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Systematic Theology: Chapter 1: Introduction to Systematic Theology

CHAPTER 1: Introduction to Systematic Theology<br>Systematic Theology by Wayne Grudem<br><br>From the Sunday Night Bible Study at Rolling Hills Community Church in Lago Vista, Texas<br><br>Teacher: Chris Reighley

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Systematic Theology: Chapter 1: Introduction to Systematic Theology

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  1. Chapter 1 Introduction to Systematic Theology Presented by Chris Reighley

  2. Hymn “O for a Thousand Tongues to Sing” – Charles Wesley Presented by Chris Reighley

  3. Lesson Objective • What is systematic theology? • Why should Christians study it? • How should we study it? Presented by Chris Reighley

  4. What is Theology Τheos (Θεός)logia (-λογία) “God” | “utterances, sayings, or oracles”logos (λόγος) “word” The Study of God’s Word Presented by Chris Reighley

  5. Discussion Questions • What is the definition of God? • Explain the Trinity in three sentences. • Does God predestines certain individuals to salvation? • Do we have the ability to take those first steps toward God on our own? Presented by Chris Reighley

  6. A. Definition of Systematic Theology Systematic theology is any study that answers the question,“What does the whole Bibleteach us today?”about any given topic. Presented by Chris Reighley

  7. 1. Relationship to Other Disciplines • Historical theology • Philosophical theology • Apologetics • Old Testament theology • New Testament theology • Biblical theology Presented by Chris Reighley

  8. Historical theology A historical study of howChristians in different periodshave understood varioustheological topics. Presented by Chris Reighley

  9. Philosophical theology Studying theological topics largely without use of the Bible,but using the tools and methodsof philosophical reasoning andwhat can be known about Godfrom observing the universe. Presented by Chris Reighley

  10. Apologetics Providing a defenseof the truthfulnessof the Christian faithfor the purpose ofconvincing unbelievers. Presented by Chris Reighley

  11. Old Testament theology A study of the teachingof the individual authors and sections of the Old Testament,and of the place of each teachingin the historical developmentof the Old Testament. Presented by Chris Reighley

  12. New Testament theology A study of the teachingof the individual authors and sections of the New Testament,and of the place of each teachingin the historical developmentof the New Testament. Presented by Chris Reighley

  13. Biblical theology A study of the teachingof the individual authors and sections of the Bibleand of the place of each teachingin the historical developmentof the Bible. Presented by Chris Reighley

  14. 2. Application to Life. Systematic theology focuses on summarizing each doctrineas it should be understoodby present-day Christians. Presented by Chris Reighley

  15. 3. Systematic Theology and Disorganized Theology. How Systematic Theology differs from other types of theology studies Presented by Chris Reighley

  16. 3. Systematic Theology and Disorganized Theology. • It treats biblical topics in a carefully organized way to guarantee that all important topics will receive thorough consideration. • It treats topics much more details than most Christians do. Presented by Chris Reighley

  17. 3. Systematic Theology and Disorganized Theology. • A formal study of systematic theology will make it possible to formulate summaries of biblical teachings with much more accuracy than Christians would normally arrive at without such a study. Presented by Chris Reighley

  18. 3. Systematic Theology and Disorganized Theology. • A good theological study must find and treat fairly all the relevant Bible passages for each topic. Presented by Chris Reighley

  19. 4. What Are Doctrines? A doctrine is what the whole Bible teaches us today about some particular topic. Doctrines or Areas of Study: Presented by Chris Reighley

  20. 4. What Are Doctrines? Part 1: The Doctrine of the Word of God Part 2: The Doctrine of God Part 3: The Doctrine of Man Part 4: The Doctrines of Christ and the Holy Spirit Part 5: The Doctrine of the Application of Redemption Part 6: The Doctrine of the Church Part 7: The Doctrine of the Future Presented by Chris Reighley

  21. 4. What Are Doctrines? Those topics included in this study generally meet at least one of the following three criteria: • They are doctrines that are most emphasized in Scripture. • They are doctrines that have been most significant throughout the history of the church and have been important for all Christians at all times. • They are doctrines that have become important for Christians in the present situation in the history of the church. Presented by Chris Reighley

  22. 5. Systematic theology vs Christian ethics The emphasis of systematic theology is onwhat God wants us to believe and to know, while the emphasis in Christian ethics is on what God wants us to do andwhat attitudes he wants us to have. Presented by Chris Reighley

  23. 5. Systematic theology vs Christian ethics Christian ethics is any study that answers the question,“What does God require us to do and what attitudes does he require us to have today?”with regard to any given situation. Presented by Chris Reighley

  24. B. Initial Assumptions of This Study We begin with two assumptions or presuppositions: • That the Bible is true and that it is,in fact, our only absolute standard of truth; • That the God who is spoken of in the Bible exists, and that He is who the Bible says He is: the Creator of heaven and earth and all things in them. Presented by Chris Reighley

  25. C. Why Should Christians Study Theology? • The Basic Reason. The basic reason for studying systematic theology, then,is that it enables us to teach ourselves and others what the whole Bible says, thus fulfilling the second part of the Great Commission. Presented by Chris Reighley

  26. 18And Jesus came up and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. 19Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, 20teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Matthew 28:18-20 Presented by Chris Reighley

  27. Make disciples mathēteuō; intransitively, to become a pupil; transitively, to disciple, i.e. enroll as scholar: — be disciple, instruct, teach. - teach 2, instruct 1, be disciple 1; to be a disciple of one to follow his precepts and instructions to make a disciple to teach, instruct Presented by Chris Reighley

  28. 2. The Benefits to Our Lives. • Overcome our wrong ideas. • To be able to make better decisions later on new questions of doctrine that may arise. • Help us grow as Christians. Presented by Chris Reighley

  29. Major Doctrine A major doctrine is onethat has a significant impact onour thinking about other doctrines,or that has a significant impact onhow we live the Christian life. Presented by Chris Reighley

  30. Minor Doctrine A minor doctrine is onethat has very little impact on how we think about other doctrines,and very little impact on howwe live the Christian life. Presented by Chris Reighley

  31. D. Two Objections to the Study of Systematic Theology • “The Conclusions Are‘Too Neat’ to be True.” • “The Choice of TopicsDictates the Conclusions Presented by Chris Reighley

  32. E. How Should Christians Study Systematic Theology? • We Should Study Systematic Theology with Prayer. • We Should Study Systematic Theology with Humility. • We Should Study Systematic Theology with Reason. Presented by Chris Reighley

  33. “We are free to use ourreasoning abilities to draw deductions from any passage of Scriptureso long as these deductionsdo not contradict the clear teaching of some other passage of scripture” Professor John Frame Presented by Chris Reighley

  34. E. How Should Christians Study Systematic Theology? • We Should Study Systematic Theology with Help from Others. • We Should Study Systematic Theology by Collecting and Understanding All the Relevant Passages of Scripture on Any Topic. Presented by Chris Reighley

  35. E. How Should Christians Study Systematic Theology? • Find all the relevant verses. • Read and make notes on and summarize the points made in the relevant verses. • The teachings of the various verses should be summarized into one or more points that the Bible affirms about that subject. Presented by Chris Reighley

  36. E. How Should Christians Study Systematic Theology? • We Should Study Systematic Theology with Rejoicing and Praise. Presented by Chris Reighley

  37. Lesson Objective • What is systematic theology? • Why should Christians study it? • How should we study it? Presented by Chris Reighley

  38. Chapter 1 Introduction to Systematic Theology Presented by Chris Reighley

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