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STDs in Racial and Ethnic Minorities

Sexually Transmitted Disease Surveillance 2009 Division of STD Prevention. STDs in Racial and Ethnic Minorities. Chlamydia—Rates by Race/Ethnicity and Sex, United States, 2009. Rate (per 100,000 population). Men. Women. Race/ Ethnicity. 2,500. 2,000. 1,500. 1,000. 500. 0. 0. 500.

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STDs in Racial and Ethnic Minorities

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  1. Sexually Transmitted Disease Surveillance 2009 Division of STD Prevention STDs in Racial and Ethnic Minorities

  2. Chlamydia—Rates by Race/Ethnicity and Sex, United States, 2009 Rate (per 100,000 population) Men Women Race/ Ethnicity 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 0 0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 AI/AN* 323.8 1,214.9 A/PI* 72.0 221.9 Blacks 2,095.5 970.0 Hispanics 237.7 788.8 Whites 84.0 270.2 219.3 592.2 Total * AI/AN = American Indians/Alaska Natives; A/PI = Asians/Pacific Islanders.

  3. Gonorrhea—Rate Ratios* by Race/Ethnicity, United States, 2000–2009 Rate Ratio† 32:1 16:1 American Indians/Alaska Natives Asians/Pacific Islanders 8:1 Blacks Hispanics 4:1 2:1 1:1 1:2 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Year * Rate ratios are calculated as the gonorrhea rate per 100,000 population for a given racial or ethnic minority population divided by the gonorrhea rate per 100,000 population for non-Hispanic whites. Any population with a lower rate of gonorrhea than the non-Hispanic white population will have a rate ratio of less than 1:1. † Y-axis is log scale.

  4. Gonorrhea—Rates by Race/Ethnicity and Sex, United States, 2009 Rate (per 100,000 population) Men Women Race/ Ethnicity 750 600 450 300 150 0 0 150 300 450 600 750 AI/AN* 78.2 147.3 A/PI* 17.6 18.5 Blacks 555.2 557.5 Hispanics 54.5 63.0 Whites 21.5 32.8 91.9 105.5 Total * AI/AN = American Indians/Alaska Natives; A/PI = Asians/Pacific Islanders.

  5. Gonorrhea—Rate Ratios* by Race/Ethnicity and Region, United States, 2009 West Rate Ratio† Midwest 32:1 Northeast South 16:1 8:1 4:1 2:1 1:1 1:2 1:4 Blacks Hispanics A/PI‡ AI/AN‡ * Rate ratios are calculated as the gonorrhea rate per 100,000 population for a given racial or ethnic minority population divided by the gonorrhea rate per 100,000 population for non-Hispanic whites. Any population with a lower rate of gonorrhea than the non-Hispanic white population will have a rate ratio of less than 1:1. † Y-axis is log scale. ‡ A/PI = Asians/Pacific Islanders; AI/AN = American Indians/Alaska Natives.

  6. Primary and Secondary Syphilis—Rates by Race/Ethnicity and Sex, United States, 2009 Rate (per 100,000 population) Men Women Race/ Ethnicity 35 28 21 14 7 0 0 7 14 21 28 35 AI/AN* 3.9 0.9 A/PI* 3.0 0.2 Blacks 31.3 8.2 Hispanics 8.1 0.6 Whites 3.9 0.4 7.8 1.4 Total * AI/AN = American Indians/Alaska Natives; A/PI = Asians/Pacific Islanders.

  7. Primary and Secondary Syphilis—Rates Among Females Aged 15–19 Years by Race/Ethnicity, United States, 2000–2009 Rate (per 100,000 population) 20 American Indians/Alaska Natives Asians/Pacific Islanders Blacks 15 Hispanics Whites 10 5 0 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Year

  8. Primary and Secondary Syphilis—Rates Among Males Aged 15–19 Years by Race/Ethnicity, United States, 2000–2009 Rate (per 100,000 population) 30 American Indians/Alaska Natives Asians/Pacific Islanders 25 Blacks Hispanics 20 Whites 15 10 5 0 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Year

  9. Congenital Syphilis—Infants—Rates by Year of Birth and Mother’s Race/Ethnicity, United States, 2000–2009 Rate (per 100,000 live births) 60 American Indians/Alaska Natives Asians/Pacific Islanders 50 Blacks Hispanics 40 Whites 30 20 10 0 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Year NOTE: Less than 1% of cases had missing maternal race/ethnicity information and were excluded.

  10. National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD & TB Prevention Division of STD Prevention

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