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NIS Uralsk library: new books review

NIS Uralsk library: new books review

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NIS Uralsk library: new books review

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  1. Книжные новинкина английском языке

  2. How to Mind Map: The Thinking Tool That Will Change Your Life TonyBuzan 'How to Mind Map' is THE definitive guide to Mind Maps brought to you by their inventor Tony Buzan. This practical pocket guide explains everything you need to know about mind maps and shows how they make it easy to: • Get started on and plan a project • Think up brilliant ideas • Remember things • Save time Книга является полным руководством по созданию интеллект-карт, которое объясняет как с помощью интеллект-карты придумывать гениальные идеи, планировать проекты, запоминать информацию и экономить время.

  3. Critical Thinking by P. Moore, 11th Edition This is the first integrated program designed specifically for the critical thinking course, Moore & Parker's Critical Thinking teaches students the skills they need in order to think for themselves - skills they will call upon in this course, in other college courses, and in the world that awaits. The authors' practical and accessible approach illustrates core concepts with concrete real-world examples, extensive practice exercises, and a thoughtful set of pedagogical features. Книга развивает навыки критического мышления, в доступной форме иллюстрирует основные понятия с конкретными примерами из реальной жизни, содержит множество практических упражнений.

  4. Stay Strong: Simple Life Lessons for Teens by Terrie Williams At the core of STAY STRONG is the idea that with the right attitude and strategies, kids can truly accomplish anything. And Terrie Williams is the ideal person to encourage and inspire. Her solid advice about ambition, goals and making real, personal connections speaks to readers without a hint of preaching… В книге вы найдете жизненные уроки, описания различных жизненных ситуаций, советы и рекомендации для подростков.

  5. Thinking Outside the Box: My Journey in Search of the Beautiful Game by Brad Friedel Goalkeepers have an unusual view of the world, but Brad Friedel's is more unusual than most. He realised that to work well in the box, you have to be able to think outside it: how do you improve the probability of saving a penalty? What's the difference between an 'improver' and 'importer' manager? And what can we learn from Victorian philanthropists? Friedel endured a five-year battle to get to the top flight and earn his reputation as one the most highly rated keepers in the country. This is the inspirational and uplifting story of an unusual guy who thinks 'outside the box'.

  6. Critical Thinking, Reading, and Writing by Sylvan Barnet, Hugo Bedau Comprising the text portion of the widely adopted Current Issues and Enduring Questions, it draws on the authors’ dual expertise in effective persuasive writing and comprehensive rhetorical strategies to help students move from critical thinking to argumentative and researched writing. This extraordinarily versatile text includes comprehensive coverage of classic and contemporary approaches to argument, from Aristotelian to Toulmin, to a new chapter on rhetorical analysis of pop culture texts, as well as 35 readings (including e-Pages that allow students to take advantage of working with multimodal arguments on the Web), and a casebook on the state and the individual. Книга является отличным руководством по критическому мышлению и навыкам аргументации.

  7. New books

  8. Moral Minds: How Nature Designed Our Universal Sense of Right and Wrong Scholars have long argued that moral judgements arise from rational deliberations about what society determines is right and wrong. This has generated the idea that our moral psychology is founded on cultural experience. In the revolutionary MORAL MINDS, Marc Hauser challenges these concepts, showing that this view is illusory and arguing instead that humans have evolved a 'moral instinct', a universal feature of the human mind rather than one informed by gender, education or religion. Как складываются наши моральные и нравственные суждения? Основаны ли они на культурном опыте и какую роль в развитии морального облика человека играет разум? Автор исследует эти и другие вопросы и приходит к очень интересным выводам…

  9. Taste Berries for Teens by Bettie B Youngs A unique combination of timeless and heartwarming narratives, teen responses and reactions, and the authors' own loving and wise commentary and advice. Уникальное сочетание трогательных рассказов, рассуждений и ответов подростков и мудрых комментариев и советов авторов.

  10. The Magical Maze: Seeing the World Through Mathematical Eyes by Ian Stewart Ian Stewart has carved out a niche for himself as by far the leading populariser for maths in this country in a series of successful books. Structured on the image of a maze representing the network of connected mathematical ideas that have proved so powerful and effective in understanding the natural world, his new book is an expansion and development of his 1997 Royal Institution Christmas Lectures… Книга охватывает множество математических тем, раскрывает математические секреты, демонстрирует волшебство математики.

  11. The Shallows: How the Internet Is Changing the Way We Think, Read and Remember Drawing on neuroscience, media theory, and economics, Nicholas Carr argues that our ever-growing dependence on the Internet is not only influencing our behaviour but is actually rewiring the neural circuitry of our brains. It's changing the way we think, perhaps even altering our conception of our selves… В книге исследуется тема влияния Интернета на мышление, память и умственную деятельность человека. Автор демонстрирует, как меняется наше поведение под влиянием всемирной сети и каковы могут быть последствия…

  12. 100 Most Popular Scientists For Young Adults by Kendall Haven, Donna Clark Revealing the career histories of successful 20th century scientists, this exciting resource offers students fascinating reads, a wonderful research tool, and tips to launching a science career. They'll learn about Robert Ballard, the oceanographer who discovered the Titanic; Annie Wauneka, who eradicated TB among the Navajo; and Chien-Shiung Wu, a physicist who worked on the Manhattan project… В книге описываются биографии удивительных людей – гениальных ученых, знаменитых своими запоминающимися открытиями и изобретениями…

  13. 200 Projects to Strengthen Your Art Skills The Design of Everyday Things

  14. Tales mummies tell by P.Lauber Исследования древних захоронений, которые позволяют узнать, как жили люди за много лет до нашей эры, какие традиции они соблюдали, какие удивительные тайны прошлого скрывают…

  15. НовинкихудожественнойлитературыНовинкихудожественнойлитературы наанглийскомязыке

  16. The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett The spoiled orphan Mary Lennox leaves India to live with her cold uncle in his dreary mansion in England. When Mary hears of a secret garden kept locked for ten years, she is determined to find it and tend it back to life. With the help of her uncle's sickly son and a boy who knows all about nature, Mary secretly transforms the garden - and all of their lives. Сирота Мэри Леннокс покидает Индию, чтобы жить со своим дядей в его тоскливом особняке в Англии. Когда Мэри узнает о секретном саде, запертом в течение десяти лет, она полна решимости найти его и вернуть к жизни…

  17. Endangered Eliot Schrefer (Author) While visiting her mother at a bonobo sanctuary in the Congo, Sophie becomes caught in the horrors of a brutal civil war. Numbering All The Bones ~ Ann Rinaldi The Civil War is at an end, but for thirteen-year-old Eulinda, it is no time to rejoice. Her younger brother Zeke was sold away, her older brother Neddy joined the Northern war effort, and her master will not acknowledge that Eulinda is his daughter. Her mettle is additionally tested when she realizes her brother Neddy might be buried in the now-closed Andersonville Prison where soldiers were kept in torturous conditions…

  18. Bone, Vol. 8: Treasure Hunters by Jeff Smith The Bone cousins, Gran'ma Ben, and Thorn finally reach the city of Atheia, where they reunite with old friends and plan to thwart The Lord of the Locusts. The Pawan army has joined forces with Briar and the rat creatures, and danger increases as Thorn's visions get stronger. Meanwhile, Phoney Bone is convinced Atheia is a city rich in gold, and he is determined to find it! Bone — серия комиксов, изначально вышедшая в виде 55 нерегулярных выпусков в период с 1991 по 2004 г. Автор комиксов - американский карикатурист Джефф Смит. Данная книга – одна из многих в серии приключений героев комикса.

  19. Eragon by Christopher Paolini When Eragon finds a polished blue stone in the forest, he thinks it is the lucky discovery of a poor farm boy; perhaps it will buy his family meat for the winter. But when the stone brings a dragon hatchling, Eragon realizes he has stumbled upon a legacy nearly as old as the Empire itself. Overnight his simple life is shattered, and he is thrust into a perilous new world of destiny, magic, and power… Эрагон — мальчик, живущий в деревне Карвахолл. Отправившись на охоту, он случайно становится обладателем таинственного камня, оставленного захваченной воинами Империи эльфийкойАрьей. Эрагон не подозревает о том, что этот камень ищут подданные короля Гальбаторикса, и лишь со временем узнает, что камень является драконьим яйцом, так как из него вылупляется дракон. Эрагон становится из простого сельского жителя драконьим Всадником и находит наставника в лице Брома, который берет на себя ответственность за обучение Эрагона.

  20. Double-Dare to Be Scared Another Thirteen Chilling Tales Author: Robert D. San Souci The success of the first Dare to Be Scared collection of spooky stories inspired this second volume of equally creepy tales. Written in Robert San Souci's trademark realistic style for maximum jitters, and illustrated with David Ouimet's eerie black-and-white drawings, this volume includes ghost stories, science fiction, dark fantasy, and "jump" stories for reading aloud with friends or alone on a stormy night. Для любителей ужастиков – сборник рассказов о привидениях, фантастических повестей, сказок в стиле фэнтези с впечатляющими иллюстрациями!

  21. НовинкихудожественнойлитературыНовинкихудожественнойлитературы наанглийскомязыке

  22. Matched Allyson Condie (Author) In a controlling futuristic society, Cassia is given a "Match" at 17—a partner for life. But when she falls for another boy, she decides to fight the system, no matter what the consequences. Кассия всегда доверяла решениям Общества. Ведь оно заботится о своих гражданах и стремится обеспечить им продолжительную жизнь в комфорте и безопасности. Школа, профессия, дом, семья, увлечения, свободное время, романтические отношения — все под контролем системы, которая способна предсказать оптимальный выбор для каждого гражданина… Но справедлива ли жизнь без свободы выбора?

  23. Time of the Witches A novel by Anna Myers An orphan named Drucilla has finally has a place to call home with the Putnam family in Salem. Although her adopted mother is strange - haunted by a troubled past - Dru feels drawn to her as the mother she never had. When a new reverend and his family move into town with their servant Tituba, life takes a strange turn as young girls begin to fall ill and accusations of witchcraft begin to swirl…

  24. Ranger's Apprentice Book One The Ruins of Gorlan Will is hoping to go to Battleschool—but his small stature prevents it. Instead, he is assigned as apprentice to the gruff, mysterious Ranger, and his training begins. Вилл надеется поехать в Battleschool, но его маленький рост не позволяет это. Вместо этого, он назначается в качестве ученика к грубому, таинственному Рэйнджеру, и начинается его обучение.

  25. A Time of Miracles by Anne-Laure Bondoux Blaise Fortune, also known as Koumaïl, loves hearing the story of how he came to live with Gloria in the Republic of Georgia: Gloria was picking peaches in her father’s orchard when she heard a train derail. After running to the site of the accident, she found an injured woman who asked Gloria to take her baby. The woman, Gloria claims, was French, and the baby was Blaise. Bondoux’s heartbreaking tale of exile, sacrifice, hope, and survival is a story of ultimate love. Драматическое произведение о жизненных испытаниях, жертвах, о надежде и выживании, и конечно же о любви.

  26. Accidental Love Author: Gary Soto Cupid has an odd sense of humor. — It all starts when Marisa picks up the wrong cell phone. When she goes to return the phone to Rene, the guy it belongs to, sparks start to fly. She feels something she's never felt before, something a bit like... love? — But Marisa is street tough and Rene is a total nerd. They couldn't be more different. So why can't Marisa stay away from him? Амур имеет странное чувство юмора… В книге рассказывается история любви двух совершенно разных людей, у которых на первый взгляд нет ничего общего…

  27. Newfictionbooks

  28. Sandry's Book (Circle of Magic Series #1) Tris's Book (Circle of Magic Series #2)

  29. Cinder Marissa Meyer (Author) Teenager Cinder is a cyborg forced to support her evil step-family in this dystopian retelling of the classic fairy tale. Необычный и мрачноватый пересказ известной сказки, главной героиней которого является подросток-киборг…

  30. The Last Book in the Universe by Rodman Philbrick This fast-paced action novel is set in a future where the world has been almost destroyed. Like the award-winning novel Freak the Mighty, this is Philbrick at his very best. It's the story of an epileptic teenager nicknamed Spaz, who begins the heroic fight to bring human intelligence back to the planet. In a world where most people are plugged into brain-drain entertainment systems, Spaz is the rare human being who can see life as it really is. Действие романа разворачивается в будущем, где привычный мир почти полностью разрушен. В новом мире, где большинство людей – лишь адепты системы, главный герой является редким человеком, который может видеть жизнь такой, какая она есть.

  31. Hate That Cat Jack is sure of two things: he hates poetry, and he hates cats. But over the year, he learns to express himself in a new way—and he may even reconsider felines. Джек уверен в двух вещах: он ненавидит поэзию, он ненавидит кошек. Но в течение годаудивительные события заставляют Джека изменить свое отношение к этим пушистым домашним питомцам…

  32. Trash Andy Mulligan (Author) In a third-world country, three teenage trash-pickers find a key and some cash, and are unwittingly thrust into a world of crime and danger. История трех подростков, однажды нашедших немного денег и странный ключ, которые становятся причиной опасных приключений.

  33. Homefront Author: Doris Gwaltney When her older sister leaves fro college, Margaret is thrilled to finally have her own room. Unfortunately things don't go according to plan as she faces an unforeseen invasion of her space. As World War II moves through Europe, Margaret's English cousin Courtney comes to escape the blitz in London. As she watches Courtney take over her room and the attention of her family and even her boyfriend, Margaret wages a war of her own to get back what is hers. It isn't until her brother enlists in the navy that Margaret realizes how close to home the war has hit and that there are more important battles to fight.

  34. Newfictionbooks

  35. Heaven by Angela Johnson This winner of the Coretta Scott King Award takes place in Heaven, an Ohio town where 14-year-old Marley has grown up. One day she discovers the people she calls Momma and Pops are not really her parents. She is forced to question all her assumptions about who she is, in this tale about the search for identity and the power of forgiveness. Однажды 14-летняя Марли обнаруживает, что люди, которых она считала своими родителями, на самом деле не ее родители. Она начинает исследовать, кто она есть на самом деле. Удивительная история о поисках себя и силе прощения.

  36. Blizzard!: The Storm That Changed America With his powerful and intriguing narrative style, Newbery Honor Book author Jim Murphy tells the harrowing story of the Blizzard of 1888. История необычайных погодных условий, обрушившихся на Нью-Йорк в один из дней 1888 году.

  37. Puppies, Dogs, and Blue Northers Special Note Paulsen, an experienced Iditarod racer, brings readers inside the emotionally rich, sometimes frightening process of racing and raising his beautiful, unpredictable dogs. Эмоционально насыщенная, иногда пугающая история о непредсказуемости гончих собак.

  38. Brian's Winter Author: Gary Paulsen In Gary Paulsen's classic novel "Hatchet," thirteen-year-old Brian Robeson is stranded in the Canadian wilderness. To survive, he must rely on his intelligence, his instincts, and one tool: a hatchet. Finally, as millions of readers know, he is rescued at the end of the summer. But what if Brian hadn't been rescued? What if Brian had been left to confront his deadliest enemy -- winter? 13-летний Брайан оказывается в канадской глуши. Чтобы выжить, он должен полагаться на свой ум, и всего один инструмент: топор. Что делать мальчику, чтобы противостоять смертельному врагу – холодной зиме?

  39. Two Tickets to Freedom The true story of Williams and Ellen Craft, fugitive slaves Подлинная история беглых рабов, Уильямса и Елены Крафт

  40. Ask Me No Questions Author: Marina Budhos Nadira and her family are illegal aliens, fleeing to the Canadian border - running from the country they thought was their home. For years since emigrating from Bangladesh, that have lived on expired visas in New York City, hoping they could someday realize their dream of becoming legal citizens of the U.S. But after 9/11, everything changes. История главной героини Надиры и её семьи, которые вынуждены бежать из страны, которая так и не стала для них родным домом.

  41. НовинкихудожественнойлитературыНовинкихудожественнойлитературы наанглийскомязыке

  42. Произведения классика литературы А.С.Пушкина – на английском языке

  43. Chains By Laurie HalseAnderson As the Revolutionary War begins, thirteen-year-old Isabel wages her own fight...for freedom. From acclaimed author Laurie Halse Anderson comes this compelling, impeccably researched novel that shows the lengths we can go to cast off our chains, both physical and spiritual. Когда начинается революционная война, 13-летняя Изабель ведет собственную борьбу ... за свободу. Необыкновенный роман, который показывает, какой путь иногда следует пройти, чтобы сбросить цепи, как физические, так и духовные.

  44. The Shakespeare Stealer Gary Blackwood (Author) Widge has been sent as a spy to steal Shakespeare's new play, Hamlet, but has to decide whether to betray his new and trusting friends. Виджбыл отправлен в качестве шпиона, чтобы украсть новую пьесу Шекспира. Ему предстоит решить, предавать ли своих новых доверчивых друзей.

  45. I Am A Star: Child of the Holocaust Author: IngeAuerbacher The Nazis tried to destroy Inge's life -- but they could not break her spirit. — IngeAuerbacher's childhood was as happy and peaceful as that of any other German child -- until 1942. By then, the Nazis were in power, and because Inge's family was Jewish, she and her parents were sent to a concentration camp in Czechoslovakia. The Auerbachers defied death for three years, and were finally freed in 1945. История, рассказанная бывшей пленницей концентрационного лагеря в Чехословакии.

  46. Vlad the Impaler: The Real Count Dracula by Enid A. Goldberg, Norman Itzkowitz Deep in the mountains of Transylvania there once lived a real Dracula. He was Prince Vlad Dracula, and he ruled with a thirst for blood worthy of a vampire. The most famous vampire in literature may have taken Vlad Dracula's name. But the real Dracula's life is more shocking than any horror story. Глубоко в горах Трансильвании когда-то жил настоящий Дракула. Князь Влад Дракула был жесток и беспощаден. Самый известный литературный вампир носит его имя, однако жизнь реального Дракулы куда более шокирующая, чем любой роман ужасов.

  47. The Adventures & Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes Avtor: Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Urednikzbirke: Dr. Keith Carabine 'My name is Sherlock Holmes. It is my business to know what other people don't know'. The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes first introduced Arthur Conan Doyle's brilliant detective to the readers of The Strand Magazine. The runaway success of this series prompted a second set of stories, The Memoirs. In these twenty three tales, collected here in one volume, you have some of the best detective yarns ever penned. Коллекция незабываемых воспоминаний и историй Шерлока Холмса.

  48. Where the Red Fern Grows The Story of Two Dogs and a Boy by Wilson Rawls Billy, Old Dan and Little Ann -- a Boy and His Two Dogs... A loving threesome, they ranged the dark hills and river bottoms of Cherokee country. Old Dan had the brawn, Little Ann had the brains -- and Billy had the will to train them to be the finest hunting team in the valley. Glory and victory were coming to them, but sadness waited too. And close by was the strange and wonderful power that's only found... История путешествий мальчика, который исследовал самые глубокие и глухие места вместе со своими двумя верными псами.

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