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Reality Bytes. Welcome to College. Why am I here?. The Accuplacer http://www.azwestern.edu/downloads/Placement%20Table.pdf Previous Reading course Content vs. Application. Who is in front of the room?. Your professor for the duration is Donna Knepper Taylor.
Reality Bytes Welcome to College
Why am I here? • The Accuplacer http://www.azwestern.edu/downloads/Placement%20Table.pdf • Previous Reading course • Content vs. Application
Who is in front of the room? • Your professor for the duration is Donna Knepper Taylor. • Support staff is Jonathan Briones.
What you will be taking away from this course • Read…with better comprehension • Read…faster • Read…what you want • Read…fluently
The “Salubrious (healthy/wholesome/respectable) Phenomenon” –Robert T. Mundhenk • Learning is the primary goal. • An education. • Preparation. • Mental Readiness. • Confidence. • You KNOW what you are talking about. • You are and always will be capable of learning.
Now for the Consequences You are here to learn. If you don’t follow through, here is what will happen: • If you show up once or twice, you will Fail as I will NOT put a “W” in for your name—that is your responsibility. • The “F” will go on your transcript. • If you are on Financial Aid, you may lose it or, if you are lucky, get probation if you make an “F”. But, the bottom line is you lose funding. • Every time you enter this room, you are paying for a service—i.e. This course is $210. We meet 32 times or 16 for the once a week course. That is ~$7 every time you enter this room. For me, that is ~$144 for every class. • Do you want your money’s worth?
Ten Reasons Students Fail: • Not buying your books for this class. Therefore, please buy your books (the textbook should be virgin—in cellophane!) NOT USED!
Mixed up priorties, such as: • Cell Phones • Tardy • Leaving early • Talking and visiting • Clownish behavior; or, competition with the teacher • Walking in front of the professor while she is speaking • Speaking in another language while trying to LEARN to READ in ENGLISH
Not getting a TORO account which leads to… …Not checking Blackboard which leads to… …Not doing the assignments on Blackboard which leads to... AN “F”!!!!!!
Not communicating with me as I have: • E-mail • A Cell phone • Text messaging • E-mail on my cell phone • My home phone • My office • Office Hours • And, I have EARS!!!!!
6. Can’t sit or stay in the classroom for the entire class, because: • You have to leave early • You have to arrive late • You have an important phone call • You ate something bad last night, this morning, for lunch, for snack; and/or you haven’t eaten at all • You are tired, run down, sick, stressed, angry; and/or, this is a bad day.
You’re addicted to your phone: • You’re addicted to your phone:
School is hard, because: • I have no money to buy a book • I have no time to study • I have important things to do with my time • I forgot my work at home, in the car, on the table, someone stole everything; and/or my work flew out the windows of my car…
9. Teacher, you have to understand: • I have children. • I am sick. • I have personal problems. • My cell phone broke. • I am broke. • My car is broke. • Everything is broke. • I have to leave early to fly back to….
And, Finally: 10. STOP WITH THE EXCUSES!!!!!! This is why students fail. Are you here to learn; or, are you here to creatively come up with a way to get out of doing work and not succeeding…which takes hard work????!!!!!!!!
My job as your instructor is to help you reach your goals. Please take advantage of my time outside of class, and the resources available to you such as students within class, the Student Success Center, the Writing Lab, tutoring, and the audio books in the library, etc., in order to succeed…
…as I will not: • Buy your books and supplies • Give you support supplies • Give the final early under ANY circumstances • And/or support your excuses; better known as enabling.
I will, however,: • Support you to the next stage of your learning process. • Give you skills for reading comprehension as well as for studying. • Give you “tricks of the trade” in order to do better in your courses. • And, firmly push you to success.
Your first priority is to participate! • An active learner is NOT passive. You are engaged in wanting to learn and succeed.
Ask yourself this: • What do I want? • What am I willing to give up to get there? • And, what is my payoff?
The Payoff: • AccuPlacer • General Education Courses • Achieving your goals • Being Successful which gives you confidence and control over your lives.
My Bottom Line? • I am here to teach you. • My whole goal and passion is for you to learn and be the best students you can possibly be. • However, you need the tools to do this. • Therefore, here are the three things I want most from you:
Come to class! • Bring your books, supplies, and whatever else you need to succeed! • And, bring it on! Teaching is a two-way street. I need you just as much as you need me.
The Result: Only the educated are free. —Epictetus