior Management • Good Teaching = Increasing District & State Competence & Capacity • Competence/Capacity = Investing in outcomes, data, practices, & systems

  7. Implementation Levels State District School Classroom Student

  8. FEATURESWhat does SWPBS look like?

  9. Logic! Successful teaching & learning environments are effective, efficient, relevant, & durable • Outcome-based • Data-led decision making • Evidence-based practices • Systems support for accurate & sustained implementation

  10. Supporting Social Competence & Academic Achievement 4 PBS Elements OUTCOMES Supporting Decision Making Supporting Staff Behavior DATA SYSTEMS PRACTICES Supporting Student Behavior

  11. Tertiary Prevention: Specialized Individualized Systems for Students with High-Risk Behavior CONTINUUM OF SCHOOL-WIDE INSTRUCTIONAL & POSITIVE BEHAVIOR SUPPORT ~5% Secondary Prevention: Specialized Group Systems for Students with At-Risk Behavior ~15% Primary Prevention: School-/Classroom- Wide Systems for All Students, Staff, & Settings ~80% of Students

  12. RTI Continuum of Support for ALL Few Some All Dec 7, 2007

  13. Team GENERAL IMPLEMENTATION PROCESS Agreements Data-based Action Plan Evaluation Implementation

  14. SWPBS Subsystems School-wide Classroom Family Non-classroom Student

  15. Non-classroom • Positive expectations & routines taught & encouraged • Active supervision by all staff • Scan, move, interact • Precorrections & reminders • Positive reinforcement

  16. Classroom • Classroom-wide positive expectations taught & encouraged • Teaching classroom routines & cuestaught & encouraged • Ratio of 6-8 positive to 1 negative adult-student interaction • Active supervision • Redirections for minor, infrequent behavior errors • Frequent precorrections for chronic errors • Effective academic instruction & curriculum

  17. Individual Student • Behavioral competence at school & district levels • Function-based behavior support planning • Team- & data-based decision making • Comprehensive person-centered planning & wraparound processes • Targeted social skills & self-management instruction • Individualized instructional & curricular accommodations

  18. Family • Continuum of positive behavior support for all families • Frequent, regular positive contacts, communications, & acknowledgements • Formal & active participation & involvement as equal partner • Access to system of integrated school & community resources

  19. School-wide 1. Common purpose & approach to discipline 2. Clear set of positive expectations & behaviors 3. Procedures for teaching expected behavior 4. Continuum of procedures for encouraging expected behavior 5. Continuum of procedures for discouraging inappropriate behavior 6. Procedures for on-going monitoring & evaluation

  20. DW Planning FeaturesWhat’s needed to support school implementation?

  21. Local Demonstration w/ Fidelity Need, Agreements, Adoption, & Outcomes 1. IMPLEMENTATION PHASES 2. Sustained Capacity, Elaboration, & Replication 4. Systems Adoption, Scaling, & Continuous Regeneration 3.

  22. Sample Implementation “Map” • 2+ years of school team training • Annual “booster” events • Coaching/facilitator support @ school & district levels • Regular self-assessment & evaluation data • On-going preparation of trainers • Development of local/district leadership teams • Establishment of state/regional leadership & policy team

  23. PBS Systems Implementation Logic Visibility Funding Political Support Leadership Team Active & Integrated Coordination Training Evaluation Coaching Local School Teams/Demonstrations

  24. Leadership Team Active Coordination • FUNCTIONS • Implementation support • Data-based action plan • Coordination • Capacity building • Policy & funding • Communications • Training capacity • Exemplars • Evaluation • MEMBERS • Coordinator • Representation • Behavioral capacity • Agency • Parent/family • Leadership • Etc

  25. Working Smarter

  26. CONTINUUM of SWPBS • Tertiary Prevention • Function-based support Audit Identify existing efforts by tier Specify outcome for each effort Evaluate implementation accuracy & outcome effectiveness Eliminate/integrate based on outcomes Establish decision rules (RtI) ~5% ~15% • Secondary Prevention • Check in/out • Primary Prevention • SWPBS ~80% of Students

  27. Training Coaching Evaluation • Continuous • Embedded • Team-coordinated • Data-based • Local expertise • Action plan linked • Etc…. • Continuous • Local support • Data-based • Preventive • Positive • Competent • Etc…. • Continuous • Question-based • Academic & social • Efficient • Team-coordinated • Public • Etc…. Training Coaching Evaluation

  28. Role of “Coaching” • Liaison between school teams & district/state leadership team • Local facilitation of process • Local resource for data-based decision making

  29. Tools (pbis.org) • EBS Self-assessment • TIC: Team Implementation Checklist • SSS: Safe Schools Survey • SET: Systems School-wide Evaluation Tool • BoQ: Benchmarks of Quality • PBS Implementation & Planning Self-assessment • ISSET: Individual Student Systems Evaluation Tool (pilot) • SWIS: School-Wide Information System (swis.org)

  30. Political Support Funding Visibility • Continuous • Top 3 priorities • Quarterly/annually • Policy • Participation • Etc…. • General fund • 3 years of support • Integrated • Data-based • Etc…. • Demos & research • Multiple formats • Multiple audiences • Acknow. others • Etc….

  31. Local School Teams/Demonstrations • Fidelity implementation • >80% of staff • >80% of students • Administrator leadership • Team-based • Data driven • Contextually relevant • Teaching focused • Integrated initiatives • Etc…..

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