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The Civil War

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The Civil War

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    1. The Civil War Project by Jane Luzietti

    3. Get ready to go back in time to when Americans were divided – a time our country will never forget.

    4. Imagine… You are living in America during the period of the Civil War. You may pretend to be any of the following: Union Soldier Confederate Soldier Northern Woman Southern Woman Female Abolitionist

    5. Union Soldier You are living in America during the period of the Civil War. You are 18 years old. You enlisted in the Union Army, leaving a widowed mother, a six-year-old sister and a twelve-year-old brother at home. You hope to marry your childhood sweetheart after the war.

    6. Confederate Soldier You are living in America during the period of the Civil War. You are 18 years old. You and your father enlisted together. You have twin brothers, fifteen years old, who would like to fight in the war; however, they are needed to help your mother run the farm.

    7. Northern Woman You are living in America during the period of the Civil War. You are 18 years old. You are newly married to a man from North Carolina. His parents still live there. You live in Baltimore, Maryland.

    8. Southern Woman You are living in America during the period of the Civil War. You are 18 years old. Your father, your older brother, and your fiancé have enlisted in the Confederate Army. You, your mother, and the slaves are running the plantation.

    9. Female Abolitionist You are living in America during the period of the Civil War. You are 30 years old and your husband recently died in an accident. You live on a large farm in Pennsylvania with your two girls, ages 4 and 7. You are in the process of helping six slaves escape to the North.

    10. Description of Your First Task Write a one-page journal entry telling about your life as the Civil War is beginning. Include at least five facts about some important issues of the time and express some opinions as well. Read some examples of real journal entries at http://www.cwc.lsu.edu/cwc/links/links6.htm#Diaries or http://valley.vcdh.virginia.edu/. Get some real facts about the Civil War at http://sunsite.utk.edu/civil-war/warweb.html or http://civilwar.si.edu/brady_intro.html

    11. Next, A Letter... In a one-page letter written to or received from a loved one, describe one of the following battles: The First Battle of Bull Run (Virginia, 1861) Antietam (Maryland,1862) Shiloh (Tennessee, 1863) Gettysburg (Pennsylvania, 1863) Chattanooga (Tennessee, 1863)

    12. About the Battles... Battle map

    13. Photos with Telling Details The Civil War can be viewed through photography, which was coming of age at the time of the war. First look at Telling Details. [When finished, be sure to close site (X), and minimize Internet (-) to return to project.]

    14. Photos with Telling Details Next, choose a photograph that would be significant to your character at http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/cwphtml/ or http://www.pbs.org/civilwar/cwimages/portraits/index.html Analyze the photograph using the Photograph Analysis Worksheet. http://www.archives.gov/digital_classroom/lessons/analysis_worksheets/photo.html

    15. Songs sung during the Civil War entertained and told various stories. Choose a song your character would find meaningful and then tell why. Visit http://www.civilwarpoetry.org/ Music from the Civil War

    16. The War Ends General Robert E. Lee surrendered to Ulysses S. Grant at Appomatox on April 9,1865. In a final journal entry, tell how you felt when you heard the news. Describe the reaction of others around you too. Tell how your life will change.

    17. Back to Reality You will need to hand in the following: Beginning Journal Entry Your Battle Letter Copy of Photo You Analyzed Completed Photo Analysis Print-out of your Song & Your Character’s Thoughts about the Song Final Journal Entry

    18. Resources Photographs: Shea, John, G. “The Story of a Great Nation.” (New York: Gay Brothers & Company, 1886) [http://etc.usf.edu/clipart/5600/5645/civil_war_1.htm]. “Portrait of Maj. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant, officer of the Federal Army”, Brady National Photographic Art Gallery (Washington, D.C.), [Between 1860 and 1865]. LC-B8172-6371. (April 11, 2005). Vannerson, Julian. “Portrait of Gen. Robert E. Lee, officer of the Confederate Army.” 1863. [http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/cwphtml/] LC-B8172-0001. (April 11, 2005). Morris Gallery of the Cumberland, Nashville, Tenn., photographer. “Portrait of a Boy Soldier.” between 1860 and 1865, re-photographed 1961. Library of Congress, Prints & Photographs Division, LC-B8184-10573 DLC (intermediary roll film). http://memory.loc.gov/pnp/cwp/4a40000/4a40800/4a40861r.jpg. [cwp 4a40861] Reference: American Memory edition timeline. No. 1087. (April 15, 2005).

    19. Resources Clip Art: Stars & Stripe Banner: http://www.angelfire.com/ca7/hypertext0verview/logo-display/stars-stripes.gif Soldier with cannon: page 2. Microsoft/clipart Crossed Flags: http://civilwarclipart.com/Clipartgallery/2flags.gif Flags: http://civilwarclipart.com/Clipartgallery/clipart1.htm Union Colonel: “Official Military Atlas Of The Civil War.” http://civilwarclipart.com/Clipartgallery/colonel.jpg; http://civilwarclipart.com/Clipartgallery/clipart2.htm Confederate Colonel: “Official Military Atlas Of The Civil War.” http://civilwarclipart.com/Clipartgallery/ccolonel.jpg. http://civilwarclipart.com/Clipartgallery/clipart2.htm Sad Women: http://civilwarclipart.com/Clipartgallery/sadnews.gif. http://civilwarclipart.com/Clipartgallery/clipart2.htm

    20. Resources Clip Art (continued): Woman with umbrella: Tramel, Chris. 1998. Savage/Goodner Camp #1513 SCV http://tennessee-scv.org/Camp1513/ http://tennessee-scv.org/Camp1513/belle.gif Camera: “Image Provided by Classroom Clipart.” November 12, 2000. Battle Scene: http://civilwarclipart.com/Clipartgallery/battlecry.gif. http://www.civilwarclipart.com Map of America: http://www.clipartforteachers.com/guest/SOCIAL_STUDIES/Maps/Civil_War/CivilWar_L.jpg. Mythic Wave Productions, Inc. Grant and Lee at Appomattox. http://civilwarclipart.com/Clipartgallery/grant_and_lee.gif

    21. Resources Soldiers Background: http://www.angelfire.com/ca7/hypertext0verview/logo-display/2-soldiers-bg.gif Sound: Howe, Julia Ward. The Battle Hymn Of The Republic. 1862. Poetry and Music of the War Between the States. [http://civilwarpoetry.org/] (April 22, 2005). Graphic of Song Sheet Matthews, S. “Music for the Union.” c1863. "We'll Sing to Abe Our Song!": Sheet Music about Lincoln, Emancipation, and the Civil War from the Alfred Whital Stern Collection of Lincolniana. [http://memory.loc.gov/rbc/lprbscsm/scsm011/scsm0111/001q.gif] (April 22, 2005).

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