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6 Tips to Keep Your Mouth Healthy This Festive Season

Ridgetop Dental International is one of Bangalore's best dental clinics. We are committed to providing genuine care and excellent dentistry to all of our patients at all times. Our dental clinic welcomes patients of all ages and with a variety of oral health concerns. Each patient receives individualised care.<br>

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6 Tips to Keep Your Mouth Healthy This Festive Season

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  1. 6 Tips to Keep Your Mouth Healthy This Festive Season Keeping your teeth healthy and avoiding the risk of dental diseases is something we all struggle with during the festive season. The rush to shop, cook, eat, and meet people exhausts our bodies and minds. Add to that the stress of worrying about what gift you should give or receive—it leaves us less time and energy to take care of our teeth. This article will help you understand what dangers lurk in sugar-rich foods and drinks as well as how you can keep your mouth safe from decay. We’ll also share some tips on keeping your pearly whites healthier during this festive season. Dental Care Tips for a Healthy Mouth Before we dive into the do’s and don’ts of keeping your teeth healthy, it is important to understand what dental care is and how it works. Having healthy teeth has a direct impact on our overall health. Healthy teeth help us chew our food better. They also help us speak more clearly as our jaws function better with healthy teeth. Brushing is the most important step in your dental care routine. It removes

  2. the plaque and debris from your teeth. Brushing your teeth twice a day with fluoride toothpaste is enough to keep your teeth healthy and strong. Flossing is even more important than brushing, as it removes the plaque from between the teeth, where a toothbrush cannot reach. Maintain a Balanced Diet Eating a balanced diet is a sure-shot way to keep your teeth healthy. However, during the festive season, when there are lots of sweets and dry fruits, it is easy to go off track and be caught unawares. To prevent yourself from eating too much sugar and other harmful substances, it’s best to avoid eating snacks like chocolates, dry fruits, and biscuits. A balanced diet can help you effectively fight against dental diseases like plaque and cavities. A diet rich in fresh fruits and vegetables helps your body produce more saliva, a natural cleansing agent for your teeth. It also aids in the process of re- mineralization of your teeth. When your teeth are re-mineralized, they become stronger and less susceptible to cavities. Stay Hydrated It is not just your body that needs hydration during the festive season. Your teeth are also made up of minerals and water. When you don’t drink enough water, your teeth become weak and brittle and are more susceptible to cavities. To keep your teeth healthy and hydrated, drink at least 8 glasses of water every day. Not only does water keep your teeth hydrated, but it also helps in the process of re- mineralization of your teeth, as discussed above. Moreover, water also helps in the removal of bacteria from your teeth. Brush your teeth twice a day with fluoride toothpaste. As discussed above, brushing your teeth is the most important activity in your dental care routine. You should brush your teeth twice a day—once in the morning and once before you go to bed. Make sure you use fluoridated toothpaste while brushing your teeth. Fluoride helps in strengthening your teeth and prevents tooth decay. It is not enough to just brush your teeth and expect your teeth to stay healthy. You also need to floss once a day to remove the bacteria from between your teeth. If you are having trouble finding the right floss, you can use a water flosser. Flossing is important too. While brushing your teeth is important, flossing is even more important, as it removes the bacteria from between your teeth, where a toothbrush cannot reach. People who do not floss regularly are 40% more likely to develop gum disease compared to those who floss. It is an essential part of your oral hygiene routine, even if you are following a good brushing routine. If you are having trouble finding the right floss, you can try using dental tape.

  3. Try out new products to maintain your oral health care routine. We often find that during the festive season, we are too busy to go to our dentist and stock up on our oral hygiene products. However, it is important to do so because during the festive season, your oral hygiene routine may decrease for various reasons. You may have to host family and friends, which may lead to you hosting parties and eating out. This means that you are more likely to consume more sugar and fewer fresh fruits and vegetables than usual. It is important to maintain your oral hygiene routine during this festive season. You can do so by stocking up on your oral hygiene products before the rush begins. Conclusion:- Keeping your teeth healthy is essential for your overall health and well-being. To avoid dental diseases, you need to maintain a balanced diet, drink lots of water, brush your teeth twice a day, and floss daily. As always, visiting a dentist will cost you the least amount of money at first if you have regular checkups and maintain good oral hygiene, but if you keep putting it off and avoid doing it regularly, it can cost a lot more financially down the road. In the end, at festivals we get the opportunity to celebrate our culture and traditions, which is a great thing. Similarly, when it comes to caring for your teeth, all you need is a little bit of care and protection to keep your mouth healthy during the festive season. If you have any queries or need emergency dental care during the festive season, Call us or WhatsApp us at +91-078468-89900 to book an appointment today!

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