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What If Osteoarthritis Is Not Treated Properly_ _ And It's Complications

If not treated, Joint damage starts deforming the natural joint alignment which further affects the joint. The shape of your leg becomes deformed, and the weight transfer axis shifted and your body weight is transferred through a single point and leads to further damage. The shape of your leg either becomes BOW legs or Knock knees.<br><br>productivity the quality of being productive or having the power to produce More (Definitions, Synonyms, Translation)

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What If Osteoarthritis Is Not Treated Properly_ _ And It's Complications

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  1. What If Osteoarthritis Is Not Treated Properly? | And It's Complications Osteoarthritis is a degenerative disease, which affects mostly people of age for more than 40 years. Osteoarthritis needs to be managed at the earliest for a better outcome. Delayed diagnosis and management may lead to poor outcomes and in some cases, surgery becomes the only available treatment. Osteoarthritis is a condition in which many people are living with pain for many years, which can lead to depression and anxiety in people.

  2. Other than pain there are many other factors that impact your life if OA is not treated: Reduced productivity People are not able to work or need work off due to pain. Osteoarthritis also reduces the performance level of individuals who are suffering. Along with these household activities and routine activities also compromise like:- • Cooking • Getting dressed • Exercise and other activities • Stair climbing • Morning or evening walks • Cleaning the floor • Sitting on the floor and getting up

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