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Information Age

This powerpoint presentation is for the subject GE 7 or Science Technology and Society. I sued this to my college students.

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Information Age

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  1. Specific Issues in Science, Technology, and Society Chapter III

  2. What is information?

  3. How can we acquire Information?

  4. Are we part of the information age?

  5. The Information Age • Highly modernized, automated, data-driven, and technologically advanced. • Information – knowledge communicated or obtained concerning a specific fact or circumstance. • Information Age – period starting in the last quarter of the 20th century, information became effortlessly accessible. • Also called the Digital Age and New Media Age. • Claude Shannon- Father of information age, Mathematical theory of communication.

  6. History and Emergence of IA

  7. Sumerian writing system used pictographs to represent words. 3000 BC

  8. Beginnings of Egyptian hieroglyphic writing. 2900 BC

  9. Tortoise shell and oracle bone writing were used 1300 BC

  10. Papyrus roll was used. 500 BC

  11. Chinese small seal writing was developed. 220 BC

  12. Book (parchment codex). 100 AD

  13. Woodblock printing and paper was invented by the Chinese. 100 AD

  14. History and Emergence of IA

  15. Johannes Gutenberg invented the printing press using movable metal type. 1455

  16. Samuel Johnson’s Dictionary standardize English Spelling. 1755

  17. The library of congress was established.Invention of the invention carbon arc lamp 1802

  18. Research on persistence of vision published. 1824

  19. First viable design for a digital computer. Augusta Lady Byron writes the worlds first computer program. 1830s

  20. History and Emergence of IA

  21. Invention of the telegraph in Great Britain and US 1837

  22. Motion pictures were projected onto a screen. 1861

  23. Dewey decimal system was introduced. 1877

  24. Edweard Muybridge demonstrated high speed photography. 1877

  25. First magnetic recordings were released. 1899

  26. Motion picture special effects were used. 1902

  27. Lee DeForest invented the electronic amplifying tube (triode). 1906

  28. History and Emergence of IA

  29. Television camera tube was invented by Zvorkyn. 1923

  30. 1926 First practical sound movie.

  31. History and Emergence of IA

  32. Vannevar Bush foresaw the invention of hypertext 1945

  33. Eniac Computer was developed 1946

  34. History and Emergence of IA

  35. Planar transistor was developed by Jean Hoerni 1957

  36. First integrated circuit 1958

  37. Intel introduced the first microprocessor chip 1971

  38. History and Emergence of IA

  39. Altair Microcomputer Kit was released: first personal computer for the public. 1975

  40. Radioshack introduced the first complete personal computer 1977

  41. Apple Mashintosh computer was introduced 1984

  42. History and Emergence of IA As man evolved, information and its dissemination has also evolved in many ways. We no longer kept them to ourselves.

  43. Hypercard was developed by Bill Atkinson recipe box metaphor 1987

  44. Richard Wurman term “Information Anxiety”, where it is produced by the ever widening gap between what we think we should understand. It is the blackhole between data and knowledge, and what happens when information doesn’t tell us what we want or need to know. • In the 1990s, information became the currency in the business world. • In the present, information was turned out into commodity, an overdeveloped product, mass-produced, and unspecialized.

  45. Truths of the Information Age • Information must compete. • Newer is equated with truer • Selection is a viewpoint • The medial sells what the culture buys. • The early word gets the perm • You are what you eat and so as your brain • Anything in great demand will be counterfeited • Ideas are seen as controversial • Undead information walks ever on. • Media presence create the story • The medium selects the message • The whole truth is a pursuit.

  46. COMPUTER • The most important contributions of advances in the Information Age to society. • It is an electronic device that stores and processes data (information). • It runs on a program that contains the exact, step-by-step directions to solve a problem.

  47. Types of COMPUTER • PERSONAL COMPUTER - It is a single user instrument. PCs were known as microcomputers since they were a complete computer but built on a smaller scale than the enormous systems operated by most businesses.

  48. Types of COMPUTER 2. DESKTOP COMPUTER - It is described as a PC that is not designed for portability. Set-up in a permanent spot. Most desktop offer more storage, power, and versatility than their portable versions.

  49. Types of COMPUTER 3. LAPTOPS - these are portable computers that integrate the essentials of a desktop computer in a battery powered package, which are somewhat larger than a typical hardcover book. They are commonly called as notebooks.

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