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How to keep your kidney healthy

The lifestyle of modern world increase symtopology and impact of chronic kidney disease .Dr Partha Banerjee UAE is giving some tips to keep your kidney healthy.

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How to keep your kidney healthy

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  2. ABOUTPARTHABANERJEE MUMBAI AstheCEOofARCDubai,aRenalHealthCareCenterinDubaiknown as Renasense, Partha Banerjee Mumbai. He also serves as the CEO of the AI Mazroui Medical Center in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, wherehebuilttheAIRazeenFieldHospitalinjustninedaysandgave it a 10-year lifespan. Additionally, he served as MD and CEO for Dr ParthaBanerjeeUAENiproTubeGlassLtd.,amajorproducerofglass goods.

  3. Blog

  4. Bestexercisestokeepyour kidneyshealthy

  5. The lifestyle of the modern world has increased the symptomatology and impact of chronic kidney diseases. While there are several superfoods for kidneystobeincorporatedintoyourdiet,itisequallyimportanttoexercise regularly to significantly reduce and retard the progression of such chronic kidneydiseases,whichcanresultindialysisortransplantationifnotproperly managedandmonitored,saysDrParthaBannerjeeUAE. Diabetes and hypertension are some of the most prevalent kidney diseases that severely damage your kidneys and if not managed well, can lead to deadlysituationsovertime.Thatiswhatmakesitimportanttokeeparegular check on your lifestyle habits by following a regular exercise routine, which will also help you maintain general symptoms like fatigue, obesity and weakness. In addition to controlling blood pressure, blood sugar, and lipid levels,exerciseisalsobeneficialtohealth. Herearesomephysicalexercisesthatonemustpracticeinordertomaintain healthykidneysaccordingtoParthaBanerjeeMumbai.

  6. 1.Walking Itisthesafestformofexerciseandagreatstartingoptionforallthosewho haveneverbeenintoexercise.Thereisnotimeandplacetowalk,youcan do it anywhere and anytime. If you do not exercise at all, you can start doing it with a slow and calm five-minute walk, and if everything is okay andtherearenoafter-effects,afteraweekorso,increasethedurationof yourwalk.Itisthebestformofexerciseforpeopleofallagesasitrequires noheavytraining.

  7. 2.Yogaandmeditation Yoga and meditation is the best remedy to reduce your stress and calm yourmindandsenses.Therearenumerousasanasthatcanbeandshould be performed on a daily basis to get benefits. Not only does it keep the diseasesaway,butitalsohelpsintoningyourbody,andisaholygrailfor thoseindialysis.

  8. 3.Stretching Stretching is just like walking, something that everyone can do. Kidney diseasesoftenaffectyourbonesandjointsandthusstretchingisagreat solution to keep your joint in working condition and allow you full movement. Not only this, stretching makes your body more flexible, by whichyouwillbeabletoperformallotherformsofexerciseeasily.Here’s howstretchingshouldbedoneaccordingtoParthaBanerjeeDubai.Every stretchyoudoshouldbedonetoapointwhereyoucanfeelthetension butwithoutanydiscomfortorpain,holdthepositionintactfor10to20 secondsandtrytostretchyourbodyfurtherinthelast10seconds.

  9. 4.ResistanceExercises Resistance exercises are used for muscle strengthening but it also benefits the whole body of a patient. Kidney diseases can sometimes affect your muscles badly,causingyoumuscleweaknessandwasting.Thisformofexercisehelpsyou buildyourmusclesstronger.Thisformisalsobeneficialasitwillmakeyoufitfor otherexercisesaswellbytoningandempoweringyourbodymuscles. Many of you might think that going to the gym is important for resistance exercises,buttoyoursurprise,theseexercisescanbedoneathomewithsimple equipment.Youcanincludeweight-liftingordumbbellsthatcanhelpyoutoget therequiredresults. Don’t get nervous or never think that exercises are going to be hard. There are manypeoplewhosaythattheyaretooexhaustedtoexercise,butthescenariois completelytheopposite.Exercisingwillhelpthemtobeandstayactive,andthe factisthatN15–20minsoflightexercisecanmakethemfeellesstired.

  10. Thannnkkk youuu!!!

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