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Nut milk- The Trusted Milk Substitute

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Nut milk- The Trusted Milk Substitute

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  1. Search Medium Borges India Get unlimited access Dec 30 · 4 min read Nut milk- The Trusted Milk Substitute Borges India Follow Milk has a special place in every Indian household. For centuries, milk has been a prominent feature whether it is a beverage, for occasions, pujas, or any other event. But milk nowadays is not as nutritious as it used to be earlier. Adulteration is the main culprit. Although true milk comes through as certified there are many areas of India still facing the issue of adulterated milk, that’s where dairy-free milk comes to the rescue. The dairy-free alternatives of milk such as nut drinks are gaining popularity for their plus pointers. These products not only fix the adulterated milk crisis but also come in added nutrients and flavors. Let’s learn some of the major benefits of consuming milk substitutes. 1. Nutritious Although it’s no secret that nut milkis not as healthy as cow’s milk, it is still better than adulterated milk. Nut milk contains added Vitamin D, proteins & calcium making them more or less similar to regular milk in terms of nutritional value. Almond milk is very rich in vitamins & minerals, especially vitamin E. The human body is a good absorbent of nutrients but when compared to regular milk, our body is not able to absorb the nutrients well. This is a disadvantage when it comes to infants as almond is not suggested to them. Help Status Writers Blog Careers Privacy Terms About Text to speech

  2. 2. Low in Calories Almonds are both high in fats & calories, nut milk is a low calories beverage. That essentially means that one can drink lots of nut milk without gaining weight. Just to state, one cup of nut milk contains only 39 calories, which is 50% of the number of calories in 1 cup of skimmed milk. However, nut milks are not the same everywhere. Certain brands might contain a larger number of calories as it’s not certain how much almonds per cup are added. Also, some products contain added sugar, which should be avoided at all costs for maximum health benefits. It is advised to check the nutrients label before purchasing. 3. It is Dairy-Free Almond milk contains no cow’s milk or other animal products, making it a great option for people following a vegan diet and those who are lactose intolerant or allergic to milk. Many people are intolerant to milk sugar (lactose) and unable to completely digest it. The undigested lactose passes down to the colon, where it is fermented by the resident bacteria, leading to excessive gas, bloating, diarrhea, and associated discomfort. Being dairy-free, almond milk contains no lactose at all, making it a suitable milk replacement for people with lactose intolerance. 4. Strengthen your Bones Dairy products are the richest dietary source of calcium. In contrast, almonds are a poor source of this nutrient. To make almond milk more similar to real milk, producers often enrich it with calcium. For instance, a cup of commercial almond milk may contain 37% or more of your daily need. In comparison, the calcium content in a cup of cow’s milk may contain around 23% of your daily need, depending on the type and brand. As a result, enriched almond milk is an excellent calcium source for people who don’t consume dairy products, such as vegans and those who are intolerant to lactose or allergic to milk. Producers often enrich almond milk with calcium, making it an excellent source of the nutrient. Regular consumption of enriched almond milk may reduce the risk of osteoporosis and keep your bones healthy. 5. Reduce the Risk of Heart Disease Observational studies show that regular consumption of nuts is linked to a reduced risk of heart disease. This is partly because they are high in healthful fats. One study in healthy adults showed that eating 66 g of almonds or almond milk every day for 6 weeks reduced their levels of low-density lipoprotein,

  3. or “bad,” cholesterol by 6% and triglycerides by 14%. It also increased their high-density lipoprotein, or “good,” cholesterol by 6%. Although about 50% of the calories in almond milk come from fat, it is generally a low-fat product and probably doesn’t have a significant impact on your blood lipid profile. Nutritionists believe that vitamin E, along with bioactive plant compounds including polyphenols, are responsible for many of the health benefits of almond milk. These compounds have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that are good for heart health. Conclusion Nut Milk is one of the best alternatives to milk with better health benefits. It’s available in multiple flavors enriched with nutritious ingredients even better than plain milk. You can try Borges nut drinks to make healthy milkshakes or have it directly in breakfast with your butter toasts. Stay one step ahead and shift to nut milk for a healthy future. Nut Drink Borges Nut Drink -- More from Borges India Follow Love podcasts or audiobooks? Learn on the go with our new app. Try Knowable About Help Terms Privacy

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