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The Nervous System (part 3): Reflex action

Students should be able to:<br>- state the relationship between receptors, the central nervous system and the effectors <br>- state that the nervous system u2013 brain, spinal cord and nerves, serves to coordinate and regulate bodily functions <br>- outline the functions of sensory neurones, relay neurones and and motor neurones <br>- discuss the function of the brain and spinal cord in producing a co-ordinated response as a result of a specific stimulus in a reflex action

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The Nervous System (part 3): Reflex action

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  1. Coordination and response White vs grey matter in spinal cord and brain

  2. Transverse sections of spinal cord at different levels

  3. Central Nervous System (spinal cord) grey matter (the butterfly shape; consist of cell bodies of neurones) central canal (contains cerebrospinal fluid → brings nutrients to spinal cord) white matter (consists of nerve fibers) ⚫ The opposite arrangement is found in the cortex of the brain.

  4. Spinal cord and spinal nerves pg.261 - contains only sensory neurones - contains nerve fibres from both dorsal and ventral roots - aggregation of cell bodies of sensory neurones relay - contains only motor neurones

  5. Reflex actions ⚫ An 1immediate response to a 2specific stimulus 3without conscious control ⚫ e.g. knee jerk, withdrawal of hand from hot object ⚫ Simplest form of response ⚫ Classified under – spinal reflex actions (controlled by spinal cord) - cranial reflexes (controlled by brain but not will; in head region)

  6. When we touch a hot object….

  7. Reflex arc Consists of Receptor or sense organ Sensory neurone Reflex centre (spinal cord or brain) Motor neurone Effector (muscle/gland) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

  8. Conditioned reflex a reflex action acquired from past experiences or learning with a stimulus which is originally ineffective in producing the response e.g Pavlov’s experiment

  9. Pavlov’s Experiment The dog's salivation to meat powder is an unconditional reflex (no learning is involved) Over time, however, the dog comes to salivate at the sounding of the tone alone. When this occurs, a conditional reflex has developed

  10. Conditioned reflex

  11. Conditioning?

  12. The Nervous System in Mammals Quiz

  13. Label the parts of the neuron ⚫ cell body (13) ⚫ dendrites (14) ⚫ axon (15) ⚫ myelin sheath (16).

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