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Developmental Models

Developmental Models. EQ: Compare and contrast the developmental models of Freud, Piaget, Erikson and Kohlberg. Relation to Georgia Standards. *SSPBC3: Describe behavioral, social, and cognitive changes from the prenatal period throughout the life span.

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Developmental Models

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  1. Developmental Models EQ: Compare and contrast the developmental models of Freud, Piaget, Erikson and Kohlberg.

  2. Relation to Georgia Standards • *SSPBC3: Describe behavioral, social, and cognitive changes from the prenatal period throughout the life span. • a. Chart physical changes of a human being from conception through late adulthood. • b. Explain the developmental models of Freud, Piaget, Kohlberg, and Erikson. • d. Describe the role of critical periods in development

  3. Freud and the Psychosexual Stages *Freud emphasized the role of sexuality in development. *Remember, he viewed humans as nothing more than animals!

  4. Piaget and Cognitive Development • Piaget wanted to know how the human mind developed cognitively! • What is cognition? • How was Piaget different from Freud? • How was Piaget similar to Freud?

  5. Lawrence Kohlberg • American psychologist who expanded on the research of Piaget. • He wanted to research moral development of humans throughout a lifespan. • Held that moral reasoning is the basis of all ethical behavior.

  6. 6 Stages of Moral Development • Kohlberg divided this process of moral development into 6 steps. • These six steps can generally be labeled into 3 levels with 2 stages each, somewhat like a ladder. • How is this similar to Freud and Piaget? How is it different?

  7. Erik Erickson • Developmental psychologist and psychoanalysist • Known for theory of social development. • Coined the phrase “identity crisis”.

  8. Erikson’s Stages of Social Development • According to Erikson, each stage of life is characterized by a particular conflict. • Successfully overcoming that conflict would result in proper social development. • How does this compare to Freud, Piaget and Kohlberg? How is it different?

  9. Ticket out the Door • Upon completion of the WebQuest, students will complete a 3-ring Venn Diagram comparing and contrasting 3 of the Developmental models (You Choose which ones!) • This will be taken up for a grade!

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