
Theola Xenia • Jul 18, 2014 • 377 Views

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  1. Glaciers Chapter 3 Section 4

  2. Standards • S 6.2a Surface water flow, glaciers, wind, and ocean waves have all been and continue to be active throughout California and the rest of the world in shaping landscapes.

  3. Anticipatory Set

  4. Vocabulary • Glacier • Continental glacier • Ice age • Valley glacier

  5. Plucking • Till • Moraine • Kettle

  6. How Glaciers form and Move • 2 types of glaciers. • Continental glaciers – covers most of a continent or large island. • Valley glaciers- long, narrow glacier that forms when snow and ice build up. • Glaciers have been found in Antarctica and Greenland. • They flow in all directions

  7. Valley/ Continental Glacier

  8. Ice Ages have occurred and have covered large parts of the Earth’s surface. • Glaciers will advance, retreat, or melt back. • Glaciers can only form in an area where more snow falls than melts. Gravity will begin to pull down the glacier. • They move a few centimeters a day.

  9. 2 processes that glaciers erode the land are plunking and abrasion • Plunking- as it moves across the land, it picks up rocks. It can even move large boulders. • Abrasion: gouges and scratches the bedrock. • A U shaped valley will be created that demonstrates that a glacier once covered the area.

  10. When a glacier melts, it deposits the sediment it eroded from the land, creating various landforms. • If the sediment has been deposited directly on the surface it is called till. • The till deposited on the edges of a glacier forms a ridge called a moraine. • Terminal Moraine: the ridge of till at the farthest point reached by a glacier.

  11. Terminal Moraine

  12. A kettle is a small depression that forms when a chunk of ice is left is left in glacial till.

  13. Checking for Understanding • What is a continental glacier? • What is a valley glacier? • How does a glacier form? • How does a glacier move?

  14. Guided PracticeIndependent Practice • Guided Practice: page 66-67 # 1-22 • Independent Practice: Glacier Worksheet