
Lael Brady • Jul 19, 2014 • 383 Views

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Presentation Transcript:
  1. Atalanta By: Kevin O, Austin H, Nick G, Amit T, Kristen N

  2. Atalanta as a Character Heroic Qualities Flaws • Good at hunting • Incredibly fast • Strong wrestler • Not the most attractive • Arrogant, egotistic • Gets distracted easily • Curious • Still a women in a mans world

  3. Journey • Father left her to die because she was not a male. • Found and raised by a she-bear. • Later found by a group of hunters, who took her later on. • Fought two centaurs, and won the battle. • The hunt of the Calydonian boar began…

  4. Journey pt.2 • With help from Meleager, son of King Oeneus, they defeat the boar. • Meleager gives the credit to her (skin) even though he had the final blow. • Ironically, Meleager later dies due to the fact that he gave Atalanta the skin, by his own mother. • Funeral games were held in his honor, with Atalanta being one of the contestants…

  5. Journey pt.3 • Beat the father of Achilles, Peleus in a wrestling match. • After, she discovered who her parents were and had a reunion with her father. • As time passes, men try to race and beat her because if they win, they can marry her. • However, one man, Melanion outwitted her and won the race by using Golden Apples by the favor of Aphrodite. • At the end, both become lions by the offer of the Gods.

  6. Motifs and Themes • Motif: Knowledge • Knowledge is the motif for this story because how Melanion outwitted Atalanta using her cleverness and intelligence • Theme: Brains over brawn. - Even though she used all of her strengths to avoid getting married, knowledge defeated her.

  7. Major Archetypes • Setting archetype: Garden- where the Golden apples were found.This brings order to Atalanta’s life when she gets married. • Helpful Animal: She-bear- Found Atalanta on the mountainside and saved her from death.

  8. Archetypes • Hero: Atalanta- Exhibits outstanding qualities and abilities. • Supernatural Intervention: Boar- Sent by the Gods to ravage the country; punish the King.

  9. Lesson/Cultural Value • Did not want women to overthrow men. • Girls are not considered good to be in their family tree. • All women, even heros, must become a mother/wife • If you put the best, you get the best

  10. Story Summation • Atalanta learned that though she had hero-like qualities she still has to become a mom/wife that women were meant to be.