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Do You Think Plant-Based Meat is good for the environment

Mister Veg is the future of plant-based meat. Our products are healthy, delicious, and sustainable.

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Do You Think Plant-Based Meat is good for the environment

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  1. Do You Think Plant-Based Meat is good for the environment? Plant-based meat is scientifically proven to be good for the environment. Let's Look at How:

  2. Plant based meat requires between 47% and 99% less land than traditional beef. Even though it only provides 17% of the world's food supply, animal agriculture uses 77% of all agricultural land. The primary cause of environmental harm on land is agricultural development, which is necessitated by this inefficiency. The single biggest environmental threat in the oceans is fishing, and plant-based products may also replace it. Goats can graze in some areas where crops can't grow, while poultry always need feed crops. On the other hand, farmers could feed more than twice as many people if they grew food on all of our acreage rather than for animals. In comparison, retrieving all the food that degrades or is thrown away before it can be consumed would boost the supply of food by three times. A promising option to realise the majority of this efficiency increase is through plant based meat. Compared to regular meat, plant based meat generates 30% to 90% less greenhouse gas. On the other hand, the main components of plant based meats emit very little greenhouse gas, and additional processing is only responsible for 13%–26% of the climate impact of plant based meat. The cropland that is no longer required for animal feed could even be used to reduce climate change through reforestation, soil conservation, or the production of renewable energy. Compared to traditional meat, plant based meat uses 72–99% less water. Animal agriculture consumes nearly one-third of all agricultural water worldwide. Aquifers that could be used to store drinking water are drained, and rainfall that could be used to grow food for humans is wasted when 99.8% of that water is used to grow feed crops. Plant-based meat production eliminates the major water demand in conventional meat production by requiring just the crops that are used in the finished product. Although 14%–45% of the water used in making plant-based meat goes into processing, traditional beef uses significantly more water than any plant based meat that has been studied yet.

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