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Obesity has become the most common lifestyle disease now a days! Read here to know how a person is obese? And how to burn fat or reduce weight to live a healthy life.
Iwastalkingtoa friend recentlyandshesaidthatpeopleusuallyclickonthingsthatsay “LOSEWEIGHTNOW!!” whentheyarebrowsingthroughtheweb.Thatgotmethinking.Wow!weightisaprettybigdealandwhat’s biggerishowabysmalmostpeople’sknowledgeis onthetopic. Itsaddens metohear peoplesaying thattheywerejust born this wayor theyaresobecausetheparents wereobese. Let’s dispelall mythsandclarifyyournaggingquestions. What isobesity? That’sa questionfor theages. Obesityisdefinedmedicallyorscientificallyby sayingyou haveexcessbody fat.And tomeasurethisexcessbody fat,peopleuseBMI. BMIstands forBody MassIndex anditdivides theweight(inkg) ofa personby theheight(incm)squared.As youmightguess, the BMIis not very accurate. Togiveyouanexample,most NBAplayers
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