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Perch!. Me perching. Enjoy!. The Perch Anatomy. The basic anatomy of a perch fish consist of. Thy Head. Thy Body. Thy Fins. Thy Gills.
Perch! Me perching. Enjoy!
The Perch Anatomy • The basic anatomy of a perch fish consist of. • Thy Head. • Thy Body. • Thy Fins. • Thy Gills. • And Thy All Mighty Swim Bladder. (this organ is used like our lungs are but it controls the fishes buoyancy as it swims – “to sink and float”.)
Classification • Domain- Eukarya– Perch are within this domain since they have a bound membrane and nucleus. • Kingdom- Animalia – It’s an ANIMAL!!! That’s multi-cellular and has moved since birth. • Phylum- Chordata – It has an endoskeleton. (a bone inside, like your mom, OOOOOOHHHH!) • Class- Osteichthyes – Their in this classy class for being anorexic (bony-fish) and by breathing through gills. • Order- Perciformes – Basically; Percifomes means “perch like, your mom! A.k.a yellow perch. • Genus- Perca – Perca means perch in Latin connect the dots stupid. (other things for this genus would be lidless and have nostrils.) • Species- Percaflavescens – Means yellow perch which are identified through yellow coloration and six vertical dark bands on it’s side.
Habitat! • Perch are freshwater fish. (so no oceans have these.) • Lives in cooler areas along the Northern Hemisphere. • Areas they are known to be in: • * Canada • * Northwest Territories • * Great Lake Drainage Systems • *British Columbia (Kootenay & Okanagan) • Their ecosystems contains large, cool lakes with moderate vegetation, clear waters with muck bottoms. (sand & gravel.)
Movement! • Functions of the fins in swimming. • Let me tell you that all the swimming movements by the whole of the muscular body. • Only a few fish use their fins to move, they are usually used for stability. • The tail gives 40% of the perches'’ forward thrust, the median, dorsal, anal & ventral fins control the movement & the vertical surface area to move in the water. (Basically, gives the perch friction underwater, trippy.) • The paired fins (Pectoral & Pelvic) control the downward & upward movements, also allows it to speed up and slow down in water.
Nervous system!!!! • The Nervous system all surround the lateral line. • *Lateral line – A jelly filled tube with nerve endings in them, they’re • right under the skin connected outside by tiny pores. • Since they have this lateral line they can sense movement through vibrations in the water, the jelly wiggles by the vibrations goes through the nerves to the brain, so any disturbance in the force can make them alert. • Fish can hear!!! You can’t see their ears externally, but they still hear transmissions through vibrations which go to the more sensitive part of the inner ear. • The nostril of a perch aren’t like ours they don’t breath with them, they instead connect to sensitive sniff, sniff organs so that they may smell/detect their food & predators from a far distance. • Their eyes aren’t used much since they don’t see far, they do have large round pupils that do see feint colors.
Feeding • Perch are great adapters when it comes to acquiring food, since it eats many things like: • * Zooplankton • * Smaller Fishes • * Insects • It uses it’s mouth to eat larger things like other fishes and insects, but it uses rackers within its gills to filter zooplankton. • There eating habits which is “consume everything” doesn’t allow them to gain much fat. • They eat water bugs and mosquitos NOM, NOM, NOM, NOM, NOM, NOM!
Reproduction! • It is time for the nitty, gritty the bump and grind! • When it’s time for perch to reproduce (which usually takes 2 years for them to mature to do so.) they have a process like Salmon called spawning. • Spawning – Is when two perch meet at the club then after a couple drinks, they go back to the female perches home to have regrettable spawning , after the male finishes he says “he’ll call” then leaves, the female will never see him again and he never calls back. • For perches to spawn the water temperature must be between 45-52 (F*) spawning must take place on sand. • Once the eggs are fertilized they harden and within eight days they will hatch to become fry (mini perch) they still have the yolks until they are able to eat plankton. • Perch don’t watch there children they just ghetto like that.
Respiration/circulation • Respiration. • Fish like our selves require a constant supply of that good ol’ oxygen to maintain their metabolism. • Since le perch live in water they must some how get O2 so they use ttheir perfectly adapt gills to filter the water for oxygen. • Circulation. • Perch have dual heart chambers and a closed circulatory system. • They use their atrium to pull blood from the body and into the heart chambers. • Their aorta carries blood to their gills to gather oxygen then go throughout the rest of the body.
Quiz TIME!!!!! • What organ pumps the blood into the heart chambers? • Even if a fish is blind, how else would it sense? • What are perch use to spawning on/in? • In what area are perch found * 2 answers, extra credit if you name 3 * • Food, Fooooood, for consumption, What do perch eat? * only 1 * • What was the name of the movie in the last picture for the commercial? • If I slapped you with a perch would it hurt? • Perch have a special defense that hurts like hell what are they and where? • What part of the perches body allows it to swim? VICTOR!!!!!!! You know this. • Do perch breathe through their Anus or Gills? The choice is yours.