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Botanical name: Delonix regia Common name: Flambouyant tree/ Flame of the forest

Botanical name: Delonix regia Common name: Flambouyant tree/ Flame of the forest Family:Leguminosae/ Fabaceae Mode of propagation: seeds Uses: Flowering tree. Botanical name: Ixora hybrids Common name: Dwarf Ixora Family: Rubiaceae Mode of propagation: stem cuttings

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Botanical name: Delonix regia Common name: Flambouyant tree/ Flame of the forest

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  1. Botanical name: Delonix regia Common name: Flambouyant tree/ Flame of the forest Family:Leguminosae/ Fabaceae Mode of propagation: seeds Uses: Flowering tree

  2. Botanical name: Ixora hybrids Common name: Dwarf Ixora Family: Rubiaceae Mode of propagation: stem cuttings Uses: hedge plant

  3. Botanical name: Chrysalidocarpus lutescens Common name: Family: Palmae Mode of propagation: seed Uses: potted plant

  4. Botanical name: Roystonia regia Common name: Royal palm Family: Palmae Mode of propagation: seeds Uses: spot plant avenue plant pot plant

  5. Botanical name: Cassia fistula Common name: Golden flower tree Family: Leguminosae/ Fabaceae Mode of propagation: seeds Uses: avenue plant flowering tree

  6. Botanical name: Portulaca grandiflora Common name: Rose moss Family: Portulaceae Mode of propagation: stem cutting Uses: bedding plant

  7. Botanical name: Anthurium andraeanum Common name: Famingo flower/Tail flower Family:Araceae Mode of propagation: plantlets Uses: cut flower potted plant

  8. Botanical name: Rhoeo discolor Common name: Moses in the cradle Family:Bromiliaceae Mode of propagation: plantlets/suckers Uses: bedding plant

  9. Botanical name: (a)Sansevieria trifasciata laurentii (b)Sansevieria trifasciata Common name: snake plant/ mother-in-law tongue Family:Liliaceae Mode of propagation: plantlets/sucker Uses: potted plant a b

  10. Botanical name: Aglaonema modestum Common name: Chinese evergreen Family: Araceae Mode of propagation: Plantlets/suckers Uses: potted plant

  11. Botanical name: Dieffenbachia amoena Common name: Dumb cane, Tropic snow Family:Araceae Mode of propagation: cane/stem cutting Uses: Spot plant potted plant

  12. Botanical name: Ravenala madagascriensis Common name: Traveller’s palm Family:Strelitziaceae Mode of propagation: suckers Uses: spot plant avenue plant

  13. Botanical name: Monstera deliciosa Common name: Swiss cheese plant Family: Mode of propagation: vine cutting Uses: potted plant

  14. Botanical name: (a)Codiaeum variegatum pictum (b)Codiaeum variegatum Common name: Croton Family: Euphorbiaceae Mode of propagation: Stem cutting Uses: hedge plant, spot/focal, potted plant (a) (b)

  15. Botanical name: (a)Cycas circinalis (b)Cycas revoluta Common name: Sago palm Family:Palmae Mode of propagation: plantlets Uses: spot plant/ potted plant (a) (b)

  16. Botanical name: Thevethia peruviana Common name: Milk bush Family: Apocynaceae Mode of propagation: seed Uses: hedge plant, flowering shrub

  17. Botanical name: Ficus benjamina Common name: Weeping fig Family: Moraceae Mode of propagation: stem cutting Uses: Shade tree, potted plant, avenue plant

  18. Botanical name: Plumeria rubra Plumeria acutifolia Common name: Frangipanii Family: Apocynaceae Mode of propagation: stem cutting Uses: spot plant

  19. Botanical name: Ficus elastica Common name: Rubber plant Family: Moraceae Mode of propagation: stem cutting Uses: shade tree, potted plant

  20. Botanical name: Mussaenda philippica Common name: Queen of the Philippines Family: Rubiaceae Mode of propagation: stem cutting Uses: spot plant

  21. Botanical name: Noto panacs Common name: Family: Mode of propagation: stem cutting Uses: potted plant, hedge plant

  22. Botanical name: Dracaena fragrans Common name: Drago palm, Dracaena Family: Agavaceae Mode of propagation: stem cutting Uses: Potted plant

  23. Botanical name: Allamanda cathartica Common name: Yellow allamanda Family: Apocynaceae Mode of propagation: stem cutting Uses: hedge plant, flowering climber

  24. Botanical name: Duranta repens; D.erecta Common name: Yellow bush Family:Verbanaceae Mode of propagation: stem cutting Uses: hedge plant

  25. Botanical name: Cassia corymbosa Common name: Flowery senna Family: Leguminosae/Fabaceae Mode of propagation: seed Uses: spot plant flowering shrub

  26. Botanical name: Acalypha wilkesiana Common name: copper leaf acalypha Family: Euphobiaceae Mode of propagation: stem cutting Uses: hedge plant

  27. Botanical name: Thuja occidentalis Common name: Red cedar Family: Cupressaceae Mode of propagation: Stem cutting Uses: spot plant Hedges potted plant

  28. Botanical name: Bougainvillea glabra Common name: Bougainvillea Family: Nyctaginaceae Mode of propagation: Stem cuttings Uses: Flowering climbers for covering trellies, pergollas, fences Spot plant

  29. Botanical name: Caryota mitis Common name: Fishtail palm Family: Palmae Mode of propagation: seeds Uses: Focal plant Avenue planting Potted plant

  30. Botanical name: Samanea saman Common name: Rain tree Family: Leguminosae/ Mimosoideae Mode of propagation: Stem cutting Uses: avenue tree/ shade tree

  31. Botanical name: Polyalthia longifolia Common name: Ashoka, Police, Masquerade tree Family: Annonaceae Mode of propagation: seed Uses: spot plant/ avenue plant

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