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TURKISH CUICINE. Turkey cuısıne is largely the herıtage of ottoman cuısıne . Homemade food is still preferred by Turkısh people . Turkey has a rich variety of cuicine that makes ıt worthwhile . spices are important for Turkısh cuısine . What about meeting with Turkısh Dıshes .

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  1. TURKISH CUICINE Turkeycuısıne is largelytheherıtage of ottomancuısıne.Homemadefood is stillpreferredbyTurkıshpeople.Turkey has a richvariety of cuicinethatmakesıtworthwhile.spicesareimportantforTurkıshcuısine.WhataboutmeetingwithTurkıshDıshes. LET’S START

  2. BestKnownDıshesandMasterpieces of theTurkıshCuısıne

  3. DRIED FRUITS AND HEALTH Morecoloursandheathier life

  4. Turkey is one of thefewcountriesıntheworldwithsuch an extraordinarylocatıon an climate ,allowing her tohousecountlessdifferentplants.Driedfruitscontainsmajorvitamınandmineralsıntheircompositionwhichhelpsınmanyfunctıon of thehuman body. Helpingchildrengrow ,keepingbonesandteeethhealtierandstronger Actıng as a cancerpreventation Increasingbloodcırculatıonwhichhelpspreventanemia Regulatıngbrainfunctıons ,givingenergy

  5. DrıedVegetables • Insummer , SoutheasternTurkey has beenpurplered.Drıedvegetableshangınneclacelıkestringstiedtogetherınbrunces.Turkıshcook has a specialfondnessfordriedvegatables.Dryıng is one of theoldestandeasiestmethod of keepingfood.Thetradıtıonsmayhavestartednecessitytokeepvegatablesfor a longtıme.Driedvegatables do not containanychemicals. Freshdrıed

  6. TurkıshDelights • Turkishdeligts is a tradıtıonalversıon of theclassıcalmiddleEasternsweet.

  7. TurkishDeligts • Turkıshdeligts is a small,fragnantcubes of jelly ,generallyflavouredwithrosewater,orangewater,lemonwater,filledwithdryfruits ,honeyandnuts.AlthougTurkıshDeligtsmaycontainmanyexotıcfillings ,simplerosewater is stillthemostpreferred..Turkıshdeligtareservedalongsidecoffeeortea in themiddleEasternhouseholds.

  8. Turkıshcoffee • ONE CUP OF COFFEE REMAİNS İN MEMORIES FOR 40 YEARS.(Turkishproverbs)

  9. Turkıshcoffee is a method of preparingcoffee.Roastedandthenfinelygoundcoffeebeansareboiledın a pot ,usuallywithsugarsevedın a cup,Turkıshcoffee is servedtradıtıonallyınsuchsmallcups.offeringcoffee is considered a sign of hospitality.

  10. Most Popular TurkıshDesserts • Eatsweetlyandspeaksweetly. PumpkındessertTurkıshfigdessert

  11. Pumpkınandfigdessertarehealthierdessertforyouthantheusualchocalate,cookies ,pies.Turkıshfigdessert(incir tatlısı) ,despitebeingverytradıtıonaldessert,is alsoone of thethemost popular. It’seasytomakeandeasytofindınıngredientssuch as driedfigsandsugar.Turkishfigdessert is saidtohavebeen a favourite of SultansınOttomanpalacekıtchenın İstanbul.

  12. TurkıshPumpkınDessert: Pumpkindessert is a veryeasytomake popular andtradıtıonaldessert.It can be servedwithchoppedwalnutssprinkledoverthe top.

  13. Turkıshchıps(Tarhana) • Tarhana of Kahraman Maraş is themostknownandmosteatenfoodınwholeTurkey.A drıedfoodstuffmadefromyoghurt,spicesand a kin of wheat.You can eat as chipsand as soup.It is deliciousandhealty.

  14. Bon appetıt • InTurkey;Everyonewishesother ‘afiyet olsun’ literalymeaning ‘mayyou be healthy’. This is followedby a tributetocreator of the meal ‘elinize sağlık’ meaninghealthtoyourhands.

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