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Rocks & Minerals

By: Taina Delgado. Rocks & Minerals . Introduction.

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Rocks & Minerals

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  1. By: Taina Delgado Rocks & Minerals

  2. Introduction Have you ever seen solid materials outside on the ground? These are called rocks. Rocks are solid materials that make up the outer layer of earth’s surface. Minerals are particles that make up a rock. Rocks & Minerals is something that you’ll be learning in the 4th grade. A geologist is a type of scientist who study's rocks. Geologist

  3. Minerals Minerals are what make up a rock. Rocks are at least made up of one mineral or more. Granite for example is made up of different types of minerals such as mica, feldspar, quartz, and hornblende. You can identify a mineral by its hardness, luster, color, and streak. Luster is how light bounces of something. The hardest mineral is diamond. Diamond is a mineral that has a clear, glassy look to it. Diamond can barely be scratched. Talc is the softest mineral and used for many things such as baby powder and other materials. Mica Feldspar Hornblende Quartz

  4. Igneous Rocks Igneous rocks are rocks that are made from lava and magma and is cooled and hardened over time. Igneous means “fire-made”. Magma is a liquid that makes up an igneous rock that is below the earth’s surface. Examples of igneous rocks are Granite, Obsidian, and Basalt. Granite Obsidian Basalt

  5. Sedimentary Rocks Did you ever see rocks that look like little bits of sand glued together? These rocks are called sedimentary rocks. There are several types of sedimentary rocks. One type is formed by small bits of rock that have become pressed or cemented together. They start out as small broken down bits of rock carried by water, wind, or ice. Later, the bits and pieces are dropped off in other places in layers. In some sedimentary rocks, you can see fossils. Fossils are bones or ancient thing that are found on the ground, or in a object Examples of sedimentary rocks are limestone, shale, rock salt, and conglomerate. Limestone Shale Rock Salt Conglomerate

  6. Metamorphic Rocks Metamorphic rocks are rocks that are formed by heat, pressure, or both. Metamorphic means “changed in form”. Before the change, the rock could have been any kind of rock: Igneous, Sedimentary, or even another metamorphic rock. Heat from nearby magma causes a change in the minerals making up a rock. The weight of rocks stacking on top of another rock builds pressure that can also cause the rock to change. Geologists classify metamorphic rocks into two groups: bands of minerals and no bands of minerals. Marble is an example of a metamorphic rock. Marble is formed when limestone is heated under pressure Marble

  7. Rock Cycle Rocks are different and they are always changing over time. All rocks are part of a never-ending process called the rock cycle. The rock cycle is a process where one type of rock is changed into another type. A cycle is something that happens over and over again. Rock Cycle

  8. Resources Pictures • www.google.com • www.geology.com • Microsoft Office 2007 PowerPoint Clip Art Information • Science textbook

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